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Concrete strength development by using magnetized water in normal and self-compacted concrete
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Abstract<p>The main objective of this work was to adopt an environmentally friendly technology with enhanced results. The technology of magnetic water (MW) treatment system can be used in concrete mixture production instead of potable water (PW) to improve both workability and strength. Two types of concrete were adopted: normal concreter production with two grades 25 and 35 MPa and the self-compacted concrete (SCC) with 35 MPa grade. The concrete mixes containing MW instead of PW results showed that, for 25 MPa grade, an improvement in a compressive strength of 15.1, 14.8, and 10.2% was achieved for 7, 28, and 90 days, respectively. For 35 MPa grade, an improvement of 13.6, 11.5, and 9.1% was achieved for 7, 28, and 90 days, respectively. The mixture of SCC showed the highest improvement up to 16.2, 15.8, and 12.4% for 7, 28, and 90 days, respectively. The effect of MW is significant for 7 days compared to 28 and 90 days. An increase in the water content to cementitious material presents the more efficiency of MW, while the combined effect of MW and superplasticizer in SCC showed the best improvement with less water content for 35 MPa grade.</p>
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Concrete strength development by using magnetized water in normal and self-compacted concrete
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Abstract<p>The main objective of this work was to adopt an environmentally friendly technology with enhanced results. The technology of magnetic water (MW) treatment system can be used in concrete mixture production instead of potable water (PW) to improve both workability and strength. Two types of concrete were adopted: normal concreter production with two grades 25 and 35 MPa and the self-compacted concrete (SCC) with 35 MPa grade. The concrete mixes containing MW instead of PW results showed that, for 25 MPa grade, an improvement in a compressive strength of 15.1, 14.8, and 10.2% was achieved for 7, 28, and 90 days, respectively. For 35 MPa grade, an improvement of 13.6, 11.5, and </p> ... Show More
Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Producing Sustainable Roller Compacted Concrete by Using Fine Recycled Concrete Aggregate
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One-third of the total waste generated in the world is construction and demolition waste. Reducing the life cycle of building materials includes increasing their recycling and reuse by using recycled aggregates. By preventing, the need to open new aggregate quarries and reducing the amount of construction waste dumped into landfills, the use of recycled concrete aggregate in drum compacted concrete protects the environment. Four samples of PRCC were prepared for testing (compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength, density, water absorption, porosity) as the reference mix and (10, 15, and 20%) of fine recycled concrete aggregate as a partial replacement for fine natural aggregate by volume. The mix is designed according to

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Experimental research was carried out on eight reinforced concrete beams to study the embedded length of the longitudinal reinforcement. Six beams were casted using self compacted concrete, and the two other beams were casted using normal concrete. The test was carried out on beams subjected to two point loads. The strain and the slip of the main reinforcement have been measured by using grooves placed during casting the beams at certain places. The measured strain used to calculate the longitudinal stresses (bond stress) surrounding the bar reinforcement, The study was investigated the using of self compacted concrete SCC on the embedded length of reinforcing bars, and comparing the results with normal concrete. The test results show th

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Engineering And Technology Journal
Effect of External Sulfate Attack on Self Compacted Concrete
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Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an innovative concrete that does not require vibration for placing and compaction. It is able to flow under its own weight, completely filling formwork and achieving full compaction, even in the presence of congested reinforcement. The effect of external sulfate attack was studied-Es (very sever exposure SO4>10000ppm) according to ACI 318-11. The mix design method of SCC used is according to EFNARC 2002, and then must satisfy the criteria of filling ability, passing ability and segregation resistance. The experimental program focuses to study two different chemical composition of sulfate resistance Portland cement with different percentage of silica fume replacement by weight of cement and W/cm (0.3 and 0.3

