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Automated Reconstruction and Manual Curation of Amino Acid Biosynthesis Pathways in Sulfolobus solfataricus P2
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The efficient sequencing techniques have significantly increased the number of genomes that are now available, including the Crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 genome. The genome-scale metabolic pathways in Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 were predicted by implementing the “Pathway Tools” software using MetaCyc database as reference knowledge base. A Pathway/Genome Data Base (PGDB) specific for Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 was created. A curation approach was carried out regarding all the amino acids biosynthetic pathways. Experimental literatures as well as homology-, orthology- and context-based protein function prediction methods were followed for the curation process. The “PathoLogic” component of the “Pathway Tools” programme was able to predict many amino acid biosynthetic metabolic pathways. The total number of the metabolic pathways was modified to 168 pathways by adding extra pathways that have not been detected by the “PathoLogic”. Amino acid biosynthetic pathways such as alpha-aminoadipic acid (AAA) pathway of Lysine biosynthesis and Alanine biosynthesis as well as the super-pathway of Phenylalanine, Tyrosine and Tryptophan biosynthesis variation II were added to the Pathway/Genome data base of Sulfolobus solfataricus P2. Discovery of the missing enzymes that have to fill in the metabolic holes in the pathways under study was the main curation task. This approach and the curated amino acid biosynthetic pathways in the PGDB of Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 can be used for genomic annotations and metabolic pathway reconstructions of closely related Bacteria and Archaea.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 21 2024
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Synthesis and biological activity evaluation of new isatin-gallate hybrids as antioxidant and anticancer agents (in vitro) and in silico study as anticancer agents and coronavirus inhibitors
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Background: The hybrid compounds hold promise for developing novel pharmaceuticals, potentially exhibiting greater activity, mainly against viruses and cancer diseases, than their components.

Objective: In this study, researchers explored the potential synergistic effects of hybrid molecules by designing and synthesizing a series of isatin-gallate hybrids, denoted as N’-(5-substituted-2-oxoindolin-3-ylidene)-3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydrazide (3a–d).

Methods: Isatin-gallate hybrids (3a–d) were synthesized by reacting gallic hydrazide with each of the isatin analogs (2a–d). The structures of all produced comp

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences
Correlation of Kidney Injury Molecule-1 and Nephrin Levels in Iraqi Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy
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Diabetic nephropathy is characterized by persistent microalbuminuria and metabolic changes that decline renal functions. Researchers have been prompted to explore new biomarkers such as KIM-1 and nephrin that may enhance the identification of disease. Objective: To Evaluate biomarker levels of kidney injury molculre-1 (KIM-1) concentration and nephrin as early and sensitive markers of nephropathy in type 2 diabetic patients. Method: One hundred T2DM patients were included in a cross-sectional study at the specialized center for endocrinology and diabetes, Baghdad. The first group includes 50 diabetic nephropathy (DN) patients, and the second group includes 50 T2DM patients without DN. Biochemical and clinical parameters were reported for pa

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Babylon University
Spectrophotometric Determination of Sulfamethoxazole in Pure and Pharmaceutical Preparations Based on Condensation Reaction Method
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A new, Simple, sensitive and accurate spectrophotometric methods have been developed for the determination of sulfamethoxazole (SMZ) drug in pure and dosage forms. This method based on the reaction of sulfamethoxazole (SMZ) with 1,2-napthoquinone-4-sulphonic acid (NQS) to form Nalkylamono naphthoquinone by replacement of the sulphonate group of the naphthoquinone sulphonic acid by an amino group. The colored chromogen shows absorption maximum at 460 nm. The optimum conditions of condensation reaction forms were investigated by (1) univariable method, by optimizing the effect of experimental variables (different bases, reagent concentration, borax concentration and reaction time), (2) central composite design (CCD) including the effect of

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The waste sorting and recycling plant in the district of al- Mahmudiya (Yusufiya) is the only laboratory in Baghdad governorate. It is the only one in Iraq that collects and recycles waste. After sorting, we have packages of raw materials (aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, Nylon bags) as well as natural fertilizers (food residues and others) and a sanitary landfill with specifications that meet international standards; However, the absence of a structure for the management of the plant (manager, assistant manager, accountant, etc.) in addition to the non-supply of waste on a daily and continuous basis and the lack of cooperation of the Municipality of Baghdad with the management of the plant led to delay in the work

