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Fabrication of Photodetector and Study of Its Structural and Optical Properties of Cadmium Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Vacuum Thermal Evaporation Method
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     The fabricated Photodetector n-CdO /-Si factory thin films Altboukaraharara spatial silicon multi- crystallization of the type (n-Type) the deposition of a thin film of cadmium and at room temperature (300K) and thickness (300 ± 20nm) and the time of deposition (1.25sec) was antioxidant thin films cadmium (Cd) record temperature (673k) for one hour to the presence of air and calculated energy gap optical transitions electronic direct ( allowed ) a function of the absorption coefficient and permeability and reflectivity by recording the spectrum absorbance and permeability of the membrane record within the wavelengths (300 1100nm). was used several the bias ranged between 1-5 Volts. The results showed that this reagent works to the extent spectral 400-1000 nm current revealed these findings also said that factor ideal growing thin films CdO which gives a clear indication of the increased concentration of defects.It Showed the results of measuring volume - an effort that the detector of the type of acute if the value of effort internal construction less CdO of thin films . The studies of the response spectrum showed that these reagents responsiveness characterized Bakmtin : the first at the wavelength of 600 nm and the second at the wavelength 800 nm. The highest value for the responsiveness 0.46 A / W at 800 nm wavelength and using siding

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 02 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Research And General Science
IT Auditing to Assure a Secure Cloud Computing for Enterprise Applications
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Recently, all over the world mechanism of cloud computing is widely acceptable and used by most of the enterprise businesses in order increase their productivity. However there are still some concerns about the security provided by the cloud environment are raises. Thus in this our research project, we are discussing over the cloud computing paradigm evolvement for the large business applications like CRM as well as introducing the new framework for the secure cloud computing using the method of IT auditing. In this case our approach is basically directed towards the establishment of the cloud computing framework for the CRM applications with the use of checklists by following the data flow of the CRM application and its lifecycle. Those ch

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
دور الهندسة المتزامنة في تحسين التكلفة
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يهدف البحث الى دراسة وتحليل الهندسة المتزامنة (CE) وتحسين التكلفة(CO)، واستعمال مخرجات الهندسة المتزامنة كمدخلات لتحسين التكلفة، وبيان دور الهندسة المتزامنة في تحسين جودة المنتوج، وتحقيق وفورات في وقت التصميم والتصنيع والتجميع وتخفيض التكاليف، فضلاً عن توظيف بعض النماذج لتحديد مقدار الوفورات في الوقت ومنها نموذج(Lexmark) ونموذج (Pert) لتحديد الوفورات في وقت التصميم وقت لتصنيع والتجميع.      ولتحقيق اهداف 

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hazard Rate Estimation Using Varying Kernel Function for Censored Data Type I Article Sidebar
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n this research, several estimators concerning the estimation are introduced. These estimators are closely related to the hazard function by using one of the nonparametric methods namely the kernel function for censored data type with varying bandwidth and kernel boundary. Two types of bandwidth are used: local bandwidth and global bandwidth. Moreover, four types of boundary kernel are used namely: Rectangle, Epanechnikov, Biquadratic and Triquadratic and the proposed function was employed with all kernel functions. Two different simulation techniques are also used for two experiments to compare these estimators. In most of the cases, the results have proved that the local bandwidth is the best for all the types of the kernel boundary func

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Swift Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanity
Difficulties encountered in translating Some legal texts from Arabic into English
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Translation is both a social and cultural phenomenon, it can neither exist outside a social community and it is within society, nor it can be viewed as a medium of cross-cultural fertilization. This paper aims to investigate the difficulties that a translator may face when dealing with legal texts such as marriage and divorce contracts. These difficulties can be classified according to the present paper into syntactic, semantic, and cultural. The syntactic difficulties include word order, syntactic arrangement, unusual sentence structure, the use of model verbs in English, and difference in legal system. As to the semantic difficulties, they involve lack of established terminology, finding functional and lexical equivalence, word for word t

