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Gamma Ray Attenuation Coefficients for Lead Oxide and Iron Oxide Reinforced In Silicate Glasses as Radiation Shielding Windows
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     In this work, the mass attenuation coefficient, effective atomic number and half value layer parameters were calculated for silicate (SiO2) mixed with various levels of lead oxide and iron oxide as reinforced materials. SiO2 was used with different concentrations of PbO and Fe2O3 (25, 50 and 75 weight %). The glass system was prepared by the melt-quenching method. The attenuation parameters were calculated at photon energies varying from 1keV to 100MeV using the XCOM program (version 3.1). In addition, the mass attenuation coefficient and half value layer parameters for selected glass samples were experimentally determined at photon energies 0.662 and 1.28 MeV emitted from radioactive sources 137Cs and 22Na respectively in a collimated narrow beam geometry set-up using 2"x2" NaI (Tl) scintillation detector. These values are found to be in agreement with the values computed theoretically. Moreover, these results were also compared with those for the commercial window glass. The effective atomic number ( Zeff ) and half value layer (HVL) results indicate that  pbO+SiO2 was better gamma ray attenuation than Fe2O3+SiO2 and commercial window glass. This indicates that PbO+SiO2 glasses can be used as gamma ray shielding in replace of both of them in this energy range.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Fabrication and characterization of zinc oxide nanorods coated by graphene oxide ZnO-NR@GO as a potential hybrid material photocatalyst
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Hybrid architecture of ZnO nanorods/graphene oxide ZnO-NRs@GO synthesized by electrostatic self-assembly methods. The morphological, optical and luminescence characteristics of ZnO-NRs@GO and ZnO-NRs thin films have been described by FESEM, TEM, HRTEM, and AFM, which refers to graphene oxide have been coated ZnO-NRs with five layers. Here we synthesis ZnO-NRs@GO by simple, cheap and environmentally friendly method, which made it favorable for huge -scale preparation in many applications such as photocatalyst. ZnO-NRs@GO was applied as a photocatalyst Rodamin 6 G (R6G) dye from water using 532 nm diode laser-induced photocatalytic process. Overall degradation of R6G/ ZnO-NRs@GO was achieved after 90 minutes of laser irradiation while it ne

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Gamma radiation induced changes in the optical properties of CdTe thin films for dosimetric purposes
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The effect of 0.662MeV gamma radiation on the optical properties of the CdTe thin films was studied. 300nm thickness of CdTe samples were irradiated with doses (10, 20, 30,60krad) in room temperature. The absorption spectra for all the samples were recorded using UV- Visible spectrometer in order to calculate the energy gap, width of localized states and optical constants(refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant). The optical energy gap was found to decrease from (1.53 to 1.48 eV), while the width of localized states increased from (1.34 to 1.49 eV) with the increasing of radiation dose. The behavior of energy gap with the irradiation dose makes the material a good candidate for dosimetry

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 06 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Polymers And The Environment
Novel Sorbent of Sand Coated with Humic Acid-Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Elimination of Copper and Cadmium Ions from Contaminated Water
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Nanoparticles of humic acid and iron oxide were impregnated on the inert sand to produce sorbent for treating groundwater contained of cadmium and copper ions by technology of permeable reactive barrier (PRB). Sewage sludge was the source of the humic acid to prepare the coated sand by humic acid—iron oxide (CSHAIO) sorbent; so, this work is consistent with sustainable development. For 10 mg/L metal concentration, batch tests at speed of 200 rpm signified that the removal efficiencies are greater than 90% at sorbent dosage 0.25 g/ 50 mL, pH 6 and contact time 1 h. The kinetic data was well described by the Pseudo first-order model indicating that physicosorption is the predominant mechanism. The maximum adsorption capacities (qmax) were c

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 29 2023
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
The Wound Healing effect of the Green Synthesized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: A Study on Mice
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The extract of fig fruit has shown significant medical usefulness in various fields. The entrance of nanotechnology into the field of medicinal and pharmacology has shown remarkable advantages. Plants contain diverse molecules thatcan reduce metals, and provide a safe, eco-friendly approach for synthesizing nanoparticles. Iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) have been reported to possess an antimicrobial effect against some strains of bacteria and moulds. We have aimed to synthesize IONPs from fig fruit extract and investigate the influence of fig extract and IONPs in wound healing of mice. UV-Vis spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and field emission scanning electron microscopy were used to characterize the IONPs that were produced

