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Optimum Time Schedule for Industrial Processes (II)
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The  present study  deals  with successive  stages  of  productive

operations happened to produce a production within each stage befo re it  moves to the next one. ll cou ld  be deduced that this study is an extension  to what bas  been mentioned  in (1 ) .ln  (I),  the  optimum distribution of  di!Terent jobs of  workers and  machines  in  the productive operations has been st ud ied whi le the study  invol ves the optimum schedule for the succession of these operations presuming that thay have already been distributed on machines and workers (2).A mathematical form has been put for this study to define the "Object.ive Function " where the total work could be performed in the shortest time.

The incapability of tackling two works at same time by the workers

and machines,  and the inabi lity of beginning a new stage before the end of the precedi ng one, both were taken i nto consideration  . These conditions were put in such mathematical forms as - conditions - for the - Optimization Problem -.

The above mentioned operation was gcnerall y fonned  where iL   :an be  applied  lor  the optimum schedule  to  pursue operations  in  the

productive ones.

Then,  the virtual  application  in  printing which  has  already  been

displayed  in (I) as a  sample for  the optimum distribution  in  the productive operations.

The data gained in (I) "ere used as (inputs ) for the problem being solved.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Sumer 1
Evaluation of the effects of Curcumin gel against Periodontopathic Bacteria (Porphyromonas gingivalis) using real-time time-polymerase chain reaction technology
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Periodontal disease is typically treated with mechanical debridement of the tooth surface. It may, however, be insufficient to eradicate pathogenic microorganisms on its own. Because of the microbial etiology of periodontitis, systemic or local antibiotic therapy is used as an adjunct treatment. The present study aimed to determine the effects of curcumin gel on Porphyromonas gingivalis. Eleven patients with stage II and III periodontitis were registered in the study. A double-blinded split-mouth design followed. Periodontal pockets were distributed into 2 groups; the test group received scaling and root planing along with curcumin gel, while the control group received scaling and root planing along with a placebo gel. Plaque index,

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role Lean Accounting in Support Corporate Governance to Achieve a Competitive Advantage: An Application Study in Diala State Company for Electrical industrial
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        The modern business environment has witnesses tremendous developments as a result of the globalization of markets and economic openness and technological as well as the acquisition of the issue of corporate governance of great importance regarding it as one of the global innovations trends of control provisions on the management of companies as result of these developments ,increasing on competition between economic unit ,thus a decrease in market share because they do not take into account the response to the requirements of customers ,which kept her to search a modern management accounting methods to help them keep up with the changes and the availability of information for the various adminis

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Industrial Research
Study of the Effect of Epipremnum Aureum Extracts and Tribulus Terrestris L. as a Natural Alternative for the use of Industrial Antioxidants
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In this study, two types of local plants were chosen, the first is the plant golden pothos Epipremnum aureum and the second is the Iraqi Sheikh's chin plant Tribulus terrestris L, for the purpose of making a comparison between them in terms of their possession of chemical groups with antioxidant activity in order to use them as a natural alternative to using antioxidants Industrial that cause negative effects on human health, the samples were prepared using the method of water and alcohol extraction (ethanol 70%) for both plants. It revealed the presence of a number of chemical groups (tannins, carbohydrates, phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids) for both plants, the aqueous and alcoholic extracts. Coumarins are only found in the sheikh's chin pl

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Organizational Creativity in Enhancing Knowledge Management Processes: survey study for a sample of academic staff members at the Technical College of management / Baghdad)
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In many organizations, employees who have high mental skills are the main source of organizational creativity. When a firm does not put creativity as a goal, cannot stand solid against the competition. Nowadays, knowledge is the path to discover the innovation and creativity aspects, This can assist the firm to stand face to face with competition in the market. The importance of this research comes from detecting and knowing the relation between creativity and knowledge to know and detect the influence of organizational creativity on backing the management of knowledge and determine the final results. The problem of research is to trace the role of organizational creativity on knowledge management processes in order to enable the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Integrated Framework for technologies to reduce costs and reengineering processes to develop strategies companyes An Empirical Study In some companies affiliated to the Ministry of Oil
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Began the process of re-engineering processes in the private sector as a way to assist organizations in re-thinking how to run the business in order to improve production processes and reduce operational cost, to get to compete on a global level. That was a major restructuring by further evolution in the use of technology to support innovative operations.

