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Value of random urinary calcium to creatinine ratio in diagnosing hypercalciuria in children with nocturnal enuresis
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Background:Nocturnal Enuresis is a common problem affecting 20% of five years old children and up to 2% of adolescent and young adult. Although it is a self limiting benign condition, it has social and psychological impact on the child and his family. Many pathophysiological theories had been suggested, but none is confirmed. Hypercalciuria has been suggested to be associated with higher incidence of nocturnal enuresis. Objectives:The aim of our study to test the value of Ca/Cr ratio, on random urine sample, in diagnosing hypercalciuria in enuretic children. Type of study: Cross sectional study.Methods:Forty four enuretic children were enrolled in this study and forty five children without nocturnal enuresis were taken as control group. Results:The prevalence of abnormal Ca/Cr ratio was higher among enuretic children when compared with control group; the result was statistically significant (P. value0.002). Among the enuretic children, higher Ca/ Cr ratio was statisticallyassociated with urinary symptoms, abnormal general urine examination, and positive family history. Nosuch association was found with the gender or frequency of bed wetting per week. Conclusions:the results of this study suggest that hypercalciuria has a significant association with NE, rendering routine screening of hypercalciuria by Ca/Cr ratio on a random urine sample, is reasonable. Furthermore, a large scale studies are needed to confirm the role of low calcium diet, and other measures in treatment of idiopathic hypercalciuria, in the management of enuretic children with abnormal Ca/Cr ratio

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
2020 2nd Annual International Conference On Information And Sciences (aicis)
An Enhanced Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm with Decomposition for Signed Community Detection Problem
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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Int. J. Eng. Ra
Pressure Gradient Influence on MHD Flow for Generalized Burgers’ Fluid with Slip Condition
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This paper presents a research for magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of an incompressible generalized Burgers’ fluid including by an accelerating plate and flowing under the action of pressure gradient. Where the no – slip assumption between the wall and the fluid is no longer valid. The fractional calculus approach is introduced to establish the constitutive relationship of the generalized Burgers’ fluid. By using the discrete Laplace transform of the sequential fractional derivatives, a closed form solutions for the velocity and shear stress are obtained in terms of Fox H- function for the following two problems: (i) flow due to a constant pressure gradient, and (ii) flow due to due to a sinusoidal pressure gradient. The solutions for

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Preparing the Thin Films from Laser Dye Dopped with Polymer and Measuring Thickness
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 Thin films were prepared from melting coumrin C 2 dye in solvent DMF with PMMA with the same  solvent and concentrations(1*10-2    5*10-3, 1*10-3  )M ,Films were either left on Flat surface for24hours or dried in avacuum oven for five hours at a temperature of 80c.The relative intensity of both the absorption and fluorescece spectrum are found to be increased with the increase of thickness of these films and concentration  .Also the thickness of these films was measured by Mickelsons interfearing method.Also quantum efficiency of these films were measured too

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Quantitative and Qualitative detect for cheat beef with chicken meat by immunological methods
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beef and chicken meat were used to get Sarcoplasim, the chicken Sarcoplasim were used to prepare antibody for it after injected in rabbit, the antiserums activity were 1/32 by determined with Immune double diffusion test, the self test refer to abele for some antiserums to detected with beef sarcoplasim, which it mean found same proteins be between beef and chicken meat, which it refer to difficult depended on this immune method to detect for cheat of chicken meat with beef, so the antibody for beef sarcoplasim were removed from serum by immune absorption step to produce specific serum against chicken sarcoplasim that it used in Immune double diffusion test to qualitative detect for cheat beef with 5% chicken meat or more at least, and the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The smart phones and its relationship with some variables among middle school students
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             The study aims budget in grades use of smart phones to individuals (sample) according variable sex (males and females) and used researcher descriptive analytical method consisted sample of (300) students have chosen the way stratified random, and the study variables (academic achievement of students, sex and the use of Smart phones) resolution was adopted as a tool for data collection. The most important results of the study that females are more commonly used for smart phones, as well as the existence of a positive relationship between the inverse statistically significant use of smart phones and the rate of school for students and the use of smart phones h

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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Stereotactic and its association with cognitive performance career: صلاح نوري محمود - ظبية محمد
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The importance of this study of the growing importance of perception of touch and its association with the job performance of industrial product since the perception stereotactic means he means practiced by the individual through job performance and has assets of knowledge in the mind of the user and require him to mind the capabilities and knowledge cognitive following their individual focus Zhennea.oanfalh following their enthusiasm when using Sense of touch. The study in the first chapter of the research problem to reveal the role played by the process of cognition and its relationship with the touch function of the industrial product and the associated defect in performance and harder to use. The study also pointed to the research ob

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Paper based glucose biosensor depending on SPCE modified with hemoglobin and silver nanoparticles
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The direct electron transfer behavior of hemoglobin that is immobilized onto screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE) modified with silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and chitosan (CS) was studied in this work. Cyclic voltametry and spectrophotometry were used to characterize the hemoglobin (Hb) bioconjunction with AgNPs and CS. Results of the modified electrode showed quasi-reversible redox peaks with a formal potential of (-0.245 V) versus Ag/AgCl in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution (PBS), pH7, at a scan rate of 0.1 Vs-1. The charge transfer coefficient (α) was 0.48 and the apparent electron transfer rate constant (Ks) was 0.47 s-1. The electrode was used as a hydrogen peroxide biosensor with a linear response over 3 to 240 µM and a detection li

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
2016 38th Annual International Conference Of The Ieee Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society (embc)
Selecting the optimal movement subset with different pattern recognition based EMG control algorithms
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 20 2023
Journal Name
2023 International Conference On Information Technology, Applied Mathematics And Statistics (icitams)
Hybrid Color Image Compression Using Signals Decomposition with Lossy and Lossless Coding Schemes
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Personal tax exemptions "a comparative study with some Arab and European system legislations
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This research aims primarily to highlight personal tax exemptions A comparative study with some Arab and European regulations. And by conducting both theoretical comparative analyses. Most important findings of the study is the need to grant personal and family exemptions that differ according to the civil status of the taxpayer (single or married). In other words, the exemption increases as the number of family members depend on its social sense. Also taking into account some incomes that require a certain effort and looking at the tax rates, it is unreasonable for wages to be subject to the same rates applied to commercial profits.      

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