Fibro-adenoma is the most common lesion of the breast, it occurs in25%of asymptomatic women (1,2 )
It is usually a disease of early reproductive life, the peak incidence is between the ages15 and 35 years.(3,4) It presents as firm highly mobile, non tender mass .(5)
Less than 5% of fibro-adenomas grow rapidly and display the clinical and histologic characteristics of giant fibro-adenoma which is defined as a-tumour either having a diameter greater than 5 cm. And /or amass weighing more than 500 grams, and are conventionally a benign tumor of breast.(6)
Giant fibro-adenomas appear as well-circumscribed but not encapsulated masses on mammography and solid and the texture is homogenous and hypoechoic with low level echoes on U/S. (6, 7)
It is hormone dependent that lactates during pregnancy and involutes along with the rest of the breast in perimenopause.(5)
Excessive estrogen stimulation and /or receptor sensitivity, or lack of estrogen antagonist havebeen implicated in the etiology. (2)
Giant fibro-adenoma is often confined to one breast as a solitary mass occupying part or the whole breast and in rare cases it may be multifocal and involve both breasts. (8)
Giant fibro-adenomas are benign and do not become malignant. (9)
Histological cut surfaces have a lobulated grey-white myxoid semitransparent to dens fibrous appearance, it consist of epithelial and fibrous components, the pericanalicular fibro-adenoma maintains round and oval dilated ductal spaces whereas in the intracanalicular type the ductal lumens are compressed by polypoid fibrous stroma creating slit –like irregular spaces , the ducts are lined by two layers of cells: epithelial and myoepithelial cells and under influence of hormones the ducts become hyper plastic with papillary formation and more than two layers of cells varies from myxoid and hypo cellular to fibrous and moderately cellular . (2)
Surgical treatment of giant fibroadenoma ranges from shelling the tumour out in case it occupies part of the breast, to simple mastectomy. (10)
Congenital absence of anterior cruciate ligament is highly uncommon occurrence. It has since been documented as a standalone anatomical entity or, more frequently, in conjunction with other congenital anomalies. Surgical treatment for this patient population has only been reported in very few cases. In this article, we share our experience in managing a case of unilateral congenital deficiency of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in a 13 years old female patient by physeal sparing arthroscopic ACL reconstruction, using All-inside technique.
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of fibroblast growth factor-2 and Heparanase in salivary pleomorphic adenoma, and to correlate the two studied markers with each other and with clinicopathological parameters including: age, sex, tumor site and histopathological presentation. Methods: Sections of twenty five formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissue blocks specimens of salivary pleomorphic adenoma were immunostained using monoclonal antibodies (Fibroblast growth factor-2 and Heparanase) to assess their expression in this tumor. Results: The expression of fibroblast growth factor-2 and Heparanase were positive in all pleomorphic adenoma cases (100%). The positive expression of fibroblast growth factor-2 was signi
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Background: Giant middle cerebral artery (MCA) aneurysms are surgically challenging lesions. Because of the complexity and variability of these aneurysms, a customized surgical technique is often needed for each case. In this article, we present a modified clip reconstruction technique of a ruptured complex giant partially thrombosed middle cerebral artery aneurysm.
Case description: The aneurysm was exposed using the pterional approach. Following proximal control, the aneurysm sac was decompressed. Then, we applied permanent clips to reconstruct the aneurysm neck. The configuration of the aneurysm mandated a tailored clipping pattern to account for resi
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