 Entered the technology in all areas of life and different regulations, This led to use as a change in all aspects The companies achieved success and progress today through the use of resources so as to ensure the wishes of the customers and their needs, and the requirements of the market primarily, Which is reflected on the basis of building strate

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Cost of Optimum Design of Trunk Mains Network Using Geographical Information System and Support Programs
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Sewer network is one of the important utilities in modern cities which discharge the sewage from all facilities. The increase of population numbers consequently leads to the increase in water consumption; hence waste water generation. Sewer networks work is very expensive and need to be designed accurately. Thus construction effective sewer network system with minimum cost is very necessary to handle waste water generation.

 In this study trunk mains networks design was applied which connect the pump stations together by underground pipes for too long distances. They usually have large diameters with varying depths which consequently need excavations and gathering from pump stations and transport the sewage

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Influence of Design Efficiency of Water Supply Network Inside Building on its Optimum Usage: Review
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The water supply network inside the building is of high importance due to direct contact with the user that must be optimally designed to meet the water needs of users.  This work aims to review previous research and scientific theories that deal with the design of water networks inside buildings, from calculating the amount of consumption and the optimal distribution of the network, as well as ways to rationalize the use of water by the consumer.  The process of pumping domestic water starts from water treatment plants to be fed to the public distribution networks, then reaching a distribution network inside the building till it is  provided to the user.  The design of the water supply network inside the building is

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Suggested Reciprocal Relationship between Maximum, Minimum and Optimum Usable Frequency Parameters Over Iraqi Zone
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In this work, the relationship between the ionospheric parameters (Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF), Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF) and Optimum working Frequency (OWF)) has been studied for the ionosphere layer over the Iraqi zone. The capital Baghdad (44.42oE, 33.32oN) has been selected to represent the transmitter station and many other cities that spread over Iraqi region have represented as receiver stations. The REC533 communication model considered as one of the modern radio broadcasting version of ITU has been used to calculate the LUF parameter, while the MUF and OWF ionospheric parameters have been generated using ASAPS international communication model which represents one of the most advanced  and

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 25 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Optimum Efficiency of PV Panel Using Genetic Algorithms to Touch Proximate Zero Energy House (NZEH)
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By optimizing the efficiency of a modular simulation model of the PV module structure by genetic algorithm, under several weather conditions, as a portion of recognizing the ideal plan of a Near Zero Energy Household (NZEH), an ideal life cycle cost can be performed. The optimum design from combinations of NZEH-variable designs, are construction positioning, window-to-wall proportion, and glazing categories, which will help maximize the energy created by photovoltaic panels. Comprehensive simulation technique and modeling are utilized in the solar module I-V and for P-V output power. Both of them are constructed on the famous five-parameter model.  In addition, the efficiency of the PV panel is established by the genetic algorithm

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimum Dimensions of Hydraulic Structures and Foundation Using Genetic Algorithm coupled with Artificial Neural Network
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      A model using the artificial neural networks and genetic algorithm technique is developed for obtaining optimum dimensions of the foundation length and protections of small hydraulic structures. The procedure involves optimizing an objective function comprising a weighted summation of the state variables. The decision variables considered in the optimization are the upstream and downstream cutoffs lengths and their angles of inclination, the foundation length, and the length of the downstream soil protection. These were obtained for a given maximum difference in head, depth of impervious layer and degree of anisotropy. The optimization carried out is subjected to constraints that ensure a safe structure aga

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