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Asprosin Role for Obese Male Patients with Diabetic Mellitus Type II
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Hormones, their receptors, and the associated signaling pathways make compelling drug targets because of their wide-ranging biological significance to study the role of asprosin in obese male patients with diabetic mellitus type II. ELISA method was used to assay asprosin and insulin. Blood was taken with drawn sample from 30 obese normal patients with age range (40-60) years, 30 diabetic patients with age range (40-60) years at duration of disease (1-5) years and 30 normal healthy patients. The mean difference between T2DM according to insulin % (23.8±0.6) was increased than the mean of IFG (17.7±1.0) (P 0.000). The mean difference between T2DM according to asprosin (122.1±21.8) was increased than the mean of IFG (51.4±2.7) (P 0.000).the mean differences between DM2 and IFG cases in different weight groups (Ob., Ow. and Nw) according to insulin was studied, the results showed that, there were significant differences in DM and IFG obese groups (G1 and G2) according to insulin (24.18±1.13, 15.56±0.66) P (0.00), however, there were significant differences between DM and IFG in Normal weight groups (G5 and G6) according to insulin (19.98±0.93, 11.12) P (0.00), while no significant differences between DM and IFG in Over weight groups (G3 and G4) according to insulin (27.22±0.34,28.56±1.59) P (0.42).The mean differences between diabetic mellitus type 2 and impaired fasting glucose cases in different weight groups (obese, over weight and normal weight) according to Asprosin were shown in Table (3), Figure (). The results showed that, there were significant differences between DM and IFG in obese groups (G1 and G2) according to Asprosin (307.42±8.4, 66.3±2.2) P (0.00), However, there were significant differences between DM and IFG in overweight groups (G3 and G4) according to Asprosin (28.3±0.5, 51.7±3.2) P (0.00) In addition to that, there were significant differences between DM and IFG in normal weight groups (G5 and G6) according to Asprosin (30.5±1.7, 21.2±1.6)

Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,
Role of CoQ10 and IGFBP-1 in Obese Male Patients with Diabetic Mellitus Type II
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Study the role of CoQ10 and IGFBP-1 in obese male patients with diabetic mellitus type 2. ELISA method was used to assay Serum CoQ10 and IGFBP-1. Blood was taken with drawn sample from 30 obese normal patients with age range (40-60) years, 30 diabetic patients with age range (40-60) years at duration of disease (1-5) years and 30 normal healthy patients. The mean difference between T2DM according to CoQ10 (12.5±1.1) was decreased than the mean of IFG (21.8±3.2) (P 0.002) and the mean difference between T2DM according to IGFBPs (0.65±0.06) was decreased than the mean of IFG (3.2±0.3) (P 0.000). While no significant difference between mean age of DM2 patients (55.5±1.06), and IFG (55.6±0.9) (p 0.90), no significant difference bet

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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Regulation of HbA1c of uncontrolled diabetic type II obese and normal weight patients by oral hygiene performance (Comparative study)
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Background: The association between periodontal diseases incidence and development and the metabolic diseases as Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity are recently have attract great deal of researchers attention and investigation. The periodontal health proved to reduce the systemic inflammatory reactions and positively improve the glycemic control of diabetes Type2 patients. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of oral hygiene control on the glycemic control of obese and normal weight moderately controlled Diabetic Type 2 patients, in addition to study the association of obesity with the gingival inflammation. Materials and Methods: Cross sectional study of three months duration. Included 30 moderately controlled diabetic type2 p

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimation of Apelin Levels in Iraqi Patients with Type II Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
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Diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) is a chronic and progressive condition, which affects people all around the world. The risk of complications increases with age if the disease is not managed properly. Diabetic neuropathy is caused by excessive blood glucose and lipid levels, resulting in nerve damage. Apelin is a peptide hormone that is found in different human organs, including the central nervous system and adipose tissue. The aim of this study is to estimate Apelin levels in diabetes type 2 and Diabetic peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) Iraqi patients and show the extent of peripheral nerve damage. The current study included 120 participants: 40 patients with Diabetes Mellitus, 40 patients with Diabetic peripheral Neuropathy, and 40 healthy

