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Optimum Time Schedule for Industrial Processes (II)
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The  present study  deals  with successive  stages  of  productive

operations happened to produce a production within each stage befo re it  moves to the next one. ll cou ld  be deduced that this study is an extension  to what bas  been mentioned  in (1 ) .ln  (I),  the  optimum distribution of  di!Terent jobs of  workers and  machines  in  the productive operations has been st ud ied whi le the study  invol ves the optimum schedule for the succession of these operations presuming that thay have already been distributed on machines and workers (2).A mathematical form has been put for this study to define the "Object.ive Function " where the total work could be performed in the shortest time.

The incapability of tackling two works at same time by the workers

and machines,  and the inabi lity of beginning a new stage before the end of the precedi ng one, both were taken i nto consideration  . These conditions were put in such mathematical forms as - conditions - for the - Optimization Problem -.

The above mentioned operation was gcnerall y fonned  where iL   :an be  applied  lor  the optimum schedule  to  pursue operations  in  the

productive ones.

Then,  the virtual  application  in  printing which  has  already  been

displayed  in (I) as a  sample for  the optimum distribution  in  the productive operations.

The data gained in (I) "ere used as (inputs ) for the problem being solved.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Suggested Reciprocal Relationship between Maximum, Minimum and Optimum Usable Frequency Parameters Over Iraqi Zone
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In this work, the relationship between the ionospheric parameters (Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF), Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF) and Optimum working Frequency (OWF)) has been studied for the ionosphere layer over the Iraqi zone. The capital Baghdad (44.42oE, 33.32oN) has been selected to represent the transmitter station and many other cities that spread over Iraqi region have represented as receiver stations. The REC533 communication model considered as one of the modern radio broadcasting version of ITU has been used to calculate the LUF parameter, while the MUF and OWF ionospheric parameters have been generated using ASAPS international communication model which represents one of the most advanced  and accurate HF sky wave prop

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Characterization of New Metal Complexes of Co (II), Cu (II), Cd (II) and Ru (III) from azo ligand 5-((2-(1H-indol-2-yl)ethyl) diazinyl)-2- aminophenol, Thermal and Antioxidant Studies
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A novel metal complexes Cu (II), Co (II), Cd (II), Ru (III) from azo ligand 5-((2-(1H-indol-2-yl)
ethyl) diazinyl)-2-aminophenol were synthesized by simple substitution of tryptamine with 2-aminophenol.
Structures of all the newly synthesized compounds were characterized by FT IR, UV-Vis, Mass spectroscopy
and elemental analysis. In addition measurements of magnetic moments, molar conductance and atomic
absorption. Then study their thermal stability by using TGA and DSC curves. The DCS curve was used to
calculate the thermodynamic parameters ΔH, ΔS and Δ G. Analytical information showed that all complexes
achieve a metal:ligand ratio of [1:1]. In all complex examinations, the Ligand performs as a tri

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Wasit Journal Of Computer And Mathematics Science
Real time handwriting recognition system using CNN algorithms
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Abstract— The growing use of digital technologies across various sectors and daily activities has made handwriting recognition a popular research topic. Despite the continued relevance of handwriting, people still require the conversion of handwritten copies into digital versions that can be stored and shared digitally. Handwriting recognition involves the computer's strength to identify and understand legible handwriting input data from various sources, including document, photo-graphs and others. Handwriting recognition pose a complexity challenge due to the diversity in handwriting styles among different individuals especially in real time applications. In this paper, an automatic system was designed to handwriting recognition

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl.
Analysis of a harvested discrete-time biological models
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This work aims to analyze a three-dimensional discrete-time biological system, a prey-predator model with a constant harvesting amount. The stage structure lies in the predator species. This analysis is done by finding all possible equilibria and investigating their stability. In order to get an optimal harvesting strategy, we suppose that harvesting is to be a non-constant rate. Finally, numerical simulations are given to confirm the outcome of mathematical analysis.

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Publication Date
Wed May 03 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Time Series Forecasting by Using Box-Jenkins Models
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    In this paper we introduce a brief review about Box-Jenkins models. The acronym ARIMA stands for “autoregressive integrated moving average”. It is a good method to forecast for stationary and non stationary time series. According to the data which obtained from Baghdad Water Authority, we are modelling two series, the first one about pure water consumption and the second about the number of participants. Then we determine an optimal model by depending on choosing minimum MSE as criterion.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 28 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Is it Time to Develop Government Communication Functions?
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Embracing digital technological advancements in media and communication has led government entities to adopt communication practices fully aligned with the digital and networked system in government communication. Traditional media practices within the government environment increasingly rely on the ability to utilize digital tools and systems for content creation, communication, evaluation, and the management of the entire communication process within an electronic and intelligent framework for government services. Naturally, this transformation has caught the attention of communication and public relations researchers worldwide, as the digital and networked aspects of government communication now form an intelle

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Network Traffic Prediction Based on Time Series Modeling
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    Predicting the network traffic of web pages is one of the areas that has increased focus in recent years. Modeling traffic helps find strategies for distributing network loads, identifying user behaviors and malicious traffic, and predicting future trends. Many statistical and intelligent methods have been studied to predict web traffic using time series of network traffic. In this paper, the use of machine learning algorithms to model Wikipedia traffic using Google's time series dataset is studied. Two data sets were used for time series, data generalization, building a set of machine learning models (XGboost, Logistic Regression, Linear Regression, and Random Forest), and comparing the performance of the models using (SMAPE) and

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Deconstruction the Theatrical Time in the Expressionist Doctrine
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Time affects all elements of the intellectual scene or the theatrical scene. It came along with the theatrical doctrines according to the conditions of those doctrines and their conceptual ideas or the method of their mechanisms in the application. While it is classically or realistically integrated, we see it in the expressionist doctrine inconsistent and its inconsistency makes it responsive for the deconstruction strategy. Hence the researcher entitled his study (deconstruction the theatrical time in the expressionist doctrine) so that deconstruction would be a field for his study.   The study starts with an introduction presenting the research problem, importance and objective. The theoretical framework consisted of three s

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing
Forecasting by Using the Optimal Time Series Method
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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2017
Journal Name
Applied Mathematics And Computation
Reconstruction of time-dependent coefficients from heat moments
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