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Background: H1N1 influenza pandemic or swine flu was an influenza pandemic first described in Iraq in October 2009 .The virus appeared to be anew strain of H1N1 causes wide range of morbidity and mortality among different genders and age groups as part of worldwide pandemics.Seasonal flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccine each year.

Objectives: Is to determine the morbidity and mortality in different age groups in patients with H1N1 influenza versus those patients with seasonal influenza who were admitted at the same time to AL-kindy teaching hospital during pandemic 2009. Type of the study: A retrospective observational study.

Methods: A total number of 210 cases with influenza symptoms and signs were included in this study which was conducted at AL-kindy teaching hospital , Baghdad, Iraq at inpatient medical wards over a period from October to December 2009. All cases were tested by real time PCR for H1N1 influenza virus by taking nasal and throat swab in addition to monitoring symptoms and signs of influenza and chest radiographs.

Results: Out of 210 cases, 90 (42.85%) cases were positive for H1N1 influenza and 120 (57.14%) cases had negative test are considered having seasonal influenza. Of the positive cases(64.44%) were males and (35.55%) were females. Of negative cases(seasonal flu)male gender were (61.66%) , while female gender were (38.33%). 57.77% of positive cases developed flue like illness compared with 54.16% of negative while 25.55% of positive developed pneumonia compared with 22.5% of negative.5.55% of positive cases developed ARDS compared with 5% only in negative cases.11.11% had different presentation in positive cases (bronchitis ,gastroenteritis) while 18.33%of negative. Mortality in positive cases are 14.4% compared with only 10% in negative cases.

Conclusions: Influenza A/H1N1had same symptoms and signs of epidemic seasonal influenza but run aggressive and short course of morbidity in 3-5 days with high percentage of complication and high mortality compared with seasonal epidemic influenza with rare affection above 65 years old, both groups had same incidence of complication with pneumonia and ARDS

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 28 2021
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal Of Veterinary Medicine
Evaluating Expression of the STAG1 Gene as a Potential Breast Cancer Biomarker
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STAG proteins, which are part of the cohesin complex and encoded by the STAG genes, are known as Irr1/Scc3 in yeast and as SA/STAG/stromalin in mammals. There are more variants as there are alternate splice sites, maybe three open reading frames (ORFs) code for three main proteins, including: SA1 (STAG1), SA2 (STAG2) and SA3 (STAG3). The cohesin protein complex has various essential roles in eukaryotic cell biology. This study compared the expression of the STAG1 gene in four different breast cancer cell lines, including: MCF-7, T-47D, MDA-MB-468, and MDA-MB-231 and normal breast tissue. RNA was extracted from these cell lines and mRNA was converted to cDNA, and then expression of the STAG1 gene was quantified by three sets of specific prim

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Publication Date
Fri May 18 2018
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The Arabian killifish (Aphanius dispar) as a novel model for mycophysiological studies.
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Abstract Candida albicans is a commensal fungal pathogen that grows in yeast and hyphal forms in the human gut. C. albicans causes mucosal and cutaneous diseases that can result in significant mortality following systematic infections and it also exhibits drug resistance. Zebrafish have been an excellent model to investigate C. albicans infections because of their transparency and the availability of many transgenic lines. However, there is a limitation in using zebrafish as a model because the fish embryos cannot survive at 37°C therefore it is not suitable for studying Candida infections at physiological relevant human body temperature. In this thesis, the normal embryonic development of Arabian killifish (A. dispar) is investigated, rev

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research And Developments
Slot Design Procedure for a NACA 4412 at High Angle of Attack
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The main objective of the present work is to find a method increases the efficiency of the airfoil that is used for blade in wind turbine, wing in aircraft, propeller and helicopter (like NACA 4412). By overcoming the separation of flow at high angle of attacks, a slotted airfoil had been used and solved numerically through connecting the pressure side in the bottom surface with the suction side in the top surface of the airfoil to energize the separated flow. Slot exit, width and slope were considered as a parameters of slot configuration to determine the effective design of consideration. Reynolds number was taken as [1.6 x106 ] and the angle of attacks were ranged from (0o - 20o ). The numerical solution with Ansys Fluent commercial prog

