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Effect of the Altitudes and Eccentricity of the Initial Orbit on Satellite Transition Efficiency
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This research dealt with choosing the best satellite parking orbit and then the transition of the satellite from the low Earth orbit to the geosynchronous orbit (GEO). The aim of this research is to achieve this transition with the highest possible efficiency (lowest possible energy, time, and fuel consumption with highest accuracy) in the case of two different inclination orbits. This requires choosing a suitable primary parking orbit. All of the methods discussed in previous studies are based on two orbits at the same plane, mostly applying the circular orbit as an initial orbit. This transition required the use of the advanced technique of the Hohmann transfer method for the elliptical orbits, as we did in an earlier research, namely the transition from the perigee of the initial orbit to the final orbit and then conducting the rotation of the orbit plane to match the plane for the desired final orbit.

     The effect of the perigee altitude of the initial orbit on the transition efficiency calculated for the values ​​between 300 to 3000 km. It was found that increasing the altitude reduces the energy and fuel needed for transportation, but the time required for transportation increases, into account that the increased height of the initial or parking orbit also implies the requirement of higher energy to reach it.

The effects of eccentricity (e) values of the initial orbit between 0.01 to 0.2 on the transition efficiency were calculated. It was found that the increase in (e) reduces the energy and fuel, but does not affect the time, required for transportation.

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Determination the optimum orbit for low Earth satellites by changing the eccentricity
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Abstract<p>The main objective of this paper is to determine an acceptable value of eccentricity for the satellites in a Low Earth Orbit LEO that are affected by drag perturbation only. The method of converting the orbital elements into state vectors was presented. Perturbed equation of motion was numerically integrated using 4<sup>th</sup> order Runge-Kutta’s method and the perturbation in orbital elements for different altitudes and eccentricities were tested and analysed during 84.23 days. The results indicated to the value of semi major axis and eccentricity at altitude 200 km and eccentricity 0.001are more stable. As well, at altitude 600 km and eccentricity 0.01, but at 800 km a</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Calculation of the Best Stability Orbit of the Satellite around the Earth before Transferring to Orbit around Mars
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     In this research, the eccentricity will be calculated as well as the best height of satellite orbit that can used to transfer from that orbit around the Earth to construct an interplanetary trajectory, for example Mars, when the transfer can be accomplished by a simple impulse, that means the transfer consists of an elliptical orbit from the inner orbit (at a perigee point) to the outer orbit (at apogee point). We will determine Keplerian equation to find the value of a mean anomaly(M) by Rung-Cutta method.

There are several types of satellites orbits around the Earth, but by this study, we find that the best stable orbit to the satellite that is used to inter its orbit around Mars is the Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) at a hei

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of Orbital Maneuvers for Transition from Low Earth Orbit to Geostationary Earth Orbit
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The transition from low Earth orbit 200-1500 (km) to geostationary Earth orbit 42162 (km) was studied in this work by many methods of transfer. The delta-v requirement (Δv), the time of flight (Δt), the mass ratio of propellant consume (Δm/m) and total mass was calculated for many values altitude in the same plane also when the plane is change. The results from work show that (Δv) that required for transfer when the plane of orbit change is large than (Δv) required when the transfer in coplanar maneuvers while the bi-elliptical transfer method need time of transfer longer than a Hohmann transfer method. The most energy efficiency was determined when the transfer in coaxial between elliptical orbits

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 10 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of University Of Anbar For Pure Science (juaps)
Evaluation the Initial Values for Eccentric Anomaly for an Ellipse Orbit: Article Review
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The equation of Kepler is used to solve different problems associated with celestial mechanics and the dynamics of the orbit. It is an exact explanation for the movement of any two bodies in space under the effect of gravity. This equation represents the body in space in terms of polar coordinates; thus, it can also specify the time required for the body to complete its period along the orbit around another body. This paper is a review for previously published papers related to solve Kepler’s equation and eccentric anomaly. It aims to collect and assess changed iterative initial values for eccentric anomaly for forty previous years. Those initial values are tested to select the finest one based on the number of iterations, as well as the

