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Modification of PVC and PVC Copolymer by Substitution Imide Groups

In this work the poly vinyl imides were prepared as thermal l y stable polymers by modified PVC and PVC copolymers \'lith different cyclic imides such as naphtha imide, phtbal imide, male imide and succin imide as a pendant groups.

This method gave new polyimides, from considered  especially plastic because of their outstanding high  performance properties. As

such, they are priced well above commodity polymers such as PVC

and PVC copolymers.

All the prepared polymers were characterized by IR, UV spectroscopy, elemental analysis and chemical reactions, and thermal analysis such as DTA and TG. Physical properties and the viscosities for all prepared polyimides were determined by using DMF as a solvent. This method gave good results and the new modification  of PVC thermoplastic  polymer to the PVC-link  with  different  irn i des gave higher the1mally stable polymers compaired with the origin PVC polymer.


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
P16 Protein and Human Papillomavirus (HPV16, 18) Expressions in Oral Lichen Planus and Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Background: Oral carcinogenesis is a molecular and histological multistage process featuring genetic and phenotypic markers for each stage, which involves enhanced function of several oncogenes and/or the deactivation of tumor suppressor genes, resulting in the loss of cell cycle checkpoints. The progression towards malignancy includes sequential histopathological alterations ranging from hyperplasia through dysplasia to carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma. The p16 gene produces p16 protein, which in turn inhibits phosphorylation of retinoblastoma, p16 play a significant role in early carcinogenesis. Human papillomavirus is a well established heterogeneous virus and plays an important role in oral cancers. The aims of the study were to

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Balance and moderation in dealing with the oppressor and the oppressed in the Sunnah - "Applied models")

Research Summary

In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

The word injustice and its derivatives were repeated in the Holy Qur’an in several places, approximately (154) times. This is due to the severity of its danger, and that the most dangerous thing that our Islamic nation suffers from in our time is; It is injustice in all its forms and types, so we should all have an honest review of the sincere change in the right direction, and uncover cases of injustice and explain their causes and causes, and work to treat them and rid the wrongdoers of their injustice, and help them to correct their condition. To reveal their grievances and explain their causes and causes, and work to remedy them, and support them and mi

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching methods approved in the university and its relationship to classroom discipline and management proposals treated

The study aims detection teaching modalities adopted relationship in Jerash University exactly the classroom, and to achieve the goal of the study was to develop a questionnaire consisting of (39) items, and was achieving validity and reliability have, then sent to a sample of professors made up the university from (122) university professor of the total (172) professor, and they study population.

     Study found a relationship between the teaching methods of the four their strategies with classroom management, and as a result the overall average level, while Hspt critical thinking at the highest correlation with classroom discipline management relationship strategy, while the relatio

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Periodontal health status and salivary enzymes level in smokers and non-smokers (comparative, cross sectional study)

Background: Smoking is considering a major risk factor for development and progression of periodontal disease. Investigations regarding the association between smoking and periodontal disease have consistently demonstrated negative periodontal effects and greater probabilities of established periodontal disease among smokers in comparison with non smokers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of smoking on periodontal health status and on the salivary levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine kinase (CK), and to correlate the clinical parameters of periodontal health with the biochemical findings in smokers and non-smokers. Materials and methods: Unstimulated saliva sample was collected

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Psychological and Social Reasons Leading to Juveniles Delinquency: Psychological and Social Reasons Leading to Juveniles Delinquency

Disturbs the social system in any society specially in Iraq other than
other Islamic and Arabic countries. That is according to the abnormal
conditions that Iraq has past through as wars and blockage, and lastly the
invasion. Therefore it has been necessary to put this phenomenon under
study and analysis to discover Juvenile Delinquency is one of the most
prominent social phenomenon that the important reasons behind it, and trying
to treat what can be treated of the effects of it upon society.
This study is mainly concerned with the explaining the social factors
leading toward juvenile delinquency trying to crystallize the problem of the
study in the following question: (What are the psychological,

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 18 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Facilitating Tributaries (Supporters) in the Differences between Al Dhadhiya and Al Dhaiya": Dhadhiya and Al Dhaiya"

   الضاد والظاء موطن تفرد العربية وفخرها ، الفت فيهما العشرات والعشرات من المصنفات الثرّة لكثرة ذرائع تلابسهما والخلط بينهما ، فهما متشابهان في هيكل البناء ، وإخراجهما متداخل على اللسان ، وألفاظهما متناظرة برحابة في الإملاء ، فضلاعن  اشكالهما  إلى حدّ الآن ، مما حثني على التفكير في وسائل تسهل المطروح وتمد جسراً بين أجزائه عسى أن تدنو قطافه في دفع الشبهة ومواراتها ، فتحصلت لي امور ادرتها بكلمتين مف

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 04 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Gynecology & Obstetrics
Are sexual and reproductive health and rights taught in medical school? Results from a global survey
Abstract<p>Our aim was to investigate the inclusion of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) topics in medical curricula and the perceived need for, feasibility of, and barriers to teaching SRHR. We distributed a survey with questions on SRHR content, and factors regulating SRHR content, to medical universities worldwide using chain referral. Associations between high SRHR content and independent variables were analyzed using unconditional linear regression or χ<sup>2</sup> test. Text data were analyzed by thematic analysis. We collected data from 219 respondents, 143 universities and 54 countries. Clinical SRHR topics such as safe pregnancy and childbirth (95.7%) and contraceptive methods</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Computer Model Application for Sorting and Grading Citrus Aurantium Using Image Processing and Artificial Neural Network
Abstract<p>This study was conducted in College of Science \ Computer Science Department \ University of Baghdad to compare between automatic sorting and manual sorting, which is more efficient and accurate, as well as the use of artificial intelligence in automated sorting, which included artificial neural network, image processing, study of external characteristics, defects and impurities and physical characteristics; grading and sorting speed, and fruits weigh. the results shown value of impurities and defects. the highest value of the regression is 0.40 and the error-approximation algorithm has recorded the value 06-1 and weight fruits fruit recorded the highest value and was 138.20 g, Gradin</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical Negative Results
CD49d and CD26 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: their correlation with clinical Binet staging and clinical parameters

The study aimed to assess the expression of CD49d and CD26 in newly diagnosed CLL patients and find their correlation with clinical Binet stage, and other clinical parameters. This study was conducted on 51 newly diagnosed CLL patients based on lymphocyte count > 5×109/L and immunophenotyping. The expression of CD49d, and CD26 were investigated using eight-color flow cytometer. The expression of CD49d and CD26 were detected in 56.9 %, 68.8 % of CLL patients, respectively. The correlation between CD49d expression and CD26 expression was statistically significant (p < 0.001) with high concordance rate between them. The positive expression of both CD49d and CD26 had statistically significant association with clinical Binet staging (p < 0.001,

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 15 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Identify the differences between ordinary and barred spiral galaxies, NGC 2649 and NGC 4662 for examples

Since the beginning of mankind, the view of the sky was present through observations with the naked eye, then it developed with time, and the sciences and tools of astronomical observations developed, including photometric measurements, which reached a high degree of accuracy in describing various cosmic phenomena, including the study of galaxies, their composition, and the differences between them, and from here the importance of this study emerged, to determine the differences between two distinct types of classification of galaxies, which are normal and barred spiral galaxies, where two galaxies NGC 4662 and NGC 2649 were chosen that represented certain types of galaxies to study the morphological structure of the two galaxies, a

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