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Theoretical Calculation of The Fill Factor of N749/〖TiO〗_2 Solar Cells

        In this paper, the fill factor of the N749/TiO2 solar cell is studied and calculated using the analysis method at standard conditions; i.e., T=300k  and  100 mW/cm2 irradiation.. The current density was derived and calculated using the donor-acceptor model according to the quantum transfer theory in DSSC solar cells. We estimate the influence parameters in DSSC that's an equivalent circuit to the I-V curves for three solvents. The fill factor parameters of the N749/TiO2 device are found to be 0.137,0.146 and 0.127 with Butanol, Ethanol           and Acetonitrile for carrier concentration .  1018 1/cm3 respectively. The photovoltaic characteristics ISc  , Vco  , and   Vm   are calculated depending on the current-voltage (J-V) characteristics of the device at room temperature. As a result of the fill factor analysis, N749/TiO2 cells showed different  fill factors dependent  on solvents type for the ISc  and Vco   .


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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Calculation the affects of the sun, moon and satellite position on the perturbation forces of the low retrograde orbits

The actual position and velocity of the sun and the  moon were calculate through one year , and the satellite position and velocity components (x,y,z, vx, vy, vz) were calculate as well as the momentum component at inclination (116.5?) , argument of perigee (30?), longitude  node angle (40?), eccentricity (0.01), for deferent perigee height (200,300,..,1000 km). The acceleration of perturbations  which were calculated in this work are the sun and the moon attraction on the satellite, the solar radiation pressure, the atmospheric drag as well as the earth oblatness. The result show that the perturbation forces of atmospheric drag acceleration is effect by altitude and the sun, moon attractio

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Theoretical Study of the Effect of Permeability Tensor upon Drainage of Soils

the influence of permeability tensor upon drainage of anisotropic soils under ponded water and steady recharge (rainfall) is theoretically investigated. Tensorial permeability has led to the formulation of mixed type partial differential equations. Since there is no analytical solution to this problem, the formulation is therefore solved numerically by the method of finite elements. The finite element formulation is implemented into a computer model which can be applied to any problem of seepage under steady state
conditions. Two different example problems representing two different flow conditions under full anisotropy have been studied. Results of the model for the isotropic case were checked against exact mathematical solutions de

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Simulation of the Thermal Performance of a Tubular Solar Air Heater

In this work, a flat-plate solar air heater (FSAH) and a tubular solar air heater (TSAH) were designed and tested numerically. The work investigates the effect of increasing the contact area between the flowing air and the absorber surface of each heater and predicts the expected results before the fabrication of the experimental rig. Three-dimensional two models were designed and simulated by the ANSYS-FLUENT 16 Program. The solar irradiation and ambient air temperature were measured experimentally on December 1st 2022, at the weather conditions of Baghdad City- Iraq, at three air mass flow rates, 0.012 kg/s, 0.032 kg/s, and 0.052 kg/s. The numerical results showed the advantage in the thermal performance of

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 26 2009
Journal Name
Iraq Journal For Science
Calculation of time Entry and Exit of satellites from Earth Shadow

The tracking of satellites motion and their path around the earth is important things in the mechanical of satellites motion. Significant parameters for the determination of time entrance and existence of the satellite could be obtained from the shadow of the earth. In the present work the tracking and time determination for entry and exit from earth shadow have been studied. In the present work we built a software for tracking the motion of satellites in orbit around the earth and determine the change of both distance and speed as a function of time. The perturbations effect on the satellite has been neglected from the earth atmosphere drag and the earth gravity and other effects. The equation for calculating the shadow is solved using num

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Importance of Using Concentrator Solar Energy Technologies in Anbar Province

The aim of the research is a techno-economic analysis of the use of concentrated solar energy technologies in the Iraqi city, considering the concentrated solar energy technology is a renewable energy technology that derives its resources from the sun and is replenished at a rate that exceeds its use. It is also inexhaustible and environmentally friendly energy from its environmental footprint, unlike traditional fossil energy which produces greenhouse gases and a major cause of global warming.

This research measures the costs of concentrated solar energy technology to Reduce the effects caused by other energies and work to fill part of the shortfall in the total electricity production, even at a specific percentage, in preparati

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Impact of Legislative Factor in the Identity of Modern Residential Urban in Iraq

 The Urban Residential has developed and changed in different periods of time with successive and gradual shifts, as it cast a shadow over the characterization of modern urbanism in Iraq. The semi-total absence of the governing legislation of urbanization as well as the weakness of the State's role of supervisory in addition to neglecting urban heritage contributed in offering a strange environment  in relation to its traditional identity.  That was increased by the pressure of the using urban environment as a result of the increasing of population as well as the growth of people’s needs. The research aims to provide an objective view for a mechanism of the application of urban legislation to monitor the implementation o

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Suicide (theoretical study)

Statistics indicate criminal in most countries of the world that the suicide rate continues to increase, as it prevalence manufacturing and complexity of life and the intensification of conflicts and escalating problems of rising suicide rates. And suicide is death intentional, that is, the intentional act that leads to ending the life of the individual and self-on purpose. The current research aims to identify the suicide in terms of its causes and its factors and come up with recommendations for the prevention of suicide. Because suicide is a life-threatening problem has tried several theories of interpretation and stand on its grounds. Considering the theories of psychoanalysis (Freud) that suicide is the result of the individ

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of concentrations ratios of NiO on the efficiency of solar cell for (CdO)1-x(NiO)x thin films

CdO:NiO/Si solar cell film was fabricated via deposition of CdO:NiO in different concentrations 1%, 3%, and 5% for NiO thin films in R.T and 723K, on n-type silicon substrate with approximately 200 nm thickness using pulse laser deposition. CdO:NiO/n-Si solar cell photovoltaic properties were examined under 60 mW/cm2 intensity illumination. The highest efficiency of the solar cell is 2.4% when the NiO concentration is 0.05 at 723K.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research In Engineering And Technology (ijaret)

The structural, optical and photoelectrical properties of fabricated diffusion heterojunction (HJ) solar cell, from n-type c-Si wafer of [400] direction with Boron, has been studied. AgAl alloys was used because of its properties that affect as a good connection materials. TiO2 has been used as a reflecting layer to increase the absorption radiation. The HJ has direct allowed energy gap equal to 3.1 eV. The c-Si/B HJ solar cell yielded has an active area conversion efficiency of 16.4% with an open circuit voltage of (Voc) 0.592V, short circuit current (Isc) of 2.042mA, fill factor (F.F) of 0.682 and % =10.54.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Absorber Diameter Effect on the Thermal Performance of Solar Steam Generator

In this work, a convex lens concentrating solar collector is designed and manufactured locally by using 10 convex lenses (concentrator) of a diameter 10cm and one Copper absorber tube of a diameter 12.5mm and 1mm in thickness 1m length. Two axes manual Tracking system also constructed to track the sun continuously in two directions. The experiments are made on 17th of May 2015 in climatic conditions of Baghdad. The experimental data are fed to a computer program to solve the thermal performing equation, to find efficiency and actual useful energy. Then this data is used in numerical CFD software for three different absorber diameters (12.5 mm, 18.75 mm and 25 mm). From the results that obtained the maximum the

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