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Leptin and Insulin Resistance in Obese Children

Background: Insulin resistance (IR) is the primary metabolic disorder associated with obesity. Obesity is a growing worldwide health problem affecting both adults and children. Objectives: To determine the association between leptin and IR, and to identify the ratio of fasting glucose/leptin (G/L) and insulin/leptin (I/L) as a new simple method for the detection of IR in obese children.Methods: This study was done in the National DiabeticCenter/ AL-Mustansiriya University during the period fromMay 2013 until the end of October 2013. Fasting bloodglucose (FBG), serum insulin, leptin, and lipid profile weremeasured in 52 obese children (24 children with IR and 28without IR); their age range was (5-15) years, they werecompared with 38 healthy children as a control group.Results: Means of FBG, insulin, leptin, total cholesterol(TC), triacylglycerol (TAG), low density lipoproteincholesterol (LDL-C), and non high density lipoproteincholesterol (non HDL-C) were significantly increased inobese children with IR as compared in children without IR,(P<0.05), while there was a significant decrease in serumlevel of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) inobese children with IR when compared with obese childrenwithout IR, (P=0.001). There was a decrease in the ratio ofG/L and an increase in the ratio of I/L in obese children withIR, but it was not significant. A significant positivecorrelation was found between serum leptin verse bodymass index (BMI), FBG, insulin, homeostasis modelassessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), I/L ratio, TC,TAG, LDL-C, and non HDL-C, while a significant negativecorrelation was found between serum leptin and HDL-C inobese children with IR.Conclusions: The present results showed that serum leptinis correlated with BMI, FBG, insulin, HOMA-IR, I/L ratio, TC,TAG, LDL-C, and non HDL-C in obese children with IR. TheG/L ratio can be used in addition to me /L ratio, and HOMAto accurately assess IR in obese children

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Efficacy of atorvastatin in treatment of Iraqi obese patients with hypercholesterolemia

ABSTRACTBackground: dyslipidemia plays a crucial rule in the development of cardiovascular disease, which has become the leading cause of death in most developed countries as well as in developing countries (1). The effects of reducing low density lipoprotein – C (LDL-C) concentrations on the prevention of cardiovascular events and stroke have been well reported in many clinical trials.Objectives: Evidence supports the use of statins for lipid modifications in the primary prevention of coronary artery disease, morbidity and mortality. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of atorvastatin in treating dyslipidemia in Iraqi obese patients.Methods: 200 overweight and obese patients with hypercholesterolemia, according to NCEP ATP

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 26 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Correlation Between Serum Interleukinslevels with Anthropometric Data and Lipid Profiles in Obese Iraqi Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

This study was performed to assess the correlation of serum interleukins (ILs) levels with anthropometric data and lipid profile status in blood samples obtained from 100 Iraqi obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS. Obese non PCOS healthy women (n=75) matching in age (19-38 years) and body mass index(29.9-33.4kg/m2) served as a control group. The samples were collected from Kamal Al-Samurai Teaching hospital during the period of December 2017- June 2018.ELISA kits were used to measure serum levels of IL-6,IL-10,IL-18, IL-29,IL-33,tumor necrotic factor (TNF-α),high sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP),  insulin, total testosterone, and sex hormone binding globulin(SHBG).The biochemical measure

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of s-Klotho Protein, GPX, Visfatin, Leptin and ROS of Iraqi Women with Breast Cancer

     The most prevalent cancer is breast cancer, and the incidence of breast cancer in women worldwide is increasing at a remarkably rapid rate. This study was conducted on 90 samples (45 newly diagnosed breast cancer samples and 45 control group samples), ranging in age from 35 to 70 years. Blood samples were collected from the Alawia Teaching Hospital and the Oncology Teaching Hospital between October 2020 and March 2021. ELISA assessed ROS, GPX, visfatin, IGF-1, vitamin A, leptin, and soluble al-Klotho. The results indicate that the breast cancer patients had significantly higher (ROS 3.57, visfatin 17.44) (ng/mL) (p<0.0001) and leptin 16.11 (ng/mL). In the group of patients, there was a significant increase (p<0.004) compar

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,
Role of CoQ10 and IGFBP-1 in Obese Male Patients with Diabetic Mellitus Type II