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effects of Lead on Hemopoeitic and Iron Status in Iraqi Workers at Lead Batteries Factory
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The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of lead exposure on hemopoetic system (through the index delta-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase ?-ALAD activity & hemoglobin concentration (Hb) ) and on iron status (levels of iron Fe, Ferritin Fr, Total iron binding capacity TIBC, percentage of transferine saturation TF%) in 44 Iraqi worker at lead batteries factory. Workers divided into two groups: smokers(n=21) mean aged (37.33±4.82 year)and non smokers(n=23) mean aged(40.78±7.89 year) and 45 healthy subjects mean aged (33.97±5.08)as control group . Activity of ?-ALAD ratio shows significant decrease (p ? 0.05) ,while Hb and hematocrit Hct were non significant (p ? 0.05) in smoker workers more than non smoker as compared to control . The r

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 02 2023
Journal Name
East European Journal Of Physics
Investigation of the Impact of Glass Waste in Reactive Powder Concrete on Attenuation Properties for Bremsstrahlung Ray
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Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) is one of the most advanced recent high compressive strength concrete. This work explored the effects of using glass waste as a fractional replacement for fine aggregate in reactive powder concrete at levels of 0%, 25%, 50%, and 100%. Linear and mass attenuation coefficients have been calculated as a function of the sample's thickness and bremsstrahlung energy. These coefficients were obtained using energy selective scintillation response to bremsstrahlung having an energy ranging from (0.1-1.1) MeV. In addition, the half-value thickness of the samples prepared has been investigated. It was found that there is a reversal association between the attenuation coefficient and the energy of the bremsstrahlu

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Statistics
Estimation intensity radiation of chest X-ray (CXR) with application
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In this research we assumed that the number of emissions by time (𝑡) of radiation particles is distributed poisson distribution with parameter (𝑡), where  < 0 is the intensity of radiation. We conclude that the time of the first emission is distributed exponentially with parameter 𝜃, while the time of the k-th emission (𝑘 = 2,3,4, … . . ) is gamma distributed with parameters (𝑘, 𝜃), we used a real data to show that the Bayes estimator 𝜃 ∗ for 𝜃 is more efficient than 𝜃̂, the maximum likelihood estimator for 𝜃 by using the derived variances of both estimators as a statistical indicator for efficiency

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Ceramics International
High-performance (K,Na)NbO3-based binary lead-free piezoelectric ceramics modified with acceptor metal oxide
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Synthesis and Characterization of Ni2O3 as a Phase of Nickel Oxide Nanomaterial
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    Ni2O3 nanomaterial, a phase of nickel oxide, is synthesized by a simple chemical process. The pure raw materials used in the present process were nickel chloride hexahydrate NiCl2.6H2O and potassium hydroxide KOH by utilizing temperature at 250 oC for 2 hour.  The structural, morphological and optical properties of the synthesized specimens of Ni2O3 were investigated employing diverse techniques such as XRD, AFM, SEM and UV-Vis, respectively. The XRD technique confirms the presence of Ni2O3 nanomaterial with crystal size of 57.083 nm which indexing to the (2θ) of 31.82; this results revealed the Ni2O3 was a phase of nickel oxide with Nano structure. The synthesized Ni2O3 will be useful in manufacturng electrodes materials f

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Neutron Yield From Gamma Ray Incineration of Radioactive Fission Products
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The neutron flux in this paper, which is generated as a result of γ incineration of the radioactive fisssion products isotopes has been evaluated .It is obvious from this paper that the neutron flux value depends on the number of incineration nuclei and the nuclear cross-section of the incinerated isotopes, and the neutron flux is directly dependent on γ-ray flux. The neutron flux increases from 1010to 1017n/ as the irradiation flux increases from 1016to 1020 γ/cm2.s. It is concluded that the γ-incineration technique can be used to produce a switchable neutron source of high flux.

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