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Southwest Jiaotong University
Evaluation of Photovoltaic Solar Power of a Dual-Axis Solar Tracking System
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In this research project, a tip-tilting angle of a photovoltaic solar cell was developed to increase generated electrical power output. An active, accurate, and simple dual-axis tracking system was designed by using an Arduino Uno microprocessor. The system consisted of two sections: software and apparatus (hardware). It was modified by using a group of light-dependent resistor sensors, and two DC servo motors were utilized to rotate the solar panel to a location with maximum sunlight. These components were arranged in a mechanical configuration with the gearbox. The three locations of the solar cell were chosen according to the tilt angle values, at zero angles, which included an optimal 33-degree angle for the Baghdad location and

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Swarm Intelligence Research
A New Strategy Based on GSABAT to Solve Single Objective Optimization Problem
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This article proposes a new strategy based on a hybrid method that combines the gravitational search algorithm (GSA) with the bat algorithm (BAT) to solve a single-objective optimization problem. It first runs GSA, followed by BAT as the second step. The proposed approach relies on a parameter between 0 and 1 to address the problem of falling into local research because the lack of a local search mechanism increases intensity search, whereas diversity remains high and easily falls into the local optimum. The improvement is equivalent to the speed of the original BAT. Access speed is increased for the best solution. All solutions in the population are updated before the end of the operation of the proposed algorithm. The diversification f

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determine Most Stable Isobar for Nuclides with A= (15-30) & (101- 115)
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In this study the most stable isobar for some isobaric families (light and  intermediate ) nuclei with mass number (A) equals to (15-30) & (101- 115) have been determined. This determination of stable nuclide can help to determine the suitable nuclide, which can be used in different fields.

Most stable isobar can be determined by two means. First: plot mass parabolas (plotting the binding energy (B.E) as a function of the atomic number (Z)) for these isobaric families, in this method most stable isobars represent the lowest point in mass parabola (the nuclide with the highest value of binding energy).

Second: calculated the atomic number for most stable isobar (ZA) value.

Our results show that

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Refractive index sensor based on a solid-core photonic crystal fiber interferometer
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Photonic crystal fiber interferometers are widely used for sensing applications. In this work, solid core-Photonic crystal fiber based on Mach-Zehnder modal interferometer for sensing refractive index was presented. The general structure of sensor applied by splicing short lengths of PCF in both sides with conventional single mode fiber (SMF-28). To apply modal interferometer theory; collapsing technique based on fusion splicing used to excite higher order modes (LP01 and LP11). Laser diode (1550 nm) has been used as a pump light source. Where a high sensitive optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) was used to monitor and record the transmitted. The experimental work shows that the interference spectrum of Photonic crystal fiber interferometer

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Removal of Water Turbidity by using Aluminum Filings as a Filter Media
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The ability of using aluminum filings which is locally solid waste was tested as a mono media in gravity rapid filter. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of variation of influent water turbidity (10, 20and 30 NTU); flow rate(30, 40, and 60 l/hr) and bed height (30and60)cm on the performance of aluminum filings filter media for 5 hours run time and compare it with the conventional sand filter. The results indicated that aluminum filings filter showed better performance than sand filter in the removal of turbidity and in the reduction of head loss. Results showed that the statistical model developed by the multiple linear regression was proved to be
valid, and it could be used to predict head loss in aluminum filings

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Congenital Club Foot Treated By Of Ponseti Method : A Short-Term Results
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Background: Congenital club foot is a complex deformity of foot .It is a collection of different abnormalities, with different etiologies. Consequently, Severity varies with   difficulties in evaluating treatment strategies with outcome results. The treatment of congenital club foot remains controversial. Usually, the orthopedist's goal is to obtain anatomically and functionally normal feet in all patients.                                Objective: To asses short term follow up result of conservatively treated club feet in relation to the age

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 17 2022
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn: 2789-3219 )
Organic Synthesis under Solvent-free Condition (Green Chemistry): A Mini Literature Review
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Solvents are important components in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, and they are increasingly being used in catalytic reactions. Solvents have a significant influence on the kinetics and thermodynamics of reactions, and they can significantly change product selectivity. Solvents can influence product selectivity, conversion rates, and reaction rates. However, solvents have received a lot of attention in the field of green chemistry. This is due to the large amount of solvent that is frequently used in a process or formulation, particularly during the purification steps. However, neither the solvent nor the active ingredient in a formulation is directly responsible for the reaction product's composition. Because these ch

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