Study the role of CoQ10 and IGFBP-1 in obese male patients with diabetic mellitus type 2. ELISA method was used to assay Serum CoQ10 and IGFBP-1. Blood was taken with drawn sample from 30 obese normal patients with age range (40-60) years, 30 diabetic patients with age range (40-60) years at duration of disease (1-5) years and 30 normal healthy patients. The mean difference between T2DM according to CoQ10 (12.5±1.1) was decreased than the mean of IFG (21.8±3.2) (P 0.002) and the mean difference between T2DM according to IGFBPs (0.65±0.06) was decreased than the mean of IFG (3.2±0.3) (P 0.000). While no significant difference between mean age of DM2 patients (55.5±1.06), and IFG (55.6±0.9) (p 0.90), no significant difference bet

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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of melatonin supplementation on the gingival health and lipid profiles in obese periodontitis patients

Background: Obesity increases the host’s susceptibility by modulating the immune and inflammatory systems in a manner that predisposes to inflammatory tissue destruction and leaves an individual at greater risk of periodontitis. Melatonin is a pineal secretory product involved in numerous actions, such as regulation of internal biological clocks and energy metabolism, and it functions as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. There exists a substantial amount of evidence supporting the beneficial effect of melatonin supplementation on obesity and its complications. Aim of the study: To investigate the effects of systemic melatonin intake on periodontal health status and lipid profiles in obese periodontitis patients. Subjects and met

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Scopus (2)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Weight loss program outcome of obese attending AL-Kindy obesity research and therapy unit

Background: overweight and obesity are the fifth leadingrisk for global deaths. At least 2.8 million adults die eachyear as a result of being overweight or obese. Numerousstudies show that weight loss, even if only 5-10%,significantly improves dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetesmellitus, risk for osteoarthritis and its symptoms and risk forselected cancers.Objectives: is to evaluate the effect of diet and exerciseprogram on anthropometric and biochemical status of adultobese patients.Methods: descriptive study. 124 adult obese patientsattending Al Kindy obesity research and therapy unit duringDecember 2012 were included. Measurement of Wt, heightHt and WC performed and BMI was calculated. Laboratorytest analysis, on the fasting state, w

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection


The multi-drug resistant efflux pump is a glycoprotein pump whose function is to push foreign substances. The efflux pump is found in humans, animals. It also has wide-ranging properties in  bacteria and fungi. They are found in all species of bacteria, and efflux pump genes can be found in bacterial chromosomes or mobile genetic elements, such as plasmids. The most sensitive function that leads to a global problem is its resistance to antibiotics in bacterial cells, which increases the ability to bacteria from becoming strong virulence factors that most or all antibiotics cannot kill. It also has othe

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Anti Obesity and Lipid - Lowering Effect of Lactobacillus Spp. as Probiotic on the Obese Rat.

The effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casi
and Lactobacillus rhomunas on the body weight and lipid metabolism on obese rats
were evaluated. In the body weight, the results showed significant deference
between rat groups, the group that consumed 3 probiotic strains showed reduction in
the body weight with ratio 16.63% while the group consumed 2 probiotic strains
showed decreasing with ratio 17.62% compared with control group which increased
in the body weight.In the effeci of probiotics on lipid metabolisim the results
showed significant deference between rat groups, the group that consumed 3
probiotic strains showed decreasing in the cholesterol with ratio 50.7%, triglyce

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Methicillin resistance and enterotoxigenicity of Staphylococci isolated from milk and white cheese in Iraq

Two hundred staphylococcal isolates isolated from milk and white cheese samples, which were collected from local markets in Baghdad. The predominant species was Staphylococcus aureus 97 isolates (48.5%), followed by S.chromogenes 82 (41%) and 21 (10.5%) S.epidermidis isolates. The pattern of antibiotic susceptibility of Coagulase Positive Staphylococci (COPS) and Coagulase Negative Staphylococci (CONS) isolates to 3 antibiotics (Methicillin, Tetracyclin and Vancomycin) was determined using disc diffusion method; the results revealed that 80 S. aureus isolates (82.47%) found to be methicillin resistant (MRSA) while 8 isolates (8.24%) were vancomycin resistant (VRSA) and 18 S. aureus isolates (18.5%) resist tetracycline antibiotic. Sixty f

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of a Ketogenic Diet on Some Biochemical Parameters in Obese People

     This study examined the effects of a few biochemical variables on obese Iraqi males and females with a 30.5 body mass index (BMI) when they were fed a ketogenic diet. The present study demonstrates how an individual who follows a ketogenic diet has an increase in low-density lipoprotein (LDL-cholesterol). This research's objective was to assess the levels of some biochemical variables in obese people who were eating a ketogenic diet. Following 35 days on a ketogenic diet, the results show a significantly higher P ≤ 0.05 level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and total cholesterol (TC). Additionally, insulin, fasting blood sugar (FBS), cortisol, HOMA-IR, urea, BMI, and creatinine all show a considerable reduction, P ≤

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