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessing the Effect of Using Porcelanite on Compressive Strength of Roller Compacted Concrete
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Roller-Compacted Concrete (RCC) is a zero-slump concrete, with no forms, no reinforcing steel, no finishing and is wet enough to support compaction by vibratory rollers. Because the effectiveness of curing on properties and durability, the primary scope of this research is to study the effect of various curing methods (air curing, emulsified asphalt(flan coat) curing, 7 days water curing and permanent water curing) and different porcelanite (local material used as an Internal Curing agent) replacement percentages (volumetric replacement) of fine aggregate on some properties of RCC and to explore the possibility of introducing more practical RCC for road pavement with minimum requirement of curing. Cubes specimens were sawed from the slab

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Curing of concrete is the maintenance of a satisfactory moisture content and temperature for a
period of time immediately following placing so the desired properties are developed. Accelerated
curing is advantages where early strength gain in concrete is important. The expose of concrete
specimens to the accelerated curing conditions which permit the specimens to develop a significant
portion of their ultimate strength within a period of time (1-2 days), depends on the method of the
curing cycle.Three accelerated curing test methods are adopted in this study. These are warm water,
autogenous and proposed test methods. The results of this study has shown good correlation
between the accelerated strength especially for

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Nov 17 2022
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Effect of Using Grids On the Behaviour of Portland Limestone Cement Self Compacted Concrete.
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The civil engineering field currently focus on sustainable development. It is important to develop new sustainable and economic generations of concrete, using eco-friendly materials in the construction industry with a fair amount of costs and minimizing the impact upon the environment by reducing CO2 emissions from the cement industry as a whole while still obtaining high cement quality and strength. The main objective of this research is to clarify the mechanical behavior and ability to use Portland limestone cement in producing self compacted concrete, due to the beneficious effec of the limestone cement economically and enviromently. The research investigates the effect of using steel and polymer meshs as reinforcement, where the results

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of using magnetized water on the percentage of cement in the Concrete mixture
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This research studied the effect of magnetized water in concrete preparation and its effect on the presenting of cement in concrete mixtures also to find the ability of reducing the amount of cement in preparing one cubic meter, this is not exceed than 10% in one mixture , The experiments showed the preparation of standard cubes from the concrete which was used two kind of water magnetized water which was prepared by passing the tap water through the systems of different magnetic strength in terms of (6000,9000) Gauss and the ordinary water . The velocity of water through the magnetic field, which gives us the highest value for the compressive strength, was up to 1m/sec. to determine the best magnetic intensity, we examined The comp

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 21 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Combined effect of fineness modulus and grading zones of fine aggregate on fresh properties and compressive strength of self compacted concrete
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Self-compacted concrete (SCC) considered as a revolution progress in concrete technology due to its ability for flowing through forms, fusion with reinforcement, compact itself by its weight without using vibrators and economic advantages. This research aims to assess the fresh properties of SCC and study their effect on its compressive strength using different grading zones and different fineness modulus (F.M) of fine aggregate. The fineness modulus used in this study was (2.73, 2.82,2.9& 3.12) for different zones of grading (zone I, zone II& marginal zone(between zone I&II)) according to Iraqi standards (I.Q.S No.45/1984).Twelve mixes were prepared, each mix were tested in fresh state with slump, V-Funnel and L-Box tests, then 72

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Publication Date
Tue May 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Combined effect of fineness modulus and grading zones of fine aggregate on fresh properties and compressive strength of self compacted concrete
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Self-compacted concrete (SCC) considered as a revolution progress in concrete technology due to its ability for flowing through forms, fusion with reinforcement, compact itself by its weight without using vibrators and economic advantages. This research aims to assess the fresh properties of SCC and study their effect on its compressive strength using different grading zones and different fineness modulus (F.M) of fine aggregate. The fineness modulus used in this study was (2.73, 2.82,2.9& 3.12) for different zones of grading (zone I, zone II& marginal zone(between zone I&II)) according to Iraqi standards (I.Q.S No.45/1984).Twelve mixes were prepared, each mix were tested in fresh state with slump, V-Funnel and L-Box tests, t

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