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Concrete strength development by using magnetized water in normal and self-compacted concrete
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Abstract<p>The main objective of this work was to adopt an environmentally friendly technology with enhanced results. The technology of magnetic water (MW) treatment system can be used in concrete mixture production instead of potable water (PW) to improve both workability and strength. Two types of concrete were adopted: normal concreter production with two grades 25 and 35 MPa and the self-compacted concrete (SCC) with 35 MPa grade. The concrete mixes containing MW instead of PW results showed that, for 25 MPa grade, an improvement in a compressive strength of 15.1, 14.8, and 10.2% was achieved for 7, 28, and 90 days, respectively. For 35 MPa grade, an improvement of 13.6, 11.5, and 9.1% was achieved for 7, 28, and 90 days, respectively. The mixture of SCC showed the highest improvement up to 16.2, 15.8, and 12.4% for 7, 28, and 90 days, respectively. The effect of MW is significant for 7 days compared to 28 and 90 days. An increase in the water content to cementitious material presents the more efficiency of MW, while the combined effect of MW and superplasticizer in SCC showed the best improvement with less water content for 35 MPa grade.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 13 2020
Journal Name
Mechanics Of Advanced Materials And Structures
Enhancing the strength of reinforced concrete columns using steel embedded tubes
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This paper demonstrates an experimental and numerical study on the behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) columns with longitudinal steel embedded tubes positioned at the center of the column cross-section. A total of 12 pin-ended square sectional columns of 150 × 150 mm having a total height of 1400 mm were investigated. The considered variables were the steel tube diameters of 29, 58, and 76 mm and the load eccentricity (0, 50, and 150) mm. Accordingly, these columns were divided into three groups (four columns in each group) depending on the load eccentricity (e) to column depth (h) ratio (e/h = 0, 1/3, and 1). For each group, one column was solid (reference), and the other three columns contained steel tubes with hollow rat

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
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Internal curing is a method that has been advised to decrease the primary age cracking, mainly of concrete mixes using low (water to cementitious materials - w/cm) ratios corresponding to the self-compacting concrete-(SCC). This research aims to study the effect of the internal curing using saturated lightweight aggregate- (LWA) on the steel reinforcing corrosion in SCC. In this research, crushed bricks or thermostone were partially replaced by (20%) by the weight of sand and volumetrically measured. The results showed that the steel reinforcement of internally cured concrete showed a slight increase in corrosion up to 300 days of exposure to the saline solution (containing 3.5% NaCl). The ability of using the crushed bricks or thermostone

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
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Internal curing is a method that has been advised to decrease the primary age cracking, mainly of concrete mixes using low (water to cementitious materials - w/cm) ratios corresponding to the self-compacting concrete-(SCC). This research aims to study the effect of the internal curing using saturated lightweight aggregate- (LWA) on the steel reinforcing corrosion in SCC. In this research, crushed bricks or thermostone were partially replaced by (20%) by the weight of sand and volumetrically measured. The results showed that the steel reinforcement of internally cured concrete showed a slight increase in corrosion up to 300 days of exposure to the saline solution (containing 3.5% NaCl). The ability of using the crushed bricks or thermostone

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test to Assess the Effect of Water-Cement Ratio on the Compressive Strength of Concrete
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This study aims to find the effect of water-cement ratio on the compressive strength of concrete by using ultrasonic pulse velocity test (UPVT). Over 230 standard cube specimens were used in this study, with dimensions of 150mm, and concrete cubes were cured in water at 20 °C. Also, the specimens used in the study were made of concrete with varied water-cement ratio contents from 0.48 to 0.59. The specimens were taken from Diyarbakir-Turkey concrete centers and tested at the structure and material science lab, civil engineering, faculty of engineering from Dicle University.  The UPV measurement and compressive strength tests were carried out at the concrete age of 28 days. Their UPV and compressive strength ranged

