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Fabrication and study the effect of the laser on the properties of the compound Tl2-xHgxBa2-ySryCa2Cu3O10+δ superconductor
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This study included the fabrication of    compound (Tl2-xHgxBa2-ySryCa2Cu3O10+δ) in a manner solid state and under hydrostatic pressure ( 8 ton/cm2) and temperature annealing(850°C), and determine the effect of the laser on the structural and electrical properties elements in the compound, and various concentrations of x where (x= 0.1,0.2,0.3 ). Observed by testing the XRD The best ratio of compensation for x is 0.2 as the value of a = b = 5.3899 (A °), c = 36.21 (A °) show that the installation of four-wheel-based type and that the best temperature shift is TC= 142 K  .When you shine a CO2 laser on the models in order to recognize the effect of the laser on these models showed the study of X-ray diffraction of these samples when preparing models with different concentrations of the values ​​of x, the best ratio of compensation is 0.2 which showed an increase in the values ​​of the dimensions of the unit cell a=b = 5.3929 (A °), c = 36.238 (A°). And the best transition temperature after shedding laser is TC=144 K. 

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Age and Gender on Fetuin-A and Some Biochemical parameters in Blood Sera of Iraqi patients with T2DM: A comparative study
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The serum protein test includes measurement of the level of total protein(albumin, globulin). Fetuin-A is a blood protein made in liver. It can inhibit insulin receptor, enhance insulin sensitivity and make the individuals more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, then disorder in lipid profile (Total cholesterol(TC), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c), Triglyceride(TG) and very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-c) . To evaluate Fetuin-A, total protein, albumin, globulin, HbAlc and lipid profile in 200 adult and elderly Iraqi patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus were taken and compare them with 200 subjects as a healthy control. The laboratory analysis(for patients and

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu May 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Monitoring of the Immune Response Activity in Iraqi Patients Infected with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis by IFN-γ and MIG Evaluation During Different Stages of Infection
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Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is one of the most prevalent cutaneous parasitic protozoan infections in Iraq; characterized by a chronic infection and granulomatous disease that invades the skin. Type 1 immune was predominates in CL patients with exacerbated production of pro-inflammatory cytokine, therefore this study aimed to evaluate serum level of interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and monokine induce by interferon gamma (MIG/CXCl9) as a useful markers of disease development in patients during different stage of infection (<1 month .. early , 1-6 month.. chronic and >6 months.. late). The result showed that there was an early effort to eliminate the parasite proliferation which illustrated by a high significant increase of both IFN-γ

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Scopus (3)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of (SWOM) strategy on acquiring the psychological concepts of educational psychology course and its retention among education college students
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The current study aims to investigate the effect of (SWOM) strategy on acquiring the psychological concepts of educational psychology course and its retention among education college students. To do this, a sample of (57) male and female student were intentionally selected from first grade, Kurdish department / college of education / Ibin Rushd of human sciences. The sample distributed on two classes, whereby the experimental group consisted of (28) student were taught according to the (SWOM) strategy while the control group made up of (29) student were taught based on the tradition method. The two researchers designed a scale included (50) item to measure students' achievement. The experiment lasted for ten weeks, SPSS was used

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Microbial Quality of Paddy fields at Alfurat Alawsat Area, Iraq and the Effect of Milling Process on the Rice Contamination Level
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Fifty-Four paddy samples, 45 soil samples, and nine irrigation water samples of some paddy fields at Alfurat Alawsat Area, Iraq were collected to investigate the microbial quality including total count bacteria (TCB), molds and yeast, total coliform (TC), and E. coli bacteria. Paddy samples were processed at the laboratory level to produce rice at 32 and 36 whiteness, and the microbial quality of the produced rice was conducted too. The results showed that all irrigation water samples were overpassed the FDA limit for E. coli. All paddy samples were exceeded the good limit of TCB, but no sample exceeded the acceptable limit. Most paddy samples were exceeded the FDA limit for molds and yeast, and few paddy samples exc

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Space-Charge Effect on Theoretical Design of the Electron Gun Operated under Finite Magnification Condition
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A computer theoretical s1udy has been carried out in field of opto - clcctroniccs, to design  an electron  gun using the space charge effect.

The   distribution  of   axial  potential    upon   the  two   -electrode

immersion  lens  of  (L=l4mm)  has been  carried   out   using   Poisons equation and the  tinite  clement  method;  knowing  the first 11nd second derivation  of  the    axial   potential   and  the  solution   of  paraxial   ray equation, the  optical   prop

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of differentiation strategy on achieve competitive advantage: survey comparison between the companies maintenance service
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Is to obtain competitive advantage legitimate objective pursued by all organizations to achieve, because they live today in environments of rapid change and dynamic in order to meet the demands of the customer changing as well as intense competition between the organizations, which requires them to get the location of competitive markets in order to do this will remain to do the building and strengthening competitive advantage to be able to achieve, but that this feature is not easy and is not only through the identification and use of a successful strategy for a competitive standard and then manage it successfully. Hence the research problem of determining the sources of differentiation strategy and its impact on the dimensions of compe

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Dividend Policy on Earnings Quality in The Companies listed in Iraq Stock Exchange
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The dividends is one of difficult and important decisions taken by the administration in the economic units, because this decision has a direct impact on the investor and economic unit, so the main objective of any investor is achieve earnings, as well as information borne by dividends about the earnings quality of the economic unit and the level and efficiency of management to achieving earnings.

The research aims at explaining the effect of the dividends policy on the earnings quality in the companies listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange. The Miller model was used to measu

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 08 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Effect of Coumarin Derivatives(compounds) on the Vibrio cholerae Isolates from Different Clinical Iraqi Sources
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From a large number of bacterial samples collected from different hospital in Iraq in central  health laboratory ,only ten isolates were identified primary as Vibrio. A number of  morphology and biochemical test were carried out to complete this identification that showed all bacterial isolates were related to Vibrio cholerae .In this study  all Vibrio isolates were investigated for Bio typing and the result showed that all (10) isolate were related to (Eltor biotypes) .Also, the susceptibility test towards eight antibiotics were carried  out .

Results shows that  ciprofloxacin , Norfloxacin, Erythromycin, Ampicillin,  ceftriaxone  and Amikacin were the most effective

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Analytical study of the images and roles of women and men in the books of the Arabic language at the elementary level
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Importance of the research:
The importance of any educational or scientific research through its intellectual arena of facts supply the individual and society, Supports Knowledge and Science Group, which raised will be locked in these topics in the future.
This research seeks to shed light on the image and the role of women and men in the books of the Arabic language in primary education (primary), To illustrate the negative effects of the phenomenon of sexism in textbooks, And its negative impact on emerging, And stay away as much as possible about the distinction between the sexes in the roles and qualities in textbooks traditional stereotypes and remove that put both sexes templates hinder the development of the individual and t

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The effect of teaching using the six thinking hats on academic achievement for students in the second grade average in the subject of family education
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Research problem:
Problem of current research can determine the dimensions to answer the following question: The effect of teaching using the six thinking hats on academic achievement for students in the second grade average in the subject of Family Education. The importance of research: research is gaining importance in terms of:
1. That this research is the first of its kind in the researcher's knowledge _ which deals with the teaching of Family Education by using the six hats, the researcher hopes to fill a gap in the educational field and serve in other studies serve the materials home economics. 2. Keep pace with the new field of modern education and strategies. 3. Highlight on the educational strategy in the field of creative

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