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessing the Activity of Renin and GST in the Serum of Ladies Suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and COVID-19 to Predict the Danger of Cardiac Disease
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The coronavirus-pandemic has a major impact on women's-mental and physical-health. Polycystic-ovary-syndrome (PCOS) has a high-predisposition to many cardiometabolic-risk factors that increase susceptibility to severe complications of COVID-19 and also exhibit an increased likelihood of subfertility. The study includes the extent of the effect of COVID-19-virus on renin-levels, glutathione-s-transferase-activity and other biochemical parameters in PCOS-women. The study included 120 samples of ladies that involved: 80 PCOS-patients, and 40 healthy-ladies. Both main groups were divided into subgroups based on COVID-19 infected or not. Blood-samples were collected from PCOS-patients in Kamal-Al-Samara Hospital, at the period between Decembe

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharma Sciences
Cytogenetic and Fertility Study for the Effect of Alcoholic and Water Extracts of Gold and Black Raisin in Mice
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raisin on mice in comparison with negative (phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and positive Mitomycin-C (MMC) controls. Moreover, the effect on fertility hormones (follicles stimulation hormone/FSH, lutenising hormone/LH) was also measured. The effect of the extracted samples were measured by employing cytogenetic analysis which included (the mitotic index (MI), chromosomal aberrations (CAs) and micronucleus (MN)) parameters. Results showed that significant increase in MI and significant reduction in both CAs and MN percentage were seen after treatment with both alcoholic and water extracts of the two raisins and alcoholic extracts was more effective than water extracts. On the other hand both the gold and black raisin enhanced the levels of the

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Comparing Explosive Strength and Speed – Strength in College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences’ Leagues of Basketball and Handball
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
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Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Evaluation of Morphological (Macroscopic and Microscopic) Parameters of Placentas in Pregnancies Complicated by Preeclampsia, Diabetes and Preeclampsia and Diabetes.
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This study was done to compare the morphometric parameters of placentas in well controlled patients with preeclampsia, diabetes, and preeclampsia-diabetes with that of normal uncomplicated placentas. Patients & Methods: A total of Twenty four placentas were freshly collected. Six placentas for control group and eighteen placentas for complicated group (preeclamptic-diabetic and preeclamptic--diabetic subgroups). The placentas were grossly examined (shape, number of cotyledons, weight, and thickness). After suitable fixation, tissue processing and sectioning, the sections were stained by hematoxylin and eosin to study the general morphology and morphometry of the following parameters: number of terminal villi, number of syncytial knots, numb

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 14 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Determination of Some Biochemical Parameters in Ascaridia galli in chickens Which abundant in the local markets: Determination of Some Biochemical Parameters in Ascaridia galli in chickens Which abundant in the local markets
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The current study included measuring the percent of protein in the extract of nematode Ascaridia galli that infect chickens, it was 1.157% and equivalent to 11.570 mg /L., as well as the amino acid analysis in the nematode A.galli by using a high-performance liquid chromatography technique (HPLC), as was detect five types for amino acids in this extract Leucine, Threonin, Serine, Methionine and Valine as the amount of these amino acids in the extract was as follows 132.973, 26.994, 10.453, 2.243 and 1.888 mg /L., respectively, and other amino acids which Glutamic, Histidine and Tyrosin did not exist in the nematode A.galli.

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Institutional Reality Construction: Principles of its Construction and Functions of Language in its Production; Diplomacy as a Model
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This study aims to answer a significant problem of social sciences and philosophy: How do we construct an institutional reality such as diplomacy with an objective recognizable existence? The study assumes that the ability to build institutional reality is based on our biological capacity, as it takes different forms in all the institutions we construct. The study takes the theory of the American philosopher John Searle as an approach to examining the assumption. The study sums up important findings; cultures, although they share the biological capacity on which they produce institutional realities, differ in the form of the value standards on which the institutional realities are based. The study recommends the need of Arab social resea

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