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Enhancing Performance of Self–Compacting Concrete with Internal Curing Using Thermostone Chips
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This paper is devoted to investigate the effect of internal curing technique on the properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC). In this study, SCC is produced by using silica fume (SF) as partial replacement by weight of cement with percentage of (5%), sand is partially replaced by volume with saturated fine lightweight aggregate (LWA) which is thermostone chips as internal curing material in three percentages of (5%, 10% and 15%) for SCC, two external curing conditions water and air. The experimental work was divided into three parts: in the first part, the workability tests of fresh SCC were conducted. The second part included conducting compressive strength test and modulus of rupture test at ages of (7, 28 and 90). The third part i

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
The Feasibility of Using Micro Silica Sand Powder as Partial Replacement of Cement in Production of Roller Compacted Concrete
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Roller compacted concrete (RCC) is a special type of concrete with zero or even negative slump consistency. In this work, it had aimed to produce an RCC mix suitable for roads paving with minimum cost and better engineering properties so, different RCC mixes had prepared i.e. (M1, M2, M3, and M4) using specified percentages of micro natural silica sand powder (SSP) as partial replacement of (0%, 5%, 10%, and 20%) by weight of sulfate resistant Portland cement. Additionally, M-sand, crushed stone, filler, and water had been used. The results had obtained after 28 days of water curing. The control mix (M1) had satisfied the required f ‘c with accepted results for the other tests. M2 mix with SSP of 5% had

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Importance of New Use of Concrete in Iraq Analysis of Development And Use of Concrete in Architecture
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Since its invention by the Ancient Romans and later developed during the mid-18th century, the concrete structure and finish, has been considered as the most powerful, practical, economic and constructional material that meets the building’s architectural and aesthetical requirements. By creating unique architectural forms, the pioneer architects used concrete widely to shape up their innovative designs and buildings.

The pre-mixed ultra-high performance concrete which manufactured by Lafarge.

The transparent concrete and cement that allow the light beams to pass through them, introduces remarkable well-lit architectural spaces within the same structural criteria. This product is a recyclable, sustainab

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 07 2020
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Compressive Strength and Shrinkage Behavior of Concrete Produced from Portland Limestone Cement with Water Absorption Polymer Balls
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From the sustainability point of view a combination of using water absorption polymer balls in concrete mix produce from Portland limestone cement (IL) is worth to be perceived. Compressive strength and drying shrinkage behavior for the mixes of concrete prepared by Ordinary Portland Cement (O.P.C) and Portland limestone cement (IL) were investigated in this research. Water absorbent polymer balls (WAPB) are innovative module in producing building materials due to the internal curing which eliminates autogenous shrinkage, enhances the strength at early age, improve the durability, give higher compressive strength at early age, and reduce the effect of insufficient external curing. Polymer balls (WAPB) had been used in the mixes of thi

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 11 2021
Journal Name
Earth And Environmental Science
Impact Resistance of Limestone Cement Self Compacting Concrete Reinforced by Locally Available Grids
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Impact strength of self-compacted concrete is a field of interest, mostly when the concrete is produced from sustainable materials. This research's main objective is to clarify the ability to use two types of Portland limestone cement (Karasta and Tasluja) in self compacted concrete under impact loading, further to the economic and environmental benefits of the limestone cement. The impact loading was applied by a low-speed test, using the drop ball on concrete. Moreover, the study reveals the resistance of the grids reinforced concrete to impact loading by using polymer grid, and steel grid reinforced concrete slabs. Mixes reinforced by steel mesh had the highest results, indicating that the steel mesh was more robust because it had

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Influence of Waste Concrete and Glass Recycled on the Strength Properties of Green Reactive Powder Concrete
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These days, the world is facing a global environmental and sustainability problem due to the increasing generation of large amounts of waste through construction and demolition work, which causes a serious problem for the environment. Therefore, this research was conducted to get rid of the waste disposal problems, including old glass and concrete, which were used as recycled fine aggregates. Seven different mixtures were prepared. The first mixture was with the used sand, which is glass sand, and it was adopted as a reference mixture (ORPC), and three mixtures were prepared for each of the recycled materials (waste concrete and glass) and partially replaced by glass sand in different proportions (25, 50, and 75) %. Some

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