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Scopus (5)
Crossref (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Quality of Life of Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Al- Hilla City-Iraq
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Diabetes mellitus is a global problem nowadays due to increase the disease cases all over the world, in both the developed and developing countries which may affect the quality of life (QOL ) of diabetic patients. This study was conducted to assess the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and to determine some selected clinical and sociodemographic factors that affect the quality of life of these patients in Al Hila city-Iraq. This was a cross sectional study in which 100 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus attending diabetic outpatient clinics of Merjan Teaching Hospital-Al Hila. To assess the quality of life of those diabetic patients, the World Health Organizations Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL) was a

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Awareness Regarding Diabetes Mellitus and Its' Complications in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
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Background: Various studies conducted in many parts of the world suggest that there is lack of public awareness and knowledge of various aspects related to diabetes. With proper education, awareness, earlier detection and better care, many complications and co-morbidities can be reduced in diabetic population.Objectives: to evaluate the level of awareness of diabetes mellitus type 2 patients regarding their disease and its' complications.Methods: Cross – sectional survey was conducted during November and December 2011, in the Medical centers of Al Baladiat, Mustansyria and Zuafranya, including 145 type 2 diabetic patients (58.6 % males, 41.4% females) who were subjected to self–structured questionnaires regarding different aspects of

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study ABO / Rh Systems with IL-18 & IL-33 in Iraqi Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type II
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Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic disorder disease. The inflammatory markers act as a new risk factor for development of type 2 diabetes with a possible association with ABO/Rh blood groups. Human ABO genes are located on chromosome 9q34.1-q34.2. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible association between inflammatory markers, interleukin (IL) -18 and IL-33 in type 2DM and ABO blood groups. Sixty four patients with newly diagnosed type2 DM and control group consist of twenty healthy Iraqi individual. Laboratory test were include ABO blood groups using standard serological procedures and detection IL-18 and IL-33 in serum by ELISA kits. The Present data showed a significant increase i

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
C-Reactive Protein and Cholesterol level In Male Type 2 Diabetic Patients.
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Elevated C-Reactive Protein (CRP) level in serum is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes ,this relationship is likely to be the cause it means elevated CRP leads to T2D in future . Our objective was to examine CRP in male Type 2 Diabetes(T2D) patients in different age ,we studied 120 male subjects divided to two groups according to their age. First group A age (31 - 40) year old ,60 person )30 control & 30 T2D patients(,3 person for each same age: second group B age (41 – 50) years old ,60 person )30 control & 30 T2D patients(,3 person for each same age. We examined blood sugar ,cholesterol and CRP in each group. and we toke the mean of samples in the same age in each data in all the 4 groups. Our data shows that CRP

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 22 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of College Of Education
Partially purification of alanine aminopeptidase from serum of type II diabetic patients with cardiac disease
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This studay was performd on 30 serum specimens of patients having type II diabetes with cardiac disease, and 40 normal specimens were investigated as control group.The activity rate of AAP in patients (125.31± 3.28)I.U/L and activity rate of AAP in normals (6.76±2.21) I.U/L, in addition purification of AAP from serum patients having type II diabetes with cardiac diaease by using dialysis bag and gel filtration (Sephadex G-50). The results of the study reveal that Alanine aminopeptidase (AAP) activity of type II diabetes with cardiac disease patients' serum show a high signifiacant increase (p<0.001) compare to normal subject .

Publication Date
Sat Nov 10 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Instructional Intervention on Medical and Health Information of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type II
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Objective: The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional intervention
about medical and health knowledge of patients with diabetes mellitus type II.
Methodology: A Quasi- experimental study was carried out in National Center for Diabetes Mellitus/ Almustansria
University, started from 4th January 2012, to 1st April 2012. Non-probability (purposive sample) of (50) diabetes
mellitus type II, who visit National Center for Diabetes Mellitus/ Almustansria University. The study sample is
divided equally into (25) study and (25) control groups. The study group received the instructional intervention.
While the control not exposed to the instructional intervention. The data are coll

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Leptin Hormone Levels In Type( II) Diabetic Nephropathy Patients
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          Type 2 diabetes Nephropathy complication is one of the most commonest metabolic disorders that becomes an advanced serum level of hormone altered. The objective is to study the effect of leptin levels in Type 2 diabetes nephropathy (D.N) complication and healthy subject.       This study was done in National Diabetes Center (NDC), AL-Mustansriya University;on a total (64) individuals whase age were ranged from(45-60) years,of which (38) patients of  type 2 diabetes nephropathy, and (26) healthy( controls). The collected data ,information concerning the individuals used in the present study were: age, sex , body mass index (BMI) and blood samples to

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