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Panchromatic and Multispectral Image Fusion by Combining IHS Transform and Haar Wavelet
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The technique of integrate complimentary details from two or more input images is known as image fusion.  The fusion image is more informational and will be complete more than any of the original input images. This paper Illustrates implementation and evaluation of fusion techniques used on the Satellite images a high-resolution Panchromatic (Pan) and Multispectral (MS). A new algorithm is proposed to fuse a  Pan  and MS  of the lowresolution images based on combining IHS and Haar wavelet transform.Firstly, this paper clarifies the classical fusion by using IHS transform and Haar wavelet transform individually. Secondly proposition new strategy of combining the two methods. Performance of the proposed method is evaluated with the help of assessment parameter such as Mean Square Error and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio. Experiment results shows that the proposed algorithm has higher performance than the classical fusion by IHS transform.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 24 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Securing digital documents using digital watermarking
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     The intellectual property of digital documents has been protected by using many methods of digital watermarking. Digital documents have been so much of advantages over print documents. Digital documents are less expensive and easy to store, transport, and searched compared to traditional print documents.  But it has its owner limitation too. A simple image editor can be used to modify and make a forged document. Digital documents can be tampered easily. In order to utilize the whole benefits of digital document, these limitations have to overcome these limitations by embedding some text, logo sequence that identifies the owner of the document..

In this research LSB  technique  has been used

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An algorithm for binary codebook design based on the average bitmap replacement error (ABPRE)
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In this paper, an algorithm for binary codebook design has been used in vector quantization technique, which is used to improve the acceptability of the absolute moment block truncation coding (AMBTC) method. Vector quantization (VQ) method is used to compress the bitmap (the output proposed from the first method (AMBTC)). In this paper, the binary codebook can be engender for many images depending on randomly chosen to the code vectors from a set of binary images vectors, and this codebook is then used to compress all bitmaps of these images. The chosen of the bitmap of image in order to compress it by using this codebook based on the criterion of the average bitmap replacement error (ABPRE). This paper is suitable to reduce bit rates

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