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New Record Of The Specis Cyclops scutifer G. O. Sars (Cop epoda- Cyclopoida) And Study The Effect Of Food Quality On Its Life Cycle
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 For the purpose of studying the effect of the quality of food on the growth and reproduction of crustaceans the type of Cyclops scutifer were used which ranked as the first record in Iraq and the test was bred and classification.  To find out the effect of the quality of food on this type it has been selected three groups of food. The first group was chlorophyll, the second group was chlorophyll with Paramecium and the third group was chlorophyll with larvae of mosquitoes in its early stages.   After collections the results and conduct statistical test (F test), the results found that the quality of food had great influence on the growth of animals and productivity the impact was clear on the stages of growth and transition from one stages to another, and the number of eggs and the time between its lap and the continuation of life and preparation. 

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Preservation on the Shelf Life of Laboratory Processed Biscuit
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This study has been conducted to investigate the influence of preservatives(sodium propionate and potassium sorbate) at different levels to extend the storage life of laboratory processed biscuit.The results have shown that When%0.10 sodium propionate was added bacteria and fungi was not found for three months while found in the fourth month of storage.However bacteria and mold didnot grow until the sixth month of storage as %0.20 and %0.30 concentration was used. On the other side as %0.03 potassium sorbate was used,the growth of bacteria was cheched for 3 months and 4 months for molds..When %0.06 potassium sorbate was used no growth of bacterial or mold was found until the sixth month of storage . Three types of bacteria have been appeare

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relationship of environmental costs to product life cycle costs Applied in the General Company for Battery Industry
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The relationship between costs of environment and costs of product life – cycle.    Boubtlessly when the economical unit exercise their productive works, they lead to pollution in water, air and soil as well as all stages of product life- cycle from Rans Dstage, production stage, packaging stage and finally abandonment stage-             Pollution causes environmental costs. Lgnoring or hiding environmental costs and no taking them in consideration with product cost lead to a wrong account of preduot cost.

Therefore, environmental costs should be included and matched for all stages with in product costs to know which activities, processes

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of the psychological domain of the quality of life for infertile men
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Abstract A descriptive correlation study which was utilizing an assessment approach, was carried out from November 19th, 2002 through April 30, 2004 in order to assess the psychosocial domain of the quality of life for the infertile men. A purposive sample of (200) men with infertility was selected from the High Institute for Embryo Research and Infertility Treatment and Alsamaraee Hospital in Baghdad city. A questionnaire was adoapted and developed of the World Health Organization quality of life scale for the purpose of the study. The questionnaire (WHOQOL) (1998) Reliability and validity of the questionnair

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 28 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The Effect of Cooking Utensils in the Food Content of Elements.: The Effect of Cooking Utensils in the Food Content of Elements.
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the study aimed to identify the impact of the types of cooking utensils in transition metal elements to food and the effect of acid and storage in the concentration of these elements. used five types of cooking utensils including aluminum. tefal, astainls steel, glass. (pyrex), and ceramic prepared in it the food meal. the same meals were repeated add to them acid. the estimate of mineral elements in the meal prepared before storage and after storage in refrigerator temperature degree. the result shows the increase of aluminum concentration in the meals that prepared in aluminum pot reaching 2.913 pmm while reached less concentration in the meal prepared in astainls pot reaching 0.325 pmm. the highest concentration of iron reached 25.2 p

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Use of the costs of environmental quality and its impact on income
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        Accompanied Activity Economic Unity some negative effects in the environment of air, water and soil pollution of difficult to measure each other for being the external costs and to be avoided such expenditures should be measured or estimated value to be disclosed environmental costs at the heart of the financial statements of economic unity to inform managers and users of the financial statements on the implications costs environmental .and impact in reducing environmental costs and increase future income and economic unit, was based on research into the inductive approach through books, letters, journals and the internet to cover the theoretical framework of the research. And to the analyt

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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Food industries are variety to include number of agricultural products (plantbotential and animal) which can be manufactured locally, thus, Iraqi market is full by different types of food products from neighbor countries, because of un equivalence and inability of competence, in away to cover (90%) average of local request need under commercial  opening.

In Iraq although its importance, this industry suffers from difficulties, the most important one is the rising  in  products costs, shortage in agricultural products, experience, and qualification, besides, the challenges , by flooding market in food products and what are contained of higher competitive features from quality and prices side

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Potassium Sorbate on Microorganism and Self life of Laboratory Biscuit
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This study has been conducted to examin the effect of potassium sorbate at different level of 0.03,0.06,0.10% on the number of bacteria and mold and to extend the storage life of laboratory processed biscuit. The results indicated that the use of 0.03% potassium sorbate prolonged the storage peroid until the third month .three types of bacteria has been isolated from processed biscuit, namely, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Esherichia coli using 0.06% potassium sorbate showed no growth of bacteria up to six month of storage ,while using of 0.03% and 0.06% potassium sorbate prevent the growth of mold up to three and six months of storage respectively. Both Aspergillus and Penicillium were isolated from the processed biscuit.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Sodium Propionate on Microorganism and Self life of Laboratory Biscuit
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This study has been conducted to examin the effect of sodium propionate at different level of 0.03,0.06,0.10% on the number of bacteria and mold and to extend the storage life of laboratory processed biscuit. The results indicated that the use of 0.10% sodium propionate prolonged the storage peroid until the third month, while the use of 0.20% sodium propionate showed no growth of bacteria up to six month of storage, three types of bacteria has been isolated from processed biscuit, namely, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Esherichia coli. using 0.10% sodium propionate showed no growth of mold up to three month of storage ,while using of 0.15 % and 0.20% sodium propionate prevent the growth

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Charge Stratification and Fuel/Air Ratio Effect on the Efficiency of (ICADE) I. C. Engine Cycle
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The Isolated Combustion and Diluted Expansion (ICADE) internal combustion engine cycle combines the advantages of constant volume combustion of the Otto cycle with the high compression ratio of the Diesel cycle.   This work studies the effect of isolated air mass (charge stratification) on the efficiency of the cycle; the analysis shows that the decrease of isolated air mass will increase the efficiency of the cycle and the large dilution air mass will quench all NOx forming reactions and reduce unburned hydrocarbons. Furthermore, the effect of Fuel / Air ratio on the efficiency shows that the increase of Fuel / Air ratio will increase efficiency of the cycle.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 12 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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The current research aims to identify the risk management and its impact on the quality of service in the Salahalddin Sewerage Directorate, This is due to the great impact that the service provided by this institution plays in preserving health and the environment in the community, which has faced many administrative challenges, problems and issues as a result of the rapid and continuous environmental changes, and therefore, the adoption of administrative concepts such as risk management and knowledge of their impact on the quality of the municipal service is necessary to reach this service To the required levels. To achieve the research objectives, two main hypotheses have been formulated, the first of which is to find the extent of the li

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