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Equilibrium, Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies of Formation of Cis- mono (AA)bis (oxaJato) Chromate (III) C,omplex (where AA is · glycine, alanine and histidine)In Monderately Aqueous Acidic Solution
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Equilrium, kinetic  and mechanistic studies  for  thcoordination of




some amino acids  "'AA'1


glycine,  alanine, .a:ncl  histidine, to  Cr  (Ill)


center  of trans .[Cr(ox}2(B.2 0hr   {TJ'} cornplein monderarely  acidic

range ofpH=4.8-6-.7 ( p =Q.4M NaN03) are  reported.  The equili rium

c.onsta:nts   at  25°C   .were  found   logKequ.=4.95J ,5.206and5.128for glycine, alap.ine, md histidine, ligation. reactions  respectively..  The substitution reaction is kinetically  involve  rwo parallel  complex reactions, each  inch,tdes there  difierent e_onsecutive steps of different



species of Ct(III).  The  reactant,  Ti, branches  through  byrolysis  into, doubly  charged anion, conjugated    se of  trans[Cr(ox)22(H0)0Hr2

whlch  inleracts  with  (AAH)   to  from  outer-sphere  complex,   that  is followed  by interchange reaction  of one molecule H20 with one end of    AA-        ron   from                   an         active        intermediate         species   of              trans­ [Cr(Qx)2(AA)OHT3           which               cbanges       to        final           product ;      ­ [Cr(ox}1(AA)J?. While  the  remai ning  part  of reactant   interacts also

with zwitter i:on (AAH)  on  other  side  to form  another  outer-sphere

.complex  which  also  undergaes interchange  reaction of one  molecule


H10 wHh AA- ion to ive two· active  intennediates species, trans and cis-[Cr(ox)2(AA)H2 or, whlch later convert tp the same prod·uct .; cis­

fCr(ox)z(AA)]2-.      TI1e      interchange      rate      co.nstant    of     trans­ [Cr(ox)2(AA)OH]                                             formation  relatively   appears  much  larger  than (A H*=8.8kc 1/n1ol)         that                                 of    ds[Cr(.oxh  AA)H:z Ot                     formation

( l\ H*·=14.0Kca l/mol), wbile  the latter rate constant'is oeaily  (5-10)

time l(!I'ger than that oftrans-{Cr(ox)2(AA)H20t fennatlon

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Application of the excess cash margin model (ECM) to detect the Earning Management in the banking sector: Comparative study between commercial and Islamic banks
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The research draws its importance from identifying the methods of profit management in misleading the financial statements, which in turn is reflected in the decisions of the authorities that relied on these reports, and then the models that help in detecting those methods used by the auditors. Risks. The index (margin of excess cash) was used to detect profit management practices on a group of banks listed in the Iraqi market for securities and the number of (23) banks, including (12) commercial bank and (11) Islamic bank and the results were compared to commercial banks with Islamic banks.((The research started from the hypothesis that the use of the (excess cash margin) model in the banking sector reveals the management

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Shear bond strength of different lingual buttons bonded to wet and dry enamel surfaces with resin modified glass ionomer cement (in vitro comparative study)
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Background: This study was aimed to investigate the effect of three lingual button (Nickel free / rectangular base, Nickel free / round base and Composite) and bonding environment, wet and dry enamel surface, on: the shear bond strength (SBS) of light and self-cured Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cements, and the debonding failure sites. Materials and method: One hundred twenty no-carious, free of cracks maxillary first premolar teeth were selected. Three types of orthodontic lingual buttons were used in this study: Nickel free / rectangular base, Nickel free / round base and Composite buttons. The teeth were divided into two groups of sixty teeth each. One group was used for testing the chemically cured GC Fuji Ortho Resin modified Glass Io

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Equity financing within the framework the signal theory and its reflection on prices of stocks avarege: an empirical study in the Iraq stock exchange
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 Since there is no market for bond issuance by companies in the Iraqi market and the difficulty of borrowing, companies must resort to proprietary financing to finance their investments. However, in the framework of the literature of financial management, the type of financing used by the company sends signals to investors and therefore reflected on the market value. Therefore, the problem of the study revolves around the variables of the study (Equity financing within the framework the signal theory, price of common stock in the Iraqi market).     

