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Strength Training and its Effect in Some Biochemical Variables in the High Jumping of Advanced Players
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Publication Date
Mon May 25 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Strength Training and its Effect in Some Biochemical Variables in the High Jumping of Advanced Players
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The study of biomechanical indicators in the arc of the run and the upgrading stage is one of the important variables that affect the nature of the upgrading and thus affect the result of the race due to the importance of these stages and the consequent variables during the last steps. That’s why, the jump-trainings based on assistant means or body weight positively affect the step-time for each of the three steps in the acceleration arc. As well as, it focuses on the momentary strength of each step at this stage. It also significantly affects the speed of motor performance to suit the activity in which the runner needs to perform perfect steps with high flow in order to convert the horizontal speed to a vertical one. This is achieved thr

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De PsicologÍa Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte
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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Comparison of the speed of hospitalization according to the training load of some physiological and biochemical variables of badminton players and runner800 m youth
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It is necessary to use the means of recovery and other means that help to get rid of the effects of fatigue, as the game of badminton and the effectiveness of running 800 meters fall within the mixed system with the superiority of the anaerobic system by more than the air system, so requires the development of energy systems In proportion to the time of the match for badminton players and their travels and high performance and ability to tolerate the high level of lactic acid in the muscles and blood and increase the pain associated with the fatigue that occurs during the performance. In light of the physical and physiological processes of these actions N it should seek through training programs to develop your endurance and wind energy sys

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 20 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The effect of high-intensity interval training (using weights) during the special preparation period on functional variables among junior basketball players
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This study is concerned with the comparison of the results of some tests of passing and dribbling of the basketball of tow different years between teams of chosen young players in Baghdad. Calculative methods were used namely (Arithmetic mean, Value digression and T.test for incompatible specimens). After careful calculative treatments, it has been that there were abstract or no abstract differences in the find results of chestpass, highdribble and cross-over dribble. The clubs were: (Al-Khark, Air defence, Police and Al-Adamiyah) each one separate from the other for the year (2000-2001). After all that many findings were reached such as the lack of objective valuation (periodical tests) between one sport season and the other. In the light

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect of Taking Amino Acids Associated with Muscle Strength Training On the Development of Some Physiological Indicators In Badminton Players
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The aim of the research was designing a nutritional program with amino acids well as designing exercises for muscular strength training for youth female badminton players. In addition to that the researcher aimed at identifying the effect of amino acid accompanied with muscular training on some physiological indicators in youth female badminton players. The researcher used the experimental method. The subjects were (7) youth female badminton players from the Armenian badminton club. Many physiological tests were conducted including PWC170 and Vo2Max. The data was collected and treated using proper statistical operations to conclude that amino acid accompanied with muscular ability training have a positive effect on some physiological indica

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 25 2021
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The effect of physical exertion training using a vertimax device in developing the characteristic strength with speed and the skill of shooting by jumping in front - high with the hand ball for youth
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The research problem has crystallized and in light of these capabilities, the level of performance depends on the application of modern training methods based on actual experimentation, and those methods aim to develop the components of achievement in this competition, including the quantities of exerting the distinctive strength with speed for the arms and feet, which reflects on good skillful performance because the skill of shooting by jumping forward and high forms A major role in achieving goals during the competition that qualifies the team to win, and through the follow-up of the researcher in the field and academic field, I noticed that there is a weakness in some physical abilities, which affects performance and skill level

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2024
Journal Name
مجلة جامعة ذي قار لعلوم التربية البدنية
Effort and pressures of competition and their impact on some biochemical variables of handball players
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The development taking place in various sports in performance, which was and still takes a large part by focusing on the specialized level of the players, whether in training or competition in all sports, including handball. In the competition (the match) by measuring the hormone beta-endorphin as well as. To identify the changes that occur in some biochemical variables as a result of the high effort in the competition (the match) by measuring lactic acid and the hormone aldosterone). The researcher used the descriptive method, the pre and post test of one group Due to the nature of the research, the research community was represented by Al-Shorta Sports players and Al-Jaish club players in handball, as they numbered (24) players from the t

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 09 2024
Journal Name
Wasit Journal Of Sports Sciences
A Comparative Analytical Study of Some Biomechanical Variables and Their Relationship to The Accuracy of The Performance of The Shooting Skill of Jumping High in The Weak and Strong Foot the Players for Youth Handball
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The research aims to identify the most important variables affecting shooting from jumping high and compare them for the two foot the weak and strong, where the researchers adopted the descriptive method, and the sample was chosen by the intentional method, which consists of (4) players from the Iraqi Sports Army Club, where these variables were studied and their impact on The accuracy of aiming at the two men, and the researchers concluded that most of the players have more accuracy in aiming at the strong leg than at the weak leg, which leads to the loss of many real opportunities during the match because of the players changing the situation or wasting the available opportunity when the position of correction is an opportunity for the w

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Studies And Researches Of Sport Education
The effect of rebound jumping exercises on the development of the special strength of the lower limbs among the players of the National Center for the Nurturing of Talented Sports in the high jump.
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The high bounce activity according to the fosbery way is regarded as of the difficult sports concerning its way of training and perfection due to hard technique of its performance on one hand and because it depends on the player’s ability to overcome body weight resistance against the gravity. In addition to the strong ability to control the body posture when leaving the land and flying over the barrier. This activity needs to high plosion power at the moment of bouncing and this plosion depends on the period of bouncing, so the two researchers aimed to use a mechanical bouncing platform and an electronic one through several training by one foot and both feet in different directions and positions in order to reduce the time of bouncing an

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Publication Date
Wed May 12 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of The Romanian Society For Cell Biology
Effect of the opposite hierarchical training method to developing explosive power, which is characterized by speed and some functional variables for basketball players
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The current world seeks to supply the most of the fruits of human knowledge and tries hard to search for the most important scientific facts, programs, means and advanced devices in various fields, including the sports field, and among these means is the use of various and advanced training devices and programs for the purpose of achieving the desired goal, which is to reach the desired level, the basketball game is one of the sports that need high technology in training according to scientifically studied principles because it is one of the games that relate to the abundance of its variables, composition and speed of change, all of which require a technical and high training depth and the players ’possession of different physical charact

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