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Ultrasound assessment of normal splenic length and spleen to left kidney ratio in sample of Iraqi population
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Background: Spleen is a hemopoietic organ which is capable of supporting elements of different systems. It is affected by several groups of diseases; inflammatory, hematopoietic, reticuloendothelial proliferation, portal hypertension and storage diseases. Ultrasound (US) may detect mild splenomegaly before it is clinically palpable. Knowledge of the normal range of spleen size in the population being examined is a prerequisite. Racial differences in splenic length could result in incorrect interpretation of splenic measurements and such differences would make it difficult to standardize expected splenic length and to determine non- palpable splenic enlargement.Objectives: To measure the normal values of splenic lengthin Iraqi subjects and compare the results with western,Chinese and Jordanian data; to determine whether there is aconstant ratio of the length of the spleen to the left kidney,which could be used to diagnose splenomegaly withoutreference to a nomogram.Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted among a total of 280 subjects ranging in age from birth to 20 years (159 males and 121 females). US was used to measure maximum splenic and left kidney lengths to obtain normal values for splenic length and to determine spleen to left kidney ratio. The subjects were divided into the same age groups as those used by other similar international studies in order that comparisons with their results could be made.Results: Splenic lengths in Iraqi subjects are similar to those in American, Chinese and Jordanian subjects up to the age of 15 years. The spleen to left kidney ratio is strikingly constant with a mean value of 1. Using 2 SD above the mean as a guide, the upper limit of normal for spleen to left kidney ratio is 1.25.Conclusion: Splenomegaly should be suspected in children if the spleen is more than 1.25 times longer than the adjacent kidney.Key words: Spleen, subjects, ultrasound

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role Of Quality Management In Enhancing The Efficiency And Effectiveness Of Settling Accounts Tax(Empirical Study You Jordan Income &Sales Tax Department
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This research aims to investigate the role of quality management in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of settling accounts tax in terms of achieving satisfaction in charge of the hand and the increase of tax revenue on the other hand, by testing the main hypothesis of the study and the sub-hypotheses in the Income and Sales Tax Department in Jordan for the period 2000-20

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 11 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
The effect of the maximum physical effort on some physiological variables, body components and achievement level in the effectiveness of air rifle shooting
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The job that confronts players with the effectiveness of shooting with an air rifle is high, so it requires necessary functional adaptations that differ in their degrees from other sports. Regular training in air rifle shooting leads to physiological changes in most of the body's internal systems, and changes and responses can be identified. The functional accompanying physical activity through the presence of body components that reflect these physiological changes in the form of changes in some components, and the importance of research lies in studying the physiological changes accompanying the maximum physical effort and the consequent development of the level of achievement in the effectiveness of shooting with air rifle and body

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 11 2022
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Chemical Papers
Surface tensiometry study of the interfacial phenomena in the mixed surfactant solutions of sodium di-2-ethylhexylsulfosuccinate (AOT) and hexadecyl benzylammonium chloride (HDBAC)
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
ההשפעה והשענוע בנאום הפוליטי של שמעון פרס עיון פרגמטי בדוגמאות נבחרות מנאומיו Effect and Persuasion in the Political Discourse of Shimon Peres A Pragmatic Study in Selected form of His Addresses
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במחקר הזה ניתחנו מספר נאומים של שמעון פרס, אנחנו התמקדנו בהשפעה והשכנוע אצל שמעון פרס ואיך הוא יכול להעביר את המסרים של נאומיו בסגנון פרגמטי כדי להגיע ללבו של הציבור.

 גם כן, התמקדנו בסגנון הפוליטי שהוא חושב כי התחום הזה צריך להיות ברור מול הציבור וגם כן מול דעת הקהל הבינלאומי מתוך השימוש במונחים בעלי השפעה ושכנוע להגיע למטרות המבוקשות.

 במלים אחרות, שמעון פרס, לעתים, מתמקד בשפה מליצית ויעמוד הרב

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Computer Sciences
Connectedness in Graphs and Gm-Closure Spaces
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This paper is devoted to the discussion the relationships of connectedness between some types of graphs (resp. digraph) and Gm-closure spaces by using graph closure operators.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
2016 International Conference On Computing, Networking And Communications (icnc)
Connectivity and rendezvous in distributed DSA networks
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In this paper, we use concepts and results from percolation theory to investigate and characterize the effects of multi-channels on the connectivity of Dynamic Spectrum Access networks. In particular, we focus on the scenario where the secondary nodes have plenty of vacant channels to choose from-a phenomenon which we define as channel abundance. To cope with the existence of multi-channels, we use two types of rendezvous protocols: naive ones which do not guarantee a common channel and advanced ones which do. We show that, with more channel abundance, even with the use of either type of rendezvous protocol, it becomes difficult for two nodes to agree on a common channel, thereby potentially remaining invisible to each other. We model this

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jul 07 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research & Developments
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Diesel generators is widely used in Iraq for the purpose of maintaining electric power demand. Large number of operators engaged in this work encounters high level of noise generated by back pack type diesel generators used for this purpose. High level of noise exposure gives different kinds of ill effect on human operators. Exact nature of deteriorated work performance is not known., in present research , quastionaire was adsministered 86 repondents in Baghdad city were exposured to wide range of noise level (80-110) dB(A) with different ages and they have different skill discretion levels. Noise levels A-weigthed decibles dB(A) were measured over 8 weeks two times aday during the 2019 summer using a sound level meter.For predicting the wo

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research And Developments
Noise effects in skill discretion and modeling
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Diesel generators is widely used in Iraq for the purpose of maintaining electric power demand. Large number of operators engaged in this work encounters high level of noise generated by back pack type diesel generators used for this purpose. High level of noise exposure gives different kinds of ill effect on human operators. Exact nature of deteriorated work performance is not known., in present research , quastionaire was adsministered 86 repondents in Baghdad city were exposured to wide range of noise level (80-110) dB(A) with different ages and they have different skill discretion levels. Noise levels A-weigthed decibles dB(A) were measured over 8 weeks two times aday during the 2019 summer using a sound level meter.For predicting the wo

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 28 2024
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Hijab and Burqa in Islamic Fashion System
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
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Knowledge And Awareness Towards Cryptosporidiosis In Baghdad
Knowledge and awareness towards Cryptosporidiosis in Baghdad
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Knowledge and awareness towards cryptosporidiosis were assessed in this study during the period from April 2009 till June 2011, among 188 person of both gender which were divided in different groups and sub groups as following Group 1: include 48 physician from different hospitals and primary health care centers in Baghdad this group were sub divided into 30 Specialist doctors and 18 General practitioners doctors. Group 2 : include 45 teaching staff member from Biology department , Biotechnology department in University of Baghdad and AL-Nahrain University as well as teaching staff member from the college of medicine – University of Baghdad and University of Mustansiryah, this group were sub divided into 9 Ph.D and 36 M.Sc. + B.Sc. me

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