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A Space of Fuzzy Orderings

In this paper the chain length of a space of fuzzy orderings is defined, and various properties of this invariant are proved. The structure theorem for spaces of finite chain length is proved. Spaces of Fuzzy Orderings Throughout X = (X,A) denoted a space of fuzzy orderings. That is, A is a fuzzy subgroup of abelian group G of exponent 2. (see [1] (i.e. x 2 = 1,  x  G), and X is a (non empty) fuzzy subset of the character group  (A) = Hom(A,{1,–1}) satisfying: 1. X is a fuzzy closed subset of  (A). 2.  an element e  A such that (e) = – 1    X. 3. X :={a  A\ (a) = 1    X} = 1. 4. If f and g are forms over A and if x  D( f  g) then  y  D( f ) and z  D(g) such that x  D<y, z >. Observe, by 3, that the element e  A whose existence is asserted by 2 is unique. Also, e  1 (since (1) = 1    X). Notice that for a  A, the set X(a):= {  X(a) = 1} is clopen (i.e. both closed and open) in X. Moreover, (a) = – 1  (– a) = 1 holds for any   X (by 2).

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Theory of Vital Space - Theoretical Study of Geopolitical Dimensions, Targets and Means (USA) Case Study

The concept of forming the living space in the American strategic thought has an
important position it is regarded as an strategic movement that it supports the American
United States with the huge capabilities in its own concern that enables it to approach of
American administration , we find that of different historical periods it works to establish that
the geopolitical dimension which is accompanied with the ability of American response for
the evens that in its own turn enables the American united states to seize the growing chances
in the global strategic environment This study includes five chapters :
- Chapter one: The idea of living space.
- Chapter two: Geopolitical dimension of living space theory.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 26 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Numerical Approximation of the Bioheat Equation of Space-Fractional Type Using Shifted Fractional Legendre Polynomials

The aim of this paper is to employ the fractional shifted Legendre polynomials (FSLPs) in the matrix form to approximate the fractional derivatives and find the numerical solutions of the one-dimensional space-fractional bioheat equation (SFBHE). The Caputo formula was utilized to approximate the fractional derivative. The proposed methodology applied for two examples showed its usefulness and efficiency. The numerical results showed that the utilized technique is very efficacious with high accuracy and good convergence.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Nahrain University, College Of Engineering Journal
Planned Reliability Improvement Calculation of Iraqi Super Grid Applying Fuzzy Logic Method

Reliability is an essential measure and important component of all power system planning and operation procedures. It is one of the key design factors when designing complex, critical and expensive systems. This paper presents a fuzzy logic approach for reliability improvement planning purposes. Evaluating the reliability of the complex and large planned Iraqi super grid ;as Al- Khairat generating station with its tie set is intended to be compact to that grid; and determination of the given reliability improvement project are the major goals of the paper. Results show that the Iraqi super grid reliability is improved by 9.64%. In the proposed technique, fuzzy set theory is used to include imprecise indices of different components in normal

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Publication Date
Sat May 30 2020
Journal Name
Desertification Monitoring in the South-West of Iraqi Using Fuzzy Inference System

In this research, the region in the south-west of Iraq is classified using a fuzzy inference system to estimate its desertification degree. Three land cover indices are used which are the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Normalized Multi-Band Drought Index and the top of atmosphere surface temperature to build a fuzzy decision about the desertification degree using eight decision roles. The study covers a temporal period of 38 years, where about every 10 years a sample is elected to verify the desertification status of the region, starting from 1990 to 2018. The results show that the desertification status varied every 10 years, wherein 2000 encountered the highest desertification in the south-west of Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Classification of Iraqi Children According to Their Nutritional Status Using Fuzzy Logic

In this paper, we build a fuzzy classification system for classifying the nutritional status of children under 5 years old in Iraq using the Mamdani method based on input variables such as weight and height to determine the nutritional status of the child. Also, Classifying the nutritional status faces a difficult challenge in the medical field due to uncertainty and ambiguity in the variables and attributes that determine the categories of nutritional status for children, which are relied upon in medical diagnosis to determine the types of malnutrition problems and identify the categories or groups suffering from malnutrition to determine the risks faced by each group or category of children. Malnutrition in children is one of the most

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Fuzzy Control of the Robotic Hands Catching Force Using Muscle Wires Actuator

The aim of this research is controlling the amount of the robotic hand catching force using the artificial muscle wire as an actuator to achieve the desired response of the robotic hand in order to catch different things without destroying or dropping them; where the process is to be similar to that of human hand catching way. The proper selection of the amount of the catching force is achieved through out simulation using the fuzzy control technique. The mechanism of the arrangement of the muscle wires is proposed to achieve good force selections. The results indicate the feasibility of using this proposed technique which mimics human reasoning where as the weight of the caught peace increases, the force increases also with approximatel

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Turbid of Water By Using Fuzzy C- Means and Hard K- Means

In this research two algorithms are applied, the first is Fuzzy C Means (FCM) algorithm and the second is hard K means (HKM) algorithm to know which of them is better than the others these two algorithms are applied on a set of data collected  from the Ministry of Planning on the water turbidity of five areas in Baghdad to know which of these areas are less turbid in clear water to see which months during the year are less turbid in clear water in the specified area.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Implementation of Power System Stabilizer Based on Conventional and Fuzzy Logic Controllers

To damp the low-frequency oscillations which occurred due to the disturbances in the electrical power system, the generators are equipped with Power System Stabilizer (PSS) that provide supplementary feedback stabilizing signals. The low-frequency oscillations in power system are classified as local mode oscillations, intra-area mode oscillation, and interarea mode oscillations. A suitable PSS model was selected considering the low frequencies oscillation in the inter-area mode based on conventional PSS and Fuzzy Logic Controller. Two types of (FIS) Mamdani and suggeno were considered in this paper. The software of the methods was executed using MATLAB R2015a package.



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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
comparing three estimators of fuzzy reliability for one scale parameter rayleigh distribution

Statistical methods and statistical decisions making were used to arrange and analyze the primary data to get norms which are used with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial analysis programs to identify the animals production and poultry units in strategic nutrition channels, also the priorities of food insecurity through the local production and import when there is no capacity for production. The poultry production is one of the most important commodities that satisfy human body protein requirements, also the most important criteria to measure the development and prosperity of nations. The poultry fields of Babylon Governorate are located in Abi Ghareg and Al_Kifil centers according to many criteria or factors such as the popu

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Turbid of Water By Using Fuzzy C- Means and Hard K- Means

In this research two algorithms are applied, the first is Fuzzy C Means (FCM) algorithm and the second is hard K means (HKM) algorithm to know which of them is better than the others these two algorithms are applied on a set of data collected  from the Ministry of Planning on the water turbidity of five areas in Baghdad to know which of these areas are less turbid in clear water to see which months during the year are less turbid in clear water in the specified area.

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