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A Comparative Study between Transcutaneous Bilirubinometry and Total Serum Bilirubin Measurement in Jaundiced Newborns
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Conclusions: Transcutaneous bilirubin measurements on chest and forehead have an acceptable validity in predicting hyperbilirubinemia with less accuracy on forehead.

Background: Drawing blood to measure total serum bilirubin is painful & time consuming. Transcutaneous bilirubinometer working by multiwavelength spectral reflectance from the skin surface on forehead or upper sternum is a quick & painless technique. 

Objectives: to compare the effectiveness of transcutaneous (over the upper sternum and forehead) and serum bilirubin measurement of neonate with jaundice.

Subjects and Methods: This is a cross sectional prospective study. It enrolled 175 jaundiced neonates & excluded those exposed to phototherapy. It was conducted at Child Central Teaching Hospital in Baghdad, Iraq from the 1st of August to the 30th of October 2018. Transcutaneous bilirubin measurement on forehead and upper sternum was done by JM 103 Minolta Air shields bilirubinometer. Total serum bilirubin was measured by APEL BR 501 BILIRUBIN METER. Data entered & analyzed using SPSS 20 computer software. Means, frequencies, cutoff values, sensitivity & specificity were calculated. 

Results: The mean age, gestational age & birth weight were (6.3±4.3 days), (36.9±2.1 weeks) and (2.7±0.6 Kg) respectively. Mean total serum bilirubin, transcutaneous chest & forehead bilirubin levels were 12.6±4.2 mg/dl, 11.8±3.8 mg/dl & 11.2±3.9 mg/dl respectively. Mean total serum bilirubin was significantly higher than transcutaneous chest and forehead bilirubin. Cutoff values of transcutaneous chest & forehead bilirubin levels were [(9 mg/dl) with sensitivity (95.4%) & specificity (86.4%)] and [(8.2 mg/dl) with sensitivity (94.7%) & specificity (86.4%)] respectively.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The impact of learning strategies in the collection of biology and their systemic thinking
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Research Summary The aim of the search for knowledge of the effect generative learning strategy in: 1 - Achievement of the second grade. 2 - Systemic thinking for the second grade students when studying the biology. The study sample increased (60) students distributed into two equal experimental and control groups. Prepare the test of 40 pieces of multiple choice type and prepare a test for systematic thinking according to three skills 1. Understand the relationships between the parts of the systemic form and complement the sentences given 2 - complement the relationships between parts of the systemic form 3. Building the systemic form. It was a search result 1- There is a difference of statistical significance (at level 0.05) between th

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Babylon University
Spectrophotometric Determination of Sulfamethoxazole in Pure and Pharmaceutical Preparations Based on Condensation Reaction Method
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A new, Simple, sensitive and accurate spectrophotometric methods have been developed for the determination of sulfamethoxazole (SMZ) drug in pure and dosage forms. This method based on the reaction of sulfamethoxazole (SMZ) with 1,2-napthoquinone-4-sulphonic acid (NQS) to form Nalkylamono naphthoquinone by replacement of the sulphonate group of the naphthoquinone sulphonic acid by an amino group. The colored chromogen shows absorption maximum at 460 nm. The optimum conditions of condensation reaction forms were investigated by (1) univariable method, by optimizing the effect of experimental variables (different bases, reagent concentration, borax concentration and reaction time), (2) central composite design (CCD) including the effect of

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Publication Date
Thu May 05 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Has exogenous melatonin induce histological changes in collecting tubules and ducts of rat's kidney?
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Back ground; Selective re-absorption and secretion are the functions of the collecting tubules and ducts, in addition to concentrate urine through ADH-regulated and ADH-independent water channels.Method; twenty four male rats were used, they were divided into two groups of animals: Group (A) included twelve rats of five weeks old age (before puberty) that were divided into three subgroups, four rats in each subgroup. Subgroup I was control one, subgroups II and III were treated orally with melatonin in a dose of 250 & 500 µg/kg body weights subsequently. Group (B) included twelve rats of seventeen weeks old age (after puberty) that were divided into the same subgroups and treated with the doses of melatonin as in the rats of group (