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Publication Date
Sat May 08 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Increasing the Accuracy of Orbital Elements for a Satellite in a Low Earth Orbit under the Influence of Atmospheric Drag Using Adams-Bashforth Method
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The perturbed equation of motion can be solved by using many numerical methods. Most of these solutions were inaccurate; the fourth order Adams-Bashforth method is a good numerical integration method, which was used in this research to study the variation of orbital elements under atmospheric drag influence.  A satellite in a Low Earth Orbit (LEO), with altitude form perigee = 200 km, was selected during 1300 revolutions (84.23 days) and ASat / MSat value of 5.1 m2/ 900 kg. The equations of converting state vectors into orbital elements were applied. Also, various orbital elements were evaluated and analyzed. The results showed that, for the semi-major axis, eccentricity and inclination have a secula

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Viii. International Scientific Congress Of Pure, Applied And Technological Sciences (minar Congress)
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The major goal of this research was to use the Euler method to determine the best starting value for eccentricity. Various heights were chosen for satellites that were affected by atmospheric drag. It was explained how to turn the position and velocity components into orbital elements. Also, Euler integration method was explained. The results indicated that the drag is deviated the satellite trajectory from a keplerian orbit. As a result, the Keplerian orbital elements alter throughout time. Additionally, the current analysis showed that Euler method could only be used for low Earth orbits between (100 and 500) km and very small eccentricity (e = 0.001).

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effect of SRP and Lunar Attraction on the Inclined MEO Satellite
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In this paper some perturbations of a satellite orbit with heights more than 10000 km are studied. The two perturbations are due to the presence of other gravitational bodies such as Moon as a conservative perturbing forces and from the non-conservative perturbing forces such as SRP for satellite with A=5.1 m2 and m=900 kg. The position, velocity and momentum components are calculated for the perturbed equation of motion at any instant of time and thus calculate the orbital elements of each perturbation. The orbital elements for the perturbed orbit will deviate from initial elements with time. The equations of motion solved numerically using the fourth order of Runge Kutta method. The results show that the secular variation for orbital e

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 24 2019
Journal Name
Aerosol Science And Technology
Effect of axial eccentricity on the performance of a cylindrical differential mobility classifier
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effect of Solar and Lunar Attraction and SRP on the HEO of Satellite
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The perturbation of a satellite high orbit due to the presence of other
gravitational bodies (such as the Sun and the Moon) and SRP from the conservative
perturbing forces were studied, using our modified model. A precise calculation of
the perturbations is possible only if the initial orbit is sufficiently well known.
Orbital elements that have been entered hp=3000Km., inclination= 63ᵒ, 23ᵒ and
eccentricity= 0.1, longitude of ascending node 30ᵒ, argument of perigee 40ᵒ where
the orbital elements will deviate from initial values with time through 3000 days.
Newton-Rapson method was used to calculate the position and velocity with out
perturbation . The perturbed equation of motion solved numerically using

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 29 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Finding the Exact Solution of Kepler’s Equation for an Elliptical Satellite Orbit Using the First Kind Bessel Function
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     In this study, the first kind Bessel function was used to solve Kepler equation for an elliptical orbiting satellite. It is a classical method that gives a direct solution for calculation of the eccentric anomaly. It was solved for one period from (M=0-360)° with an eccentricity of (e=0-1) and the number of terms from (N=1-10). Also, the error in the representation of the first kind Bessel function was calculated. The results indicated that for eccentricity of (0.1-0.4) and (N = 1-10), the values of eccentric anomaly gave a good result as compared with the exact solution. Besides, the obtained eccentric anomaly values were unaffected by increasing the number of terms (N = 6-10) for eccentricities (0.8 and 0.9). The Bessel

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