The concept of a small f- subm was presented in a previous study. This work introduced a concept of a hollow f- module, where a module is said to be hollow fuzzy when every subm of it is a small f- subm. Some new types of hollow modules are provided namely, Loc- hollow f- modules as a strength of the hollow module, where every Loc- hollow f- module is a hollow module, but the converse is not true. Many properties and characterizations of these concepts are proved, also the relationship between all these types is researched. Many important results that explain this relationship are demonstrated also several characterizations and properties related to these concepts are given.
Throughout this paper, we introduce the notion of weak essential F-submodules of F-modules as a generalization of weak essential submodules. Also we study the homomorphic image and inverse image of weak essential F-submodules.
In this paper it was presented the idea quasi-fully cancellation fuzzy modules and we will denote it by Q-FCF(M), condition universalistic idea quasi-fully cancellation modules It .has been circulated to this idea quasi-max fully cancellation fuzzy modules and we will denote it by Q-MFCF(M). Lot of results and properties have been studied in this research.
In this paper, we introduce a new concept named St-polyform modules, and show that the class of St-polyform modules is contained properly in the well-known classes; polyform, strongly essentially quasi-Dedekind and ?-nonsingular modules. Various properties of such modules are obtained. Another characterization of St-polyform module is given. An existence of St-polyform submodules in certain class of modules is considered. The relationships of St-polyform with some related concepts are investigated. Furthermore, we introduce other new classes which are; St-semisimple and ?-non St-singular modules, and we verify that the class of St-polyform modules lies between them.
In this paper, we study a new concept of fuzzy sub-module, called fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-module that is a generalization the concept of semi-prime fuzzy sub-module and fuzzy of approximately semi-prime sub-module in the ordinary sense. This leads us to introduce level property which studies the relation between the ordinary and fuzzy sense of approximately semi-prime sub-module. Also, some of its characteristics and notions such as the intersection, image and external direct sum of fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-modules are introduced. Furthermore, the relation between the fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-module and other types of fuzzy sub-module presented.
The study of torsion {torsion free) fuzzy modules over fuzzy
integtal domain as a generalization oftorsion (torsion free) modules.
Our aim in this paper is to study the relationships between min-cs modules and some other known generalizations of cs-modules such as ECS-modules, P-extending modules and n-extending modules. Also we introduce and study the relationships between direct sum of mic-cs modules and mc-injectivity.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity. R is said to be P.P ring if every principle ideal of R is projective. Endo proved that R is P.P ring if and only if Rp is an integral domain for each prime ideal P of R and the total quotient ring Rs of R is regular. Also he proved that R is a semi-hereditary ring if and only if Rp is a valuation domain for each prime ideal P of R and the total quotient Rs of R is regular. , and we study some of properties of these modules. In this paper we study analogue of these results in C.F, C.P, F.G.F, F.G.P R-modules.
Let R be a ring with 1 and W is a left Module over R. A Submodule D of an R-Module W is small in W(D ≪ W) if whenever a Submodule V of W s.t W = D + V then V = W. A proper Submodule Y of an R-Module W is semismall in W(Y ≪_S W) if Y = 0 or Y/F ≪ W/F ∀ nonzero Submodules F of Y. A Submodule U of an R-Module E is essentially semismall(U ≪es E), if for every non zero semismall Submodule V of E, V∩U ≠ 0. An R-Module E is essentially semismall quasi-Dedekind(ESSQD) if Hom(E/W, E) = 0 ∀ W ≪es E. A ring R is ESSQD if R is an ESSQD R-Module. An R-Module E is a scalar R-Module if, ∀ , ∃ s.t V(e) = ze ∀ . In this paper, we study the relationship between ESSQD Modules with scalar and multiplication Modules. We show that
... Show MoreThroughout this paper, three concepts are introduced namely stable semisimple modules, stable t-semisimple modules and strongly stable t-semisimple. Many features co-related with these concepts are presented. Also many connections between these concepts are given. Moreover several relationships between these classes of modules and other co-related classes and other related concepts are introduced.