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The Eff ffectt off Septtopllastty on IInfferr iiorr Turrbiinatte Siize
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Bac kground:: Septal deviation is one of the commonest anatomical deformities of the nasal skeleton, this deviation is usually accompanied by compensatory hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate on the concave side that will accentuate the severity of nasal obstruction.
Objectives: To evaluate the effect of septoplasty on the size of the inferior turbinate in patients with nasal septum deviation.
Methods: This is a prospective study of 25 patients attending the otolaryngological department at Al-Jirahat teaching hospital from September 2011 to November 2013, complaining mainly of nasal obstruction. Otolaryngological examination had shown nasal septum deviation. The cross sectional areas of inferior turbinates were measured with computed tomography preoperatively & one year postoperatively. All the patients were treated by septoplasty alone without inferior turbinate surgery. Res ull tts :: The cross-sectional areas of inferior turbinates on the concave side were significantly decreased after 1 year of septoplasty, & significantly increased on the convex side. Conc llus iions :: Septoplasty alone without turbinate surgery in patients with nasal septum deviation & compensatory inferior turbinate hypertrophy may be effective in reversing the size of inferior turbinate.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Sttudy off Facttorrs Associiatted wii tth Chii lldhood Nephrrott iic Syndrrome,, Frrequentt Rellapsiing and IInff rrequentt Rellapsiing Type
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n each relapse. Objjec tt iiv es :: To sttudy diifffferentt ffacttors whiich miightt be associiatted or lleadiing tto
tthe occurrence off rellapse iin nephrottiic syndrome
Metthods:: A retrospective study of seventy patients with nephrotic syndrome with age range of 1-14 years, who were diagnosed and treated in Child's Central Teaching Hospital over the period of 1st of January and 1st of July 2008.
The patients were divided into three groups; frequent relapses group, infrequent relapses group and undetermined group. We compared between frequent relapses group and infrequent relapses group in regard to age, sex, type of presentation, biochemical findings which include; total serum protein, serum albumin and renal function test,

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 22 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitudes and Experience of off-label Drug Prescribing Practice among Physicians in Baghdad City Hospitals
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The present study aims to assess the knowledge, attitude, and experience of off-label prescribing practice among physicians in Baghdad city hospitals. This cross-sectional study was performed through the period from November 1st 2018 to March 2019 at 17 hospitals, a self-administered questionnaire was utilized to collect data from the physicians, and the targeted hospitals were randomly selected at different regions in Baghdad City area. Out of the 400 distributed questionnaires to the physicians, 383 of them were returned completed, 57.2% indicated that they were reasonably familiar with the term “off label drug”, 57.7% mentioned that the most common medical reasons for the prescribing o

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Managementt o f non traumatic A vascular Necrosis off Femoral Head at precollapse stage with Core Decompression and tibial Bone Grafting
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 Avascular necrosis have always presented great challenges to orthopedic surgeons and patients, remain in many ways today the unsolved dilemma. Varieties of non-vascularized bone grafting techniques preceded by core decompression have been proposed with varying degrees of success. O bb j ee cc t i vv ee ss : The aim of this study is to review the the value of core decompression and non-vascularized tibial bone strip graft treatment for early stages of non-traumatic osteonecrosis stage II & III according to stein burg staging . M ee t hh oo dd ss : prospectively reviewed 26 patients (32 hips) with osteonecrosis of the femoral head between June 2006 and December 2013 at Imam Ali hospital in Sader city & Al-Wasity teaching hosp

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Oncology And Radiotherapy
The Effect of Green Low Laser (LLL) on the white blood cells on platelet on people on brain and prostate cancer
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The effect of Low-Level Laser (LLL) provided by green semiconductor laser with an emission wavelength of 532 nm on of human blood of people with brain and prostate cancer has been investigated. The effect of LLL on white blood cell (WBC), NEUT, LYMPH and MONO have been considered. Platelet count (PLT) has also been considered in this work. 2 ml of blood sample were irradiating by a green laser of the dose of 4.8 J/cm2. The results suggest a potential effect of LLL on WBC, PLT, NEUT, LYMPH, and MONO of people with brain and prostate cancer Key words: white blood cell , platelet , low-level laser therapy

Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
The role of e-Government on corruption and its impact on the financial performance of the government: An empirical analysis on the Iraqi government
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This study aimed to provide a conceptual model for the use and benefits of the e-Government as related to administrative fraud and financial corruption. The study also looked into their concepts, forms, dimensions and types and the role of e-Government on fraud reduction, corruption in administration and finance and its impact on the government performance. From the result, it is revealed that there is need for electronic government for implementation in order to curb the rate of fraud and administrative and financial corruption and improve the quality of service provision for better performance

Scopus (14)
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 1999
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad
On the Equiconvergence Theorem
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Intellectual Capital And Its Revenues On The Investment Applied Research On Sample of Banks Listed on In The Iraq Stocks Exchange
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      The changes that happened in the environment of  business have great effects upon organizations with different activities specially the banks  which requires the existence of an able opinion  resources can adapt with the changes . Accordingly importance put upon  intellectual  capital which become one of the basic resources for organizations and one of success and growth elements with the availability of expertise , skills and capability of making  essential changes in different process due to the presentation of innovations and creations of the to support banks activities .Therefore the intellectual  capital represents the more r

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of Nitrofurantoin on liver on Albino mice
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the current study Included, evaluation the impact of Nitrofurantoin drug on liver in albino mice, 128 male albino mice have been used . Animals treared with (150,200 Mg/Kg) for 8 weeks . NFI caused histological changes in liver represented by , swelling of hepatocytes, disappearance of radial arrangement , vaculation of liver cells , increasing of kupffer cells and appearance of giant cells. NFT caused Congestion of blood vessels and infiltration of inflammatory cells in liver in all used concentrations.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
The impact of the Corona pandemic on the financial performance of companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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This research aims to demonstrate the nature and concept of the Corona pandemic, its implications for the global economy, and the management and performance of companies in particular. Additionally, the research intends to measure the impact of the Corona pandemic on companies' financial performance. Listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange, which has finished compiling its year-end financial statements for 2019-2020. The investigation arrived at several findings, the most significant of which was that most businesses were not prepared for such a crisis technologically or to develop human resources to deal with this pandemic. In addition, most companies experienced a decrease in their financial performance as a direct result of the Corona pandemi

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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Investigations on the Impact of Using Elliptic Groynes on the Flow in Open Channels
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This paper presents a numerical simulation of the flow around elliptic groynes by using CFD ‎software. The flow was simulated in a flume with 4m long, 0.4m wide, ‎and 0.175m ‎high ‎‎with a constant bed slope. Moreover, the first Groyne placed at 1m from the flow ‎‎inlet with a ‎constant the Groyne height of 10cm and a 1cm thickness, and the ‎width of Groynes equals ‎7cm‎. A submergence ratio of the elliptic Groynes of 75% was assumed, corresponding to a discharge of ‎0.0057‎m3/sec. The CFD ‎model showed a good ability to simulate the flow ‎around ‎Groynes with ‎ good accuracy. The results of ‎CFD software showed that when using double elliptic Groy

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