Bekhme formation, Dernir Dagh well -1 has been divided into two facies units using core
sample slides and depending on sedimentary structures and diagenetic processes .The facies
reflect the environment of the foreslope.This work proves the absence of Bekhme formation
in Dernir Dagh
Well- 1 as a tongue as reported by the Oil Exploration Company. Some species and genera of
bentonic foraminifera were identified. The age of Bekhme formation was estimated
depending on the recognized index fossils to be lower Maastrichtian.
Shiranish has been studied at Hijran section near Erbil city, NE Iraq. Fifty two thin-sections were prepared to study them under polarized microscope, to determine the petrographic component, organic content and digenetic processes. Rock units subdivided into four rock beds, as follows: dolostone, foraminiferal biomicrite, poorly washed biomicrite and micrite. Vertical succession of Shiranish Formation refers to off-shore quite marine environment.
In the region of the north of Iraq using the method of analyzing thin section microfacies to 38 of rockyslices which were gathered from a place near Aqra city. These slides are divided into seven microfacies depending on lithologcal component and fossils.
1) Dolostone facies.
2)Recrystallized bioclastic wackestone facies.
3) Bioclastic packstone microfacies
4)Sucrosic dolomite facies.
5) Bioclastic grainstone in microfacies.
According to water energy, these facies were divided to three zone:
- a) Low energy environment.
- b) Transitional zone.
- c) High energy environment.
This research had been achieved to identify the image of the subsurface structure representing the Tertiary period in the Galabat Field northeast of Iraq using 2D seismic survey measurements. Synthetic seismograms of the Galabat-3 well were generated in order to identify and pick the reflectors in seismic sections. Structural Images were drawn in the time domain and then converted to the depth domain by using average velocities. Structurally, seismic sections illustrate these reflectors are affected by two reverse faults affected on the Jeribe Formation and the layers below with the increase in the density of the reverse faults in the northern division. The structural maps show Galabat field, which consists of longitudinal Asymmetrical narr
... Show MoreShiranish Formation (Late Campanian- Maastrichtian) that cropping out north east Iraq, is studied by microfacies analysis of 52 thin section collected from Hijran Section, about 10 km west Shaqlawa Town, Governorate of Erbil. According to petrography, mineralogy and organic contents, rocks are subdivided to crystalline carbonate and microfacies units (biowackstone, packstone, and mudstone facies). Biowackstone facies have high ratio of the rock components, while the other facies have low ratio. Microfacies analysis led to relatively quiet deep marine environment.
Visualization of subsurface geology is mainly considered as the framework of the required structure to provide distribution of petrophysical properties. The geological model helps to understand the behavior of the fluid flow in the porous media that is affected by heterogeneity of the reservoir and helps in calculating the initial oil in place as well as selecting accurate new well location. In this study, a geological model is built for Qaiyarah field, tertiary reservoir, relying on well data from 48 wells, including the location of wells, formation tops and contour map. The structural model is constructed for the tertiary reservoir, which is an asymmetrical anticline consisting of two domes separated by a saddle. It is found that
... Show MoreThe study focused on the results of first paleostress from thrust fault slip data on Tertiary age of Hemrin North Structure, North of Iraq. The stress inversion was performed for fault slip data using an improved right dihedral model, and then followed by rotational optimization (Georient Software). The trend of the principal stress axes (σ1, σ2 and σ3) and the ratio of the principal stress differences (R) show the main paleostress field is NE-SW compression regime. As well as using Lisle graph and Mohr diagram to determine the magnitudes of palestress. The values paleostress of the study area were σ1=1430 bars, σ2=632 bars and σ3=166 bar. The large magnitudes of the primary stress axes could be attributed to active tecto
... Show MoreThis study presents determination of the paleostress magnitudes and orientation of Bekhme Structure in Shaqlawa area northeastern Iraq. Paleostress Analysis of slip-fault measurements is performed using Right dihedral, Lisle diagram and Mohr Circles methods. Depending on Mohr Circles, Bott law and vertical thickness, the magnitudes of the paleostress at the time of the tectonic activity were determined. Firstly, Georient Software was used to estimate the orientation of the paleostresses (σ1, σ2 and σ3). Secondly, using the rupture –friction law, taking into account depth of the overburden and the vertical stress (σv) was calculated to determine the magnitude of the paleostresses (σ1=4500 bars, σ2=1
... Show MoreThe anatomical features of leaves and stems of seven species belonging to five genera of the Papaveraceae family were studied, including: Fumaria bracteosa Pomel, 1875; Glaucium grandiflorum Boissier & A. Huet,1856; Hypecoum pendulum Linnaeus, 1753; Papaver fugax Poiret,1804; Papaver macrostomum Boissier & A. Huet, 1867; Papaver rhoeas Linnaeus, 1753 and Roemeria refracta de Candolle,1821. The results showed that the anticlinal cell walls of the adaxial surface were more thickened in P. fugax, H. pendulum, P. macrostomum and R.refracta, while it was thin in P. rhoeas. The cur
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