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Bilateral Giant Fibro Adenoma of Breast (Case Report)

Fibro-adenoma is the most common lesion of the breast, it occurs in25%of asymptomatic women (1,2 )
It is usually a disease of early reproductive life, the peak incidence is between the ages15 and 35 years.(3,4) It presents as firm highly mobile, non tender mass .(5)
Less than 5% of fibro-adenomas grow rapidly and display the clinical and histologic characteristics of giant fibro-adenoma which is defined as a-tumour either having a diameter greater than 5 cm. And /or amass weighing more than 500 grams, and are conventionally a benign tumor of breast.(6)
Giant fibro-adenomas appear as well-circumscribed but not encapsulated masses on mammography and solid and the texture is homogenous and hypoechoic with low level echoes on U/S. (6, 7)
It is hormone dependent that lactates during pregnancy and involutes along with the rest of the breast in perimenopause.(5)
Excessive estrogen stimulation and /or receptor sensitivity, or lack of estrogen antagonist havebeen implicated in the etiology. (2)
Giant fibro-adenoma is often confined to one breast as a solitary mass occupying part or the whole breast and in rare cases it may be multifocal and involve both breasts. (8)
Giant fibro-adenomas are benign and do not become malignant. (9)
Histological cut surfaces have a lobulated grey-white myxoid semitransparent to dens fibrous appearance, it consist of epithelial and fibrous components, the pericanalicular fibro-adenoma maintains round and oval dilated ductal spaces whereas in the intracanalicular type the ductal lumens are compressed by polypoid fibrous stroma creating slit –like irregular spaces , the ducts are lined by two layers of cells: epithelial and myoepithelial cells and under influence of hormones the ducts become hyper plastic with papillary formation and more than two layers of cells varies from myxoid and hypo cellular to fibrous and moderately cellular . (2)
Surgical treatment of giant fibroadenoma ranges from shelling the tumour out in case it occupies part of the breast, to simple mastectomy. (10) 

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of Psychological Distress in Women upon Coping with Breast Cancer: Coping with Breast Cancer

Objective(s): To determine the impact of psychological distress in women upon coping with breast cancer.

Methodology: A descriptive design is carried throughout the present study. Convenient sample of (60) woman with breast cancer is recruited from the community. Two instruments, psychological distress scale and coping scale are developed for the study. Internal consistency reliability and content validity are obtained for the study instruments. Data are collect through the application of the study instruments. Data are analyzed through the use of descriptive statistical data analysis approach and inferential statistical data analysis approach.

Results: The study findings depict that women with breast cancer have experien

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
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Romanian Neurosurgery
A giant A4-A5 distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysm treated with microsurgical clip reconstruction

Background. Aneurysms of the distal anterior cerebral artery (DACA) are uncommon; they often form near the pericallosal-callosomarginal junction and are typically small. To our knowledge, giant DACA aneurysms developing from the more distant parts of the anterior cerebral artery (ACA), A4-5, have been described only once in the literature. Case description. A 66-year-old gentleman reported with a brief loss of consciousness followed by weakness in his right lower leg. The patient was admitted with a Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) of 15. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the head revealed a left hyperdense mass in the frontal parasagittal supracallosal region. Contrast MRI revealed a heterogeneously enhancing mass measuring 35x30x25 mm. C

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
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Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
The First Patient Report of Tongue Abscess Among Iraqi Population

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
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College Of Islamic Sciences
The sayings of the Scotty report in the six books

The study of this topic is not to underestimate the previous studies but to the great importance of the Sunnis of the report. The reasoning of the Hadiths of the report is a kind of invisibility in that the significance is not a phenomenon such as the emergence of reasoning in the words of words and deeds. With the introduction of all types of Sunnah and protest, there is no difference between them, and that the Sunnis argument like other Sunnah. What we will see in the research.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Breast Feeding and Mothers Employment

Background: An important factor influencing duration of breastfeeding is mother’s employment status. The nutritional, immunological, psychological and economic benefits of breastfeeding are well documented. Both UNICEF and the World Health Organization recommend mothers should breastfeed exclusively for at least 6 months.
Objectives: To determine how the employment and the employment variables (type of work, time of return to work and hours of work) influence the breast feeding practices.
Methods: A cross- sectional study was carried out on a sample of 200 employed mothers who had their last child been completed at least tow years. Data were collected using a questionnaire form. It was carried out during the period from 1st of Ap

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Automated breast ultrasound: A comparison study with handheld ultrasound in detection and characterization of lesions in mammographically dense breast

Background: Although mammography is a powerful screening tool in detection of early breast cancer, it is imperfect, particularly for women with dense breast, which have a higher risk to develop cancer and decrease the sensitivity of mammogram, Automated breast ultrasound is a recently introduced ultrasonography technique, developed with the purpose to standardize breast ultrasonography and overcome some limitations of handheld ultrasound, this study aims to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of Automated breast ultrasound and compare it with handheld ultrasound in the detection and characterization of breast lesions in women with dense breasts.


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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
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Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Immunohistochemical expression of D2-40, VEGF and PCNA as biological markers of lymphangiogenesis, angiogenesis and proliferation in pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland origin

Background: Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign salivary gland tumor and shows a pronounced morphological complexity and diversity; for this The immunoprofiles and clinical course of PA differed according to cellular differentiation. Therefore, it is important to assess potential biomarkers in diagnostic and therapeutic trials. This study evaluates the immunohistochemical expression of D2-40, VEGF and PCNA as markers of lymphangiogenesis, angiogenesis and proliferation of PA and their correlation with clinicpathological parameters and with each other. Materials and Methods: Twenty five formalin – fixed, paraffin – embedded tissue blocks were included in this study. After histopathological reassessment of haematoxylin & eosin

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 17 2024
Journal Name
South Eastern European Journal Of Public Health
Evaluation of Lifestyle for Women with Breast Cancer

Introduction: Breast cancer is a significant global health concern, affecting millions of women worldwide. While advancements in diagnosis and treatment have improved survival rates, the impact of this disease extends beyond physical health. It also significantly influences a woman's lifestyle and overall well-being. Objectives: The current study intends to analyze the lifestyle of breast cancer patients who are receiving therapy or are being followed up at the Oncology Teaching Hospital in Medical City, Baghdad, Iraq. Method: The present study uses a descriptive design with an application of an evaluation approach. A convenience sample of 100 women with breast cancer was selected from the Teaching Oncology Hospital at the Medical C

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 25 2021
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Natural Resources Research
Effect of Water Flooding on Oil Reservoir Permeability: Saturation Index Prediction Model for Giant Oil Reservoirs, Southern Iraq

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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Philosophy of Precognitive Dream in the American Film (Minority Report - a Model)

When we talk about the foresight in films, it is necessary to talk about dreams because foresight represents one of its distinct types. The Precognitive vision has become a possible material in dealing with as subjects in the film industry that adopt these ideas with their philosophical and scientific orientations, because they represent the imagination that predictors are specialized with. It can be invested through the introduction of a vision of another kind to achieve its goals and ambitions in the film industry and in particular the huge institutions of production as in Hollywood. The cinema works in the light of those concepts of production which found the prognostic dream (the foresight) as a distinctive genre in its films,

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