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Phenomenon of Division and Modification of The Individual Houses in Baghdad after 2003
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The Research deals with the negative phenomena which appeared in the urban scenes of the  Iraqi cities after 2003, particularly trespassing the architectural design of the urban Individual houses.  Many academic researchers , critics, and cultural circles, drawn attention to the impact of  political and cultural variable change on such phenomena  without detailed  analysis . The research problem  is set according to central questions : If the phenomena is the trespass , what
are the sides which are being trespassed  in the division of the individual house? , If the diagnosis of the phenomena denotes perceived repetition of the cases , So what's size of this transposes on the architectural design of t

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Biotechnology
Detection of E. coli and rotavirus in diarrhea among children under five years old‏
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2007
Journal Name
Nephron Clin Pract
Antiglycation and Antioxidant Effect of Carnosine against Glucose Degradation Products in Peritoneal Mesothelial Cells
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Toxicity with advanced glycation end products (AGEs) is a major problem in uremic patients. Treatment with peritoneal dialysis (PD) exacerbates AGE formation as a result of bioincompatibility of the conventional peritoneal dialysis fluid (PDF). The presence of glucose degradation products (GDPs) in PDF is the main cause of its bioincompatibility. Carnosine is an endogenous dipeptide with a powerful antiglycation/antioxidant activity. In an attempt to improve PDF biocompatibility, we evaluated the effect of carnosine in human peritoneal mesothelial cells (HPMC) incubated with PDF or GDPs in vitro. Methods: HPMC were incubated for short or prolonged time with PDF in the presence or absence of carnosine. Similarly, HPMC were incubated in the s

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Spe/iatmi Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference And Exhibition
Influence of miscible CO2 flooding on wettability and asphaltene precipitation in Indiana Lime Stone
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Carbon dioxide (CO2) flooding is an EOR technique in which carbon dioxide is injected into the reservoir to improve the oil recovery. The reservoir oil and rock properties are altered when carbon dioxide interacts with the oil and rock present in the reservoir. Carbon dioxide injection alters the oil and rock properties by causing reduction in oil viscosity, oil swelling and wettability alteration of the rock. This paper will present a proposal to study the wettability alteration in carbonate formations during miscible carbon dioxide flooding. In miscible carbon dioxide flooding, the injection pressure of carbon dioxide would be kept above the minimum miscibility pressure. Thus carbon dioxide is miscible with the oil present in the reservoi

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Low dose tadalafil effect on anthropometric and metabolic parameters in Iraqi diabetic obese men
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Background: Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitorsrestore nitric oxide (NO) signaling and may reducecirculating inflammatory markers, and improve metabolicparameters through a number of mechanisms. Dailyadministration of the PDE-5 inhibitor, tadalafil (TAD) mayattenuate inflammation; improve fasting plasma glucose andtriglyceride levels and body weight. This study aims toevaluate the efficacy of low dose PDE-5 inhibitor, tadalafil(TAD) in controlling dysglycemia and body weight in obesediabetic men.Methods: Forty obese men with type 2 diabetes aged 30-50years incorporated in this study, all with A1c of 7-8.5%,attending obesity unit in AL-Kindy college of medicine.Weight, height, BMI, FPG, A1c, cholesterol, TG, HDL andLDL measured for all

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 29 2022
Journal Name
Current Trends In Geotechnical Engineering And Construction
Automatic Co-registration of UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Urban Areas
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research - Granthaalayah
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With the advancement of modern radiotherapy technology, radiation dose and dose distribution have significantly improved. as part of Natural development, interest has recently been renewed by treatment, especially in the use of heavy charged particles, because these radiation types serve theoretical advantages in all biological and physical aspects. The interactions of alpha particle with matter were studied and the stopping powers of alpha particle with Bone Tissue were calculated by using Zeigler’s formula and SRIM software, also the Range for this particle were calculated by using Mat lab language for (0.01-1000) MeV alpha energy.