In this paper, the linear system of Fredholm integral equations is solving using Open Newton-Cotes formula, which we use five different types of Open Newton-Cotes formula to solve this system. Compare the results of suggested method with the results of another method (closed Newton-Cotes formula) Finally, at the end of each method, algorithms and programs developed and written in MATLAB (version 7.0) and we give some numerical examples, illustrate suggested method
A new method based on the Touchard polynomials (TPs) was presented for the numerical solution of the linear Fredholm integro-differential equation (FIDE) of the first order and second kind with condition. The derivative and integration of the (TPs) were simply obtained. The convergence analysis of the presented method was given and the applicability was proved by some numerical examples. The results obtained in this method are compared with other known results.
The aim of this paper, is to design multilayer Feed Forward Neural Network(FFNN)to find the approximate solution of the second order linear Volterraintegro-differential equations with boundary conditions. The designer utilized to reduce the computation of solution, computationally attractive, and the applications are demonstrated through illustrative examples.
The research aims to find approximate solutions for two dimensions Fredholm linear integral equation. Using the two-variables of the Bernstein polynomials we find a solution to the approximate linear integral equation of the type two dimensions. Two examples have been discussed in detail.
In this paper, we study the growth of solutions of the second order linear complex differential equations insuring that any nontrivial solutions are of infinite order. It is assumed that the coefficients satisfy the extremal condition for Yang’s inequality and the extremal condition for Denjoy’s conjecture. The other condition is that one of the coefficients itself is a solution of the differential equation .
In this paper, the delay integral equations in population growth will be described,discussed , studied and transfered this model to integro-differential equation. At last,we will solve this problem by using variational approach.
Abstract:In this paper, some probability characteristics functions (moments, variances,convariance, and spectral density functions) are found depending upon the smallestvariance of the solution of some stochastic Fredholm integral equation contains as aknown function, the sine wave function
in this paper the collocation method will be solve ordinary differential equations of retarted arguments also some examples are presented in order to illustrate this approach