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
D-Shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber Toxic Metal Ions (Arsenic) Sensor Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance
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In this work, a Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) sensor based on the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) technology was proposed. A thin layer of gold (Au) was deposited on a D-shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF), which was coated with plasmonic chemically stable gold material with a thickness of 40nm. The performance parameters like sensitivity including wavelength sensitivity and amplitude sensitivity and resolution were evaluated by simulation using COMSOL software. The proposed sensor was created by using the finite element approach, it is numerically examined. The results show that the surface of D-shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber coated with Au behaves as a sensor to detect the refractive index (IR) of toxic metal ions. The impacts of the str

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
حوليات أداب عين شمس
الذکريات في المسرحية العبرية المعاصرة (اجراس وقطارات) انموذجا
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This research seeks to determine the nature of the relationship that brought together writing and memories,These memories have given the play (Bells and Trains) a new life, and brought it from one mold to another , And she re-drawn and produced it through words and imagination, and since they are important dramatic keys, they gave the writer the ability to maneuver. This play embodies part of the writer's suffering and an important part of his life It represents a journey into memories of the past through which the writer tried to narrate events that he lived and knew from his friends and relatives, It is the events of the Holocaust and its repercussions on the psyche of the Jews. This play is like a journey in memory with many feelings of

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Relationship sensitivity to stress with positive mood Among Educational Counselors
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The study aimed to examine the sensitivity to stress and its relation to positive mood among educational supervisors. The researcher used the descriptive approach as more an appropriate method for the current study. The sample is composed of (200) educational supervisor. To collect study data, two scales have been used: one scale to measure the sensitivity to stress and the other to measure the positive mood. The results indicated that a high level of sensitivity to stress with low level of positive mood among educational supervisors, sensitivity to stress showed significant differences among the sample regarding to major. There is no correlation between sensitivity to stress and positive mood, and finally, there are no significant diffe

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Jeder Lernende, der in der Fremdsprache Deutsch kommunizieren möchte, wird sich auch mit der deutschen Aussprache beschäftigen (müssen). Wer eine gute Aussprache hat, wird nicht nur oft und zu Recht bewundert, er hat es auch leichter, die deutsche Sprache zu verstehen, und er wird gut verstanden. Aussprachefehler beeinträchtigen die Kommunikation, sie führen zur Unverständlichkeit von Namen, Wörtern und Äußerungen oder Mißverständnissen, sie bewirken Ermüdung und Konzentrationsverluste und beeinträchtigen die Sprachverarbeitung durch Assoziationen und Emotionen, die beim Hörer entstehen können.’’[1]

Diese vorliegende Forschung befasst sich mit der Wic

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The Intersectionality in I’ve Been Meaning To Tell You: A Letter to My Daughter: A Post-Colonial Perspective
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Intersectionality is a concept that focuses on social inequality towards black people and provides an analytical instruments for creating social justice issues in such a way in order to depict how social marginalization, or privilege occurs differently in various social positions. It does this by focusing on the interaction of multiple systems of oppression. Intersectionality is used to examines how the social factors; race, gender, and class can affect the people’s life especially the immigrants, black people, and refuges. This article will depicts how blacks in Canada are segregated and distinguished from white race. David Chariandy’s I’ve Been Meaning To Tell You: A Letter to My Daughter 2018 is analyzed through Kimberle Crenshaw

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Theoretical and experimental investigations have been carried out on developing laminar
combined free and forced convection heat transfer in a vertical concentric annulus with uniformly
heated outer cylinder (constant heat flux) and adiabatic inner cylinder for both aiding and opposing
flows. The theoretical investigation involved a mathematical modeling and numerical solution for
two dimensional, symmetric, simultaneously developing laminar air flows was achieved. The
governing equations of motion (continuity, momentum and energy) are solved by using implicit
finite difference method and the Gauss elimination technique. The theoretical work covers heat flux
range from (200 to 1500) W/m2, Re range from 400 to 2000 an

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