The study aims to verify the impact of the capital increase through the issuance of new stock on the price of

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 28 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The effect of functional strength training according to gradually increasing load in developing some physical abilities and achievement for men’s 100-meter competition runners
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Functional strength is one of the most important elements of physical preparation and an important physical characteristic in our daily life in general and sports training in particular, as it is the most influential characteristic in all sporting events, which the athlete must possess in order to reach the highest levels and achieve the best results.  The research aimed to prepare functional strength training exercises According to the gradual increase in load in the development of some physical abilities and achievement for men's 100 meter competition runners , And to identify the effect of functional strength training according to the gradual increase in load in developing some physical abilities and achievement for men’s 100-

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Deposit insurance system and its role in financial security for the period (2010-2018) Study the experiences of Selected countries with reference to Iraq
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Founding a System to secure deposits and protecting the depositors is considered one of the important and exchanged subjects out there in the banking system/field in Iraq at the current time, and the reason behind the exchange and spread of this subject is due to the financial crisis of which the banking sector is suffering from and the stumbling of many banks, those factors have had led to the insecurity of the depositors and their mistrust towards banks, thus, it is necessary to create a system to secure deposits in which depositors would be compensated for the losses caused by the banks' failures. in addition, it could be a countermeasure system which maintains the banking stability, protects the rights of depositors and gains

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study on Using Cement Kiln Dust and Plastic Bottle Waste to Improve the Geotechnical Characteristics of Expansive Soils in Sulaimani City, Northern Iraq
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In this study, stabilization of expansive soils using waste materials namely; Cement Kiln Dust (CKD), and waste plastic bottles (WPB) was experimentally investigated. Using CKD and WPB are exponentially increasing day by day, due to their capability to solve both environmental and geotechnical problems successfully. Expansive soils were collected from locations with a wide range of plasticity index (PI) (15 - 27) and liquid limit (LL) (35% - 64%). Stabilizer percentages were varied from 0% to 20%, and curing durations for CKD cases were 7 and 28 days. Results showed the best percentages of CKD and WPB are 12% of each one respectively. LL, plastic limit (PL), and swelling percent (SP) loss were observed, which are 46%, 55%, and 96% respec

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and analyzing the effect of foreign debt on the gross domestic product in Morocco for the period 1990-2017 using the ARDL Test
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The research aims to identify the magnitude of the impact of external debt on the gross domestic product in Morocco, and the importance of research lies in the role that external debt plays in addressing structural imbalances, if it is best disposed of according to well-studied economic plans by specialists in this regard, especially if these debts are directed with Other resources, as it helps pay the costs of these debts (debt servicing) that the external debt also raises the level of gross domestic product, and the research starts from the hypothesis that: There is an effect of foreign debt on the GDP in Morocco, has contributed in one way or another to The exacerbation of the external debt, which affected the m

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building marketing culture and reflection on the mental image Search for a pilot sample of managers in the General Company for Vegetable Oil Industry
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          The subject of marketing culture and mental image is one of the important topics in the field of management. There is no study that combines these two variables. The research is important because of the increasing importance of the subject. The future direction of the company in question will support the company's economic and marketing responsibilities. And reflect the company's mental image, as a culture that contributes to changing the reality of the organization investigated by polling the views of a sample of managers in the General Company for Vegetable Oil Industry, which (30) out of the (65) individual, and There are two hypotheses of research: There is a significant

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
The slenderness ratio effect on the response of closed-end pipe piles in liquefied and non-liquefied soil layers under coupled static-seismic loading
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Abstract<p>This study presents the findings of a 3D finite element modeling on the performance of a single pile under various slenderness ratios (25, 50, 75, 100). These percentages were assigned to cover the most commonly configuration used in such kind of piles. The effect of the soil condition (dry and saturated) on the pile response was also investigated. The pile was modeled as a linear elastic, the surrounded dry soil layers were simulated by adopting a modified Mohr-Coulomb model, and the saturated soil layers were simulated by the modified UBCSAND model. The soil-pile interaction was represented by interface elements with a reduction factor (R) of 0.6 in the loose sand layer and 0.7 in t</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The features of the linguistic and cultural component in teaching Russian language to Arab students: Особенности лингвокультурологической составляющей в преподавании русского языка арабским учащимся
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The author addresses the issue of the linguoculturological component in the process of teaching Russian to Arabic students, focuses on the peculiarities of the national character of students. The author also refers to the long-standing ties of Russian and Arab cultures, thus emphasizing the relevance of this aspect for the current state and situation of the Russian language in Arab countries.

Автор статьи обращается к вопросу лингвокультурологической составляющей в процессе преподавания русского языка арабским студентам, останавливается на особенностях национального хара

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