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Determined the Concentration Elements to Human Nail Using X- Ray Fluorescence Technique
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Cancer constitutes a serious disease and a major health problem in worldwide, a lot of people were infected with this dangerous disease, Therefore, there must be attention to this disease through diagnosis and prevention there. In this study, we determined the relationship between the Cancer and the concentration of trace elements by comparing the concentration trace elements for infected and non-infected people. The trace elements concentrations to nails are one of the diagnostic criteria that easily to detect and dated this disease without any harm to the patient. Eight nails samples were collected from cancer-infected and eight samples from non-infected of the relatives of first-degree. All samples were measured by the concentrations elements using X-ray fluorescence. The accuracy and precision were verified using standard samples. The results showed that the average concentrations of elements (Magnesium, silicon, potassium, calcium, ironand selenium,) were lower for cancer patients than their non-infected relatives and the trace elements (zinc, copper, cadmium, lead, chromium, manganese) were higher for cancer patients than their non-infected relatives. In conclusion, we need further studies to confirm the relationship between trace elements and cancer disease and attention the effect of diet and environmental risk of cancer.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comparative Study of Heavy Metals and Trace Elements Concentration in Milk Samples Consumed in Iraq
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The measurements of major and trace elements in different brands of milk powder selected from the Iraqis market via the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Technique have been studied in the present work. The result of the measurements reveals the high concentrations of sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Furthermore, low concentrations of aluminum, silicon, iron, bromine, molybdenum, iodine, barium, titanium, manganese, cobalt, chrome, nickel, copper, zinc and lead were detected. Neutron activation analysis (NAA) and Kjeldahl technique were also employed to determine the concentrations of nitrogen. It was found that the nitrogen concentration was in the range of (1.96 - 3.23) % which is within the permissible li

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Detection and Quantification of Class I Caries with Laser Fluorescence Technique
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The objective of the present study is to verify the actual carious lesion depth by laser
fluorescence technique using 650 nm CW diode laser in comparison with the histopathological
investigation. Five permanent molar teeth were extracted from adult individuals for different reasons
(tooth impaction, periodontal diseases, and pulp infections); their ages were ranging from 20-25 years
old. Different carious teeth with varying clinical stages of caries progression were examined. An
experimental laser fluorescence set-up was built to perform the work regarding in vitro detection and
quantification of occlusal dental caries and the determination of its actual clinical carious lesion depth by
650 nm CW diode laser (excitat

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Evaluation the Safety and Security Procedures used In X-ray Clinics in Al-Harthiya-Baghdad
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Abstract<p>Radiation is a form of energy, its emitted either in the form of particles such as α-particles and β-particles (beta particles including the electron and the positron) or waves such as sunlight, X-rays and γ-rays. Radiation found everywhere around us and it comes from many different sources naturally or man-made sources. In this study a questionnaire was distributed to people working in the field of X-rays that used for a medical imaging (X-ray and CT-scan) to evaluate the extent of awareness and knowledge in estimate the damage of ionizing radiation as a result of wrong use. The questionnaire was distributed to medical clinics in Al-Harithiya in Baghdad, which it’s considered as</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of training human resources in the elements of administrative innovation
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The current research aims to identify the nature of the relationship between training human resources in administrative innovation elements In the General Directorate for the education of the third Rusafa one of the formations of the Iraqi Ministry of Education in Baghdad, In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher provided a comprehensive theoretical framework and the preparation and development of a questionnaire as a tool for collecting data based on the prepared measurements and benefit from previous studies, which contains (28) For the purpose of obtaining realistic results for the variables of the research, the researcher used the random sample in the selection of the research sample A total of (63)

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Telkomnika (telecommunication Computing Electronics And Control)
Automatic human ear detection approach using modified adaptive search window technique
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Comparison between Quantitative Computed Tomography and Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry in the Detection of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women
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Background: Osteoporosis is denoted by low bone mass and microarchitectural breakdown of bone tissue, directing to increased fracture risk and bone fragility. Fractures may lead to a decreased quality of life and increased medical costs. Thus, osteoporosis is widely considered a significant health concern.

Objective. This study aimed to compare quantitative computed tomography (QCT) and dual-energy X-Ray absorptiometry (DXA) to detect osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

Subjects and Methods. We measured spinal volumetric bone mineral density (BMD) with QCT and areal spinal and hip BMD with DXA in 164 postmenopausal women. We calculated the osteo

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Apr 21 2023
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees22fr
Modified x-ray analysis size strain plot method to determine the lattice stress and strain energy density of calcium titan oxide (CaTiO3) nanoparticles
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In this research, the size strain plot method was used to estimate the particle size and lattice strain of CaTiO3 nanoparticles. The SSP method was developed to calculate new variables, namely stress, and strain energy, and the results were crystallite size (44.7181794 nm) lattice strain (0.001211), This method has been modified to calculate new variables such as stress and its value (184.3046308X10-3Mpa) and strain energy and its value (1.115833287X10-6 KJm-3).

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Measurements of X-Ray Dose Delivered at Different Depths Applied on Water Phantom
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Background: Radiotherapy, is therapy using ionizing radiation in order to deliver an optimal dose of either particulate or electromagnetic radiation to a particular area of the body with minimal damage to normal tissues. The source of radiation may be outside the body of the patient (external beam irradiation) or it may be an isotope that has been implanted or instilled into abnormal tissue or a body cavity. Called also radiotherapy. The aim of work studies the relationship between the depth dose and the high photon xray energies (6MeV and 10MeV). Patients and methods: in our work, we studied the dose distribution in water phantom given at different depths (zero-18) cm deep at1cm intervals treated with different field size (5×5-,10×1

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 21 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Effect of x- ray on the treatment of breast cancer combined with amygdalin and doxorubicin separately
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Background: Radiation therapy has the ability to destroy healthy cells in addition to cancer cells in the area being treated. However, when radiation combines with doxorubicin, it becomes more effective on breast cancer treatment. Objective: This study aims to clarify the effect of X-ray from LINAC combined with amygdalin and doxorubicin on breast cancer treatment, and the possibility of using amygdalin with X-ray instead of doxorubicin for the breast cancer treatment. Method: Two cell lines were used in this study, the first one was MCF-7 cell line and second one was WRL- 68 normal cell line. These cells were preserved in liquid nitrogen, prepared, developed and tested in the (place). The effect of three x-ray doses combined with a

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Correlation of Concentrations of Certain Trace Elements in Normal and Diseased Human Tissues
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Background Over the past decade there has been a growing awareness of, and interest in, the trace element concentration differences between normal and diseased tissues. Significant changes in tissue concentrations of Zinc (Zn) and Copper (Cu) have been previously reported in inflammation and cancer of certain human tissues.
Aim:(1)To correlate between Zn and Cu concentrations and the histological picture of normal and certain inflamed human tissues, namely the gall bladder (GB) the vermiform appendix (VA), visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT). (2) to detect whether there is a difference in the above-mentioned parameters between VAT and SAT. (3) to obtain recordings for trace element levels in human tissu

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