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A Study of Reinforcing and Temperature Effect of Impact Strength for Polymer Blend
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This research prepared polymer blend contains from epoxy resin (Ep) and polyurethane
)Pu) as a matrix material of percentage (90 %) from epoxy and ) 10 (% polyurethane and
reinforced by PVC fibers and aluminum fibers two dimension knitted mat with fractional
volume(15 %), and study impact strength before and after reinforcing at temperatures of
CØŒand the results have shown that the reinforcing matrix materials by fibers
increased impact strength values that rise from(3.387kJ/m2) to (151.62kJ/m2) of composite
material (Ep+Pu+PVC(and thus ) Ep+Pu+PVC+Al.F) at last (Ep+Pu+Al.F (. following
composite material so that temperatures increase led to rise impact strength values except the
polymer blend reinforced with PVC fibers that the temperatures increase led to decrease the
values of impact strength from (151.62kJ/m
(at (20°C) to (114.27kJ/m
(at (60°C)

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
A study Some Technical Indicators Under Impact Tillage Depth and Disk harrow Angle of the Compound Machine
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Abstract<p>The research included studying the effect of different plowing depths (10,20and30) cm and three angles of the disc harrows (18,20and25) when they were combined in one compound machine consisting of a triple plow and disc harrows tied within one structure. Draft force, fuel consumption, practical productivity, and resistance to soil penetration. The results indicated that the plowing depth and disc angle had a significant effect on all studied parameters. The results showed that when the plowing depth increased and the disc angle increased, leads to increased pull force ratio, fuel consumption, resistance to soil penetration, and reduce the machine practical productivity.</p>
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Scopus (3)
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Language communication, and the impact of journalism after 2003 AD (a study in the two newspapers, Al-Takahi and Al-Sabah)
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The methods used by the print media (press) is varied in conveying its messages and its orientations to the readers. But language takes the leading method among these methods, or a real competitor - so far - due to the characteristics and advantages of languages, including: ease, abbreviation, and development, etc.

In the midst of such events, political tensions, and what they carry of the global developments, and among which was the most important the fall of the former Iraqi regime in the spring of 2003, the press had the greatest share, and a large portion on the level of monitoring, analyzing, and interpreting the various consequences of the event. The interpreting of the news varies according to the evolving political trends

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 25 2021
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The effect of physical exertion training using a vertimax device in developing the characteristic strength with speed and the skill of shooting by jumping in front - high with the hand ball for youth
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The research problem has crystallized and in light of these capabilities, the level of performance depends on the application of modern training methods based on actual experimentation, and those methods aim to develop the components of achievement in this competition, including the quantities of exerting the distinctive strength with speed for the arms and feet, which reflects on good skillful performance because the skill of shooting by jumping forward and high forms A major role in achieving goals during the competition that qualifies the team to win, and through the follow-up of the researcher in the field and academic field, I noticed that there is a weakness in some physical abilities, which affects performance and skill level

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Estimation of electron temperature for SiO2 plasma induced by laser
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In this work; Silicon dioxide (SiO2) were fabricated by pulsed
laser ablation (PLA). The electron temperature was calculated by
reading the data of I-V curve of Langmuir probe which was
employed as a diagnostic technique for measuring plasma properties.
Pulsed Nd:YA Glaser was used for measuring the electron
temperature of SiO2 plasma plume under vacuum environment with
varying both pressure and axial distance from the target surface. The
electron temperature has been measured experimentally and the
effects of each of pressure and Langmuir probe distance from the
target were studied. An inverse relationship between electron
temperature and both pressure and axial distance was observed.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De Psicología Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte, Issn 1886-8576, Vol. 17, Nº. 6, 2022, Págs. 416-418
The Effect Of Katsu Exercises On Some Abilities Of Strength And Achievement Of Advanced Weight Lifters, Baghdad Clubs
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Autorías: Ghassan Adeeb Abdulhasan, Talib Faisal Shnawa, Yasir Wajih Qaddoori. Localización: Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte. Nº. 6, 2022. Artículo de Revista en Dialnet.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The effect of Core exercises in improving the strength and flexibility of the spine for injured women with herniated discs in the vertebrae (L4, L5)
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يعد العلاج الحركي من الوسائل العلاجية التأهيلية من الوسائل المهمة الامنة  لأنها تؤمن على حياة الانسان بكافة شؤونه وتعد التمرينات التأهيلية اسلوبا فعالاً وطبيعياً لا تعرض المريض الى مضاعفات على وظائف الجسم الاخرى لأنها خالية من اي دواء كيمياوي ضار ، كما استخدمت تقنيات حديثة في العلاج الطبيعي بشكل واسع معد حسب اسس علمية منها تمرينات (Core)  التي تساعد في تخفيف الالام بالانزلاق الغضروفي للفقرة الرابعة والخا

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Rock engineers widely use the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rocks in designing
surface and underground structures. The procedure for measuring this rock strength has been
standardized by both the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) and American Society
for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Akram and Bakar(2007).
In this paper, an experimental study was performed to correlate of Point Load Index ( Is(50))
and Pulse Wave Velocity (Vp) to the Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of Rocks. The effect
of several parameters was studied. Point load test, Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) and
Pulse Wave Velocity (Vp) were used for testing several rock samples with different diameters.
The predicted e

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Publication Date
Sat May 08 2021
Journal Name
Social Science And Humanities Journal
The impact of accounting for material flow costs in reducing costs: Exploratory study
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Rapid and continuous developments and changes in the modern business environment in all areas of economic, environmental, social, technology and communications push economic units to search for modern methods and methodologies to produce products at low cost as well as produce products that meet the wishes of customers in terms of quality and environment to maintain their market position, and accounting for the costs of the flow of materials is one of the most prominent environmental management accounting techniques capable of providing information to help produce

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 31 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigate Salts type and concentration on the conductivity of Polymer Electrolyte
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Polymer electrolytes systems compose of (PEO+KI+I2) and (PEO+RbI+I2) with different concentration, and a fixed amount of ethylene carbonate (EC) and propylene carbonate (PC) over temperatures range 293-343 K prepared by solution cast me

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Industrial Research
Study of the Effect of Epipremnum Aureum Extracts and Tribulus Terrestris L. as a Natural Alternative for the use of Industrial Antioxidants
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In this study, two types of local plants were chosen, the first is the plant golden pothos Epipremnum aureum and the second is the Iraqi Sheikh's chin plant Tribulus terrestris L, for the purpose of making a comparison between them in terms of their possession of chemical groups with antioxidant activity in order to use them as a natural alternative to using antioxidants Industrial that cause negative effects on human health, the samples were prepared using the method of water and alcohol extraction (ethanol 70%) for both plants. It revealed the presence of a number of chemical groups (tannins, carbohydrates, phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids) for both plants, the aqueous and alcoholic extracts. Coumarins are only found in the sheikh's chin pl

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