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Estimation of Ceruloplasmin activity, and copper, iron levels in ·sera of nor1nal pregnants
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This  study  was undertaken  to shed light on the changes  of levels of CP

activity, Cu and  Fe in sera of .(53) normaJ non-smoker pregnant's  without complication, during  three1rimestcrs of pregnancy.

G1  inc.l_ude  (I 8) pre nants in  the 1' 1 tri nester, G2 19)  pret:,rp:all.ts  _wear

taken     m the  2"    tnmester  and  G3  (16) pregnants  m the  3rd  trunester.

/\nothe.r ('18) ·serum samples were taken from liealthy non-pregnant wqmen

age matched as control·group G4.

Results bowed a significant steady  elevation in CP .p:ctivity and  senm1

Cu  with adv.auccd trimester  of  pregnancy compand  to control. The  iron

concentrations  in   the   sera   of   pregnant   women   shqwed a  s gnilicant reduction  compared  to control   roup also  a steady  decrease in Fe 1evels with advanced trimester wa.s lound.

The  in .reasec..l activities   in  CP   as  Â·end<.lge11ous   antioxidant advanced'  pregnancy  could  be   acounter  ba1ance to   the   free·  radical gcneral·ion due to the increase in Co eo"ncentration \vilh advance gestation.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
Joiv : International Journal On Informatics Visualization
Evaluation of the Performance of Kernel Non-parametric Regression and Ordinary Least Squares Regression
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Researchers need to understand the differences between parametric and nonparametric regression models and how they work with available information about the relationship between response and explanatory variables and the distribution of random errors. This paper proposes a new nonparametric regression function for the kernel and employs it with the Nadaraya-Watson kernel estimator method and the Gaussian kernel function. The proposed kernel function (AMS) is then compared to the Gaussian kernel and the traditional parametric method, the ordinary least squares method (OLS). The objective of this study is to examine the effectiveness of nonparametric regression and identify the best-performing model when employing the Nadaraya-Watson

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 27 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Preparation, Characterization and Prophylactic Study of New Microsphere Containing Doxycycline against Diseases of Shrimp
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Therapeutically and prophylactically using Microspheres containing doxycycline isolated from shell of shrimp. Low molecule weight poly lactic acid was prepared. In this study, Poly lactic acid (PLA)/ poly vinyl alcohol (PVA)/poly ethyleneglycol(PEG) loading doxycycline blend solutions was prepared. Also Poly lactic acid (PLA)-Tannin blend via solvent evaporation method was prepared. Microspheres of chitosan/gelatin microsphere loading doxycycline was prepared by emulsion crosslinking technique. Both microsphere and blends were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometer. The FTIR spectra were shown distinguish bands. The in vitro release of doxcycline from its matrix at pH 7 was studied. The prophylactic

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Inorganic Chemistry Communications
Investigation of performance and efficiency of donor-π-bridge-acceptor based material solar cell
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The novel groups of organic chromophores containing triphenylamine (TPA) (ATP-I to ATP-IV) have been constructed by structural modification of electron donors with substitution biphenyl and bipyridine rings inserting a π-linkage. Density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent type of it (TD-DFT) have been operated to study results of donating ability of TPA and spacer on absorption, geometrical, photovoltaic, and energetic attributes of these sensitizers. Structural attributes have been revealed that incorporation of TPA, acceptor and π bridge include a perfect coplanar conformation in TPA-III. Based on frequency computations and ground-state optimization, bandgap (Eg) energy, ELUMO, EHOMO have been determined. For enlightening maximu

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
Metaphors and comparisons as a means of rethinking the phenomena of the surrounding world
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The article characterizes metaphors and comparisons as a means of rethinking the phenomena of the surrounding world; two directions are named within which metaphors and comparisons are studied: 1) the linguo-classification direction combines several classifications of metaphors and comparisons, which are basically focused on comparing two denotations through the meanings of word forms that are part of the trope; 2) the theoretical and conceptual direction is associated with the concept of conceptual displacement and is the basis of the theoretical and methodological study of metaphor and comparison, i.e. the modern theory of metaphor is being formed; The main attention is focused on the comparative concept of Aristotle, which postul

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Canadian Journal Of Chemistry
Hydrogenation of pyridine and hydrogenolysis of piperidine over $γ$-Mo2N catalyst: a DFT study
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Increasing demands on producing environmentally friendly products are becoming a driving force for designing highly active catalysts. Thus, surfaces that efficiently catalyse the nitrogen reduction reactions are greatly sought in moderating air-pollutant emissions. This contribution aims to computationally investigate the hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) networks of pyridine over the γ-Mo2N(111) surface using a density functional theory (DFT) approach. Various adsorption configurations have been considered for the molecularly adsorbed pyridine. Findings indicate that pyridine can be adsorbed via side-on and end-on modes in six geometries in which one adsorption site is revealed to have the lowest adsorption energy (–45.3 kcal/mol). Over a nitr

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 12 1995
Journal Name
International Journal Of Environmental Studies
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Five heavy metals, namely Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Pb in the surface water and through the water column were studied at 10 selected stations in the Razzazah lake and Karbala drainage canal for the period between November 1990 to October 1991*. pH and total hardness were also measured. Lead was found to be the highest in concentration as overall average values, followed by an manganese, iron, copper then cadmium at the surface as well as along the water column. All the studied metals were below or close to the maximum allowed limits of Iraqi standards for inland water. The spatial and seasonal variations were discussed.

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Publication Date
Fri May 06 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Some Thermodynmic Properties of binary Mixtures of Alcohol isomers and Sulfolane at 298.15 K
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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The study aimed to purification of acid phosphatase (ACP) from sera of obesetype 2 diabetes mellitus patients, this study included from thirty T2DM patients and thirty control, purification process was done with several steps included precipitation with inorganic salt (NH4 ) 2SO4 30%-80%, dialysis, ion exchange chromatography by DEAE sepharose anion column and size exclusion chromatography by Sepharose 6B.ACP, BMI, FBS, HbA1c, Lipid profile, Urea, Creatinie, Insuline, Homa-IR were determined. Results showed the precipitate and concentrated protein appeared four peaks in ion exchange column. ACP located in the first and second peak with purification fold (21.1), (37.2) yield of enzyme and specific activity (173.3) IU/ml, which obtained a si

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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: Partial purification of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) from type 2 diabetic patients sera take place using some purification steps such as participation with ammonium sulphate (55-80%) and filtered through dialysis, then ion exchange chromatography by DEAE sepharose anion column, gel filtration chromatography by sephadex G-100 column. In ion exchange step, there are four peak are obtained, the highest enzyme activity obtained by (0.4 M Nacl) with purification fold (2.18), yield (44.3) of enzyme and specific activity (13.5) mg/ng, which obtained a single peak by gel filtration chromatography, the degree of purification (5.34) fold, yield of enzyme (20%) with specific activity (33.109mg/ng). The purified enzyme had an optimum tem

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 21 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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The experiment was conducted under shading (with the aid of Saran) condition on a nursery managed by the Baghdad Mayoralty during the season of 2014-2015 to study the effect of composed sheep manure extract on the growth and leaf nutrients content of tomato seedlings var. Wijdan. The experiment was composed of 6 treatments included the extract of sheep manure by hot (425C)and lmbient(205C) temperature water .The extract was diluted to the half by water and foliar applied to seedlings (multible application) or to the soil . Treatments also included the application of NPK chemical fertilizers as recommended and a control treatment through applying distilled water as foliar .The experiment was designed according to the randomized compl

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