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A Population-Based Study on Agreement between Actual and Perceived Body Image
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Background: Obesity tends to appear in modern societies and constitutes a significant public health problem with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Objective: This study aims to determine the agreement between actual and perceived body image in the general population.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was conducted with a sample size of 300. The data were collected from eight major populated areas of Northern district of Karachi Sindh with a period of six months (10th January 2020 to 21st June 2020). The Figure rating questionnaire scale (FRS) was applied to collect the demographic data and perception about body weight. Body mass index (BMI) used for assessing the actual body weight status. Cohen's Kappa statistics were performed.

Results: Out of 300 participants, n=143 were males, and n=157 were females. In reality, according to BMI, 6 % were underweight, 47 % were average, 28 % were overweight, and 19 % were obese. According to perception, 8% of participants were underweight, 39 % were average, about 45% were overweight, and 8 % were obese. The mean score of real BMI was 25. 51±5.62 and figure rating score was 4.81±1.75. r value showed a strong positive relationship between both variables with a a P-value of <0.001. Cohen's Kappa score was 0.362. The rate of agreement between actual and perceived body weight status in the general population was 53.88%, and the disagreement rate was 46.12%

Conclusion: There was a weak agreement in the perception and realities of the self-image of people have the wrong impression about their body image.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The Character is one of the elements of Storytelling, as it is the center of the plot, making it the basis on which the talk is about. The talk is the portrayal of the character while they’re acting; the novelist presents the character by interacting with the events, and the extent of the negative and positive appearing impact on the character. It should be noted that everyone has two personalities or more, each one appearing in a different position or situation. For instance, a man can be a father, a lover, an employee, a son or anyone else .. in another position, he might be a master, and in another a looser begging for the mercy of his humiliator, and sometimes he can show weakness to the one he loves, or show strength to his enemie

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Pharmacy And Biological Sciences
Relationship between Lipid Peroxidation and Integrity of Sperm Plasma Membrane in a Sample of Iraqi Infertile Men
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The current study aims to investigate the relationship between lipid peroxidation, represented by seminal malondialdehyde (MDA) level, and integrity of sperm plasma membrane, represented by the hypo-osmotic swelling (HOS) test score, in infertile men. One hundred and twenty Iraqi men (20 fertile and 100 infertile) shared in this study during their attendance to the High Institute for Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies/Al- Nahrain University. The mean age of the fertile men was (30.46±0.78) years while the mean age of infertile men was (32.58±0.64) years with the duration of infertility (5.36±0.33) years. Semen samples were collected and the parameters of seminal fluid analysis were assessed; also, the HOS

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect of Recipient Jaw and Implant Dimensions on Pre- and Post- Loading Dental Implant Stability: A Prospective Clinical Study
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Background: Implant stability is a mandatory factor for dental implant (DI) osseointegration and long-term success. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of implant length, diameter, and recipient jaw on the pre- and post-functional loading stability. Materials and methods: This study included 17 healthy patients with an age range of 24-61 years. Twenty-two DI were inserted into healed extraction sockets to replace missing tooth/ teeth in premolar and molar regions in upper and lower jaws. Implant stability was measured for each implant and was recorded as implant stability quotient (ISQ) immediately (ISQ0), and at 8 (ISQ8) and 12 (ISQ12) weeks postoperatively, as well as post-functional loading (ISQPFL). The pattern of implant

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Scopus (1)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
European Journal Of Experimental Biology
A comparative study on cytotoxicity and apoptotic activity of pyocyanin produced by wild type and mutant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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Nutrient agar medium with various concentrations of cefotaxime was used for isolation spontaneous mutants from wild type strain of P.aeruginosa PHA-1. Eighty-two mutants were successfully isolated with the viable count 52×107 , these mutants were confirmed as spontaneous not physiological adaption mutants by reculture on the same medium. Then, wild type PHA-1 and mutants were examined for production pyocyanin; a blue greenish pigment was clearly noticed on King A medium. Remarkably the mutant strain named S300-8 was distinguished in productivity in comparison with wild type strain PHA-1; the amount of pigment was 56.0667mg/l and 74.53mg/l respectively. In addition, pyocyanin produced by mutant strain S300-8 revealed a potent efficacy again

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Spatial Formation of the Sculptural Body in the Space of the Theatrical Show: عقيل ماجد حامد محمد الملاحسن
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The current research presents a study of the sculptural body in the space of the theatrical show through reviewing most of the ideas, propositions and workings presented by philosophers and directors within the space of the show, that there were various experiences of employing those spatial formations through the mediator (the space) based on sculpturing the body in achieving those formations, which contributed in building a symbolic picture of various structural connotations. That was formulated through the research chapters, which include the first chapter (the methodological framework) which consists of two sections. The first section (the duality of space formation and imaginations). The second section (sculptural body sequences in

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Recent Trends In Engineering & Research
Password Authentication Based On Modify Bidirectional Associative Memory (MBAM)
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Password authentication is popular approach to the system security and it is also very important system security procedure to gain access to resources of the user. This paper description password authentication method by using Modify Bidirectional Associative Memory (MBAM) algorithm for both graphical and textual password for more efficient in speed and accuracy. Among 100 test the accuracy result is 100% for graphical and textual password to authenticate a user.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2011
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Contour extraction of echocardiographic images based on pre-processing
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In this work we present a technique to extract the heart contours from noisy echocardiograph images. Our technique is based on improving the image before applying contours detection to reduce heavy noise and get better image quality. To perform that, we combine many pre-processing techniques (filtering, morphological operations, and contrast adjustment) to avoid unclear edges and enhance low contrast of echocardiograph images, after implementing these techniques we can get legible detection for heart boundaries and valves movement by traditional edge detection methods.

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research In Computer Science And Software Engineering
Partial Encryption for Colored Images Based on Face Detection
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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering
HF Wave Propagation Prediction Based On Passive Oblique Ionosonde
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High frequency (HF) communications have an important role in long distances wireless communications. This frequency band is more important than VHF and UHF, as HF frequencies can cut longer distance with a single hopping. It has a low operation cost because it offers over-the-horizon communications without repeaters, therefore it can be used as a backup for satellite communications in emergency conditions. One of the main problems in HF communications is the prediction of the propagation direction and the frequency of optimum transmission (FOT) that must be used at a certain time. This paper introduces a new technique based on Oblique Ionosonde Station (OIS) to overcome this problem with a low cost and an easier way. This technique uses the

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Arpn Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
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Producing pseudo-random numbers (PRN) with high performance is one of the important issues that attract many researchers today. This paper suggests pseudo-random number generator models that integrate Hopfield Neural Network (HNN) with fuzzy logic system to improve the randomness of the Hopfield Pseudo-random generator. The fuzzy logic system has been introduced to control the update of HNN parameters. The proposed model is compared with three state-ofthe-art baselines the results analysis using National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) statistical test and ENT test shows that the projected model is statistically significant in comparison to the baselines and this demonstrates the competency of neuro-fuzzy based model to produce

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