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The Mann-Kendall Test for Temperature Trends in Some Selected Stations in Iraq
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   In this paper, Mann-Kendall test was used to investigate the existence of possible deterministic and stochastic climatic trends in (Baghdad,Basrah,Mosul,Al-Qaim) stations. The statistical test was applied to annual monthly mean of temperatures for the period (19932009). The values of S-statistic were (62, 44, 52, 64) by comparing these values with the table of null probability values for S we get a probability of (0.002, 0.026, 0.010, 0.002) this result is less than α for the 95% confidence level (α = 0.05) indicating a significant result at this level of confidence. Concluded that an increasing trend in concentration is present at the 95% confidence level and the variance of the S-statistic is calculated and it is compared to the table of null probability values for Z and our conclusion reject the null, there is an increasing of trend.

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Detection for The Production of Siderophore in Burkholderia cepacia Isolated From the Rhizosphers of Some Plants and studing the Effect of the Bacterial Filtrate and Extract on Some Pathogenic Fungi
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bstract         This study was performed to isolate and identify the Burkholderia cepacia from rhizosphers of different plants and study their ability to produce Siderophore, the study was also aimed to assess the antifungal activity of the bacterial filtrate and extracts of the isolates against some pathogenic fungi.     The isolate which showed higher inhibitory effects was selected for extraction of some active metabolites produced by it, and evaluate the activity in vitro, via inhibition of the growth of the fungi using different concentrations of extract (50, 100, 200 )µL/ml , The results showed that out of  (250) samples of soil , (8) isolates (3.2%) gave positive

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Extent of the Commitment with Accounting Disclosure for Contingent Assets, Liabilities and Provisions in the Shareholding Companies Listed in Iraq Stock Exchange Analytical Entrance
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Accounting changes have taken place in either the local or international level has led to more disclosure from companies, and that many of the economic units in order to attract investors to negotiate on its shares price in the stock market require amendments with respect to the information disclosed, Thus, the objective of this research is to analyze whether companies were research sample disclose contingent assets and liabilities and provisions in their annual financial reports with what brought him International Accounting Standards. It has been used descriptive analysis of annual financial reports for a sample of (50) listed company on the Iraq Stock Exchange were identified companies that disclose contingent assets and liabi

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2023
Journal Name
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Giardia Species in Livestock Animals of Iraq
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Giardiasis is an infection caused by the protozoan flagellate parasite Giardia spp. in the intestine. G duodenalis, a species complex of diverse genotypes that tend to demonstrate host specificity, is responsible for most veterinary health related infections; production animals, companion animals, and wildlife can all be infected. Abdominal pain and diarrhea, typically accompanied by steatorrhea, are the most common symptoms of Giardiasis. Cysts or antigens in feces are commonly used to diagnose the disease. Treatment regimens vary and are dependent on the indication. Control methods must include hygiene measures. Despite direct evidence of Giardia sp transmission to humans via polluted water supplies, our analysis will focus on some r

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 30 2022
Journal Name
Gsc Biological And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Histological study of liver for squirrel (Sciurus anomalus) (Güldenstädt, 1785) in Iraq
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The liver (hepatic) is one of the largest glands or organs of the digestive system in the body of living organisms, including rodents, take the squirrel in this study for example. The study and the collection of sources emerged to be put into the hands of those, especially those interested in histological studies, including junior or professionals and veterinarians, knowledge of the stains used in the research and their final results.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Caspian Journal Of Environmental Sciences
Assessment of indoor air quality for closed cafés in Baghdad City, Iraq
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The phenomenon of young people frequenting closed cafes spread in Baghdad to smoke hookahs and cigarettes has increased. This phenomenon is associated with unemployment, an increase in leisure time and the deterioration of economic conditions. This phenomenon has an impact on indoor air quality and exposes workers to the risk of exposure to various pollutants, including particulate matter, therefore, we examined some indicators (PM2.5, PM10) IAQ for a month in summer and another month in winter in six different locations in the Rusafa district. PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations, relative humidity (RH) and temperatures were measured using (Multifunction Air Quality Detector BENETECH -China). The results showed an increase in temperatures inside

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Traditional and molecular methods for diagnosing bacterial meningitis in Erbil city, Iraq
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Bacterial meningitis is a leading cause of illness and death worldwide. It is crucial for clinical and public health care, as well as disease control, to identify the meningitis-causing agent promptly. Between June 2021-February 2022, a total of 100 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood samples were collected from suspected cases of meningitis admitted to Raparin Paediatric Teaching Hospital, Erbil city-Iraq. Cytochemical, cultural, and biochemical tests were conducted, and confirmed by molecular techniques. Bacterial culture findings were positive in 7% of CSF samples and just one positive among blood samples. The most common pathogens found by cultural characteristics and VITEK 2 Compact System were Staphylococcus sciuri in two

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharm. Sci. & Res.
Review and Description for Theretra alecto Boisduval 1827, (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in Iraq
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The current study included a review of the registration and description of the Theretra alecto Boi, 1827 (Levant hawk moth), samples were collected from various areas of the Baghdad belt and the provinces of the Middle Euphrates, confirmation in the description was on the most important parts of the body included the head and it's appendages, pronotum, wings as well as male and female genitalia. The morphological characteristics under study were enhanced by illustrations and images. Information on the locations and date of the collection was also confirmed. This study aims to identify the most important characteristics of the diagnosis of the species and the review of appearance variations, especially the analytical style of wings, coupling

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Renewable energy (solar energy) and its potential for electricity generation in Iraq
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The world's renewable energy sources have taken on great importance, for its cleanness and its environmental effects as well as being a renewable source, Increased demand for fossil energy sources is also causing global warming and climate change. Iraq is an appropriate area for renewable energy This study shows that renewable alternative energy has not been used sufficiently enough at present. But this energy can play an important role in the future of renewable energy in Iraq. This research aims to study the renewable energy in Iraq (solar energy) and it is appropriate to develop this alternative energy for crude oil, which is characterized by the use of the most appropriate and less economical and more environmentally friendly. Solar

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Technical University Of Munich
Conditions for Applying Public Private Partnership PPP in Iraq Infrastructure Projects Successfully
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Public private partnership PPP is a method to procure public projects in order to achieve additional value for money in terms of efficiency and quality of services. This thesis studies the concepts of PPP, advantages and disadvantages of PPP. In addition, current Iraq infrastructure projects situations and needs, as well as, some aspects relating to the Iraq’s construction market, legal and contract systems were discussed. A financial model was carried out and applied to a real-life case study project. Finally, a survey targeted researchers; public and private- sectors were applied.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 09 2023
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Economics And Business
Evaluation of reverse logistics options for international and local companies in Iraq
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Many international companies have branches or agencies in Iraq and have large market shares, and this has contributed to the increase in the import of these companies' products. This process created an additional problem of handling a large number of expired or defective products. There are many methods that contribute significantly to reducing these problems. The most prominent of these is the activation of reverse logistics options in Iraq by international and local companies. This research aims to conduct a survey of the reverse logistics options approved by some local and international companies and compare between them. This paper found that Amaron, Hitachi, Apple, Samsung and Huawei have limited options for reverse logistics and that

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