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Comparison Bayes Estimators of Reliability in the Exponential Distribution
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           We produced a study in Estimation for Reliability of the Exponential distribution based on the Bayesian approach. These estimates are derived using Bayesian approaches. In the Bayesian approach, the parameter of the Exponential distribution is assumed to be random variable .we derived bayes estimators of reliability under four types when the prior distribution for the scale parameter of the Exponential distribution is: Inverse Chi-square distribution, Inverted Gamma distribution, improper distribution, Non-informative distribution. And estimators for Reliability is obtained using the well known squared error loss function and weighted squared errors loss function. We used simulation technique, to compare the resultant estimators in terms of their mean squared errors (MSE), mean weighted squared errors (MWSE).Several cases  assumed for the parameter of the exponential distribution for data generating, of different samples sizes (small, medium, and large). The results were obtained by using simulation technique, Programs written using MATLAB-R2008a program were used. In general, Simulation results shown that the resultant estimators in terms of their mean squared errors (MSE) is better than the resultant estimators in terms of their mean weighted squared errors (MWSE).According to the our criteria is the best estimator  that gives the smallest value of MSE or  MWSE .  For example bayes estimation is the best when the prior distribution for the scale parameter is improper and Non-informative distributions  according to the smallest  value  of  MSE  comparative to the values of MWSE  for all samples sizes at some of true value of t and . 


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Dam Height on The Stability of Earth Dam (Case Study: Karolinka Dam)
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The Karolinka earth-fill dam was constructed between 1977 and 1984 on the Stanovnice river above the town of Karolinka in the region of Vsetínsko in Czech Republic. Because of leakage on the downstream dam face due to technological indiscipline when filling dam layers during the dam construction stage, there were some steps to improve state dam safety. The final rehabilitation is to construct the diaphragm walls from self-hardening cement-bentonite suspension along the length of the dam. In addition to connecting the gallery and abutment (2 × 25 m long) by using jet piles. The article presents numerical modeling of safety factor evaluation associated with the state of the dam body and foundation; before, and after seal

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
The industrial design aesthetic and its relationship with the recipient: باسم قاسم الغبان، صلاح نوري الجيلاوي
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The research problem lies in determining the beauty ranges between the receiver and the industrial product, The goal of the research, it is the definition of aesthetics in industrial design and its relation to the receiver, and the researcher outcome several conclusions of the, the most important was: 1. The role of accumulated experience, and their interaction with the vision of the artwork in achieving aesthetic perception and levels of artistic and aesthetic values and by the level of growth this taste of the recipient. 2. There are interactive and close relationship be the primary means for the integration of functional and aesthetic meaning the designer meant to get it to the receiver.


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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection the organizational Ambidexterity on organizational excellence An exploratory study at the Iraqi Cotton Industries Company
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Organizations of various activities strive to excel and continue in light of the challenges they face, so they seek to have leaders and workers in them for the ingenuity that is reflected in their excellence in work and achievement that is achieved through the adoption of the best modern technological technologies to reach Organizations to the best levels and thus achieve their goals easily and successfully.  The research aims are to know the correlation and impact between organizational proficiency and the dimensions of Organizations excellence (leadership excellence, and distinguish subordinates and excellence in organizational structure) at the Cotton Industries Company through the adoption of a unit of measurement which

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 10 2024
Journal Name
Mesopotamian Journal Of Cybersecurity
Development of Robust and Efficient Symmetric Random Keys Model based on the Latin Square Matrix
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Symmetric cryptography forms the backbone of secure data communication and storage by relying on the strength and randomness of cryptographic keys. This increases complexity, enhances cryptographic systems' overall robustness, and is immune to various attacks. The present work proposes a hybrid model based on the Latin square matrix (LSM) and subtractive random number generator (SRNG) algorithms for producing random keys. The hybrid model enhances the security of the cipher key against different attacks and increases the degree of diffusion. Different key lengths can also be generated based on the algorithm without compromising security. It comprises two phases. The first phase generates a seed value that depends on producing a rand

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Evaluation the fermentation capacity of commercial Baker′s yeast and effect of the salt concentration on breadLeavening.: Evaluation the fermentation capacity of commercial Baker′s yeast and effect of the salt concentration on breadLeavening.
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This qualitative study was conducted on eight types of commercial baking yeast which available in local markets to estimate their fermentation activity as affecting the Bread industry and the impact of the salt added to DoughLeavening, The results showed a great variation in the fermentation capacity of yeast samples (their role in swelling the dough), most notably the sample value Y3 and least sample Y7 and reached 80% and 20% respectively, and the value of Leavening by using the two types of yeast with addition of three levels of salt (0 , 1 and 2%) have 20.0 , 19.7 and 15.7 of the sample Y3, compared with 10.5 , 10.3 and 8.8 of the sample Y7 for each of the levels of salt respectively, reflect

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 12 2019
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Viewing television in media convergence era Rites change and practices transformation
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The present article concerns one of the objects of media sociology under construction. The transformation of the rites in the use of the television contents in the era of digital technologies and media convergence. By an analytic contextual approach, based on the study of the uses, we formulate the following hypothesis: so many changes in the rites of uses are real, in particular at the young people, so, many pieces integer of the everyday life remain impervious to these changes, and it is true under the influence of a slowness of the social and cultural orders, rooted for a long time in the traditional social fabric. We shall then try to bring a sociological look to this societal, cultural, and communicational object that is the pas

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Contradiction oppositon al ruwia and al fatwa and his impact in different jurists in personal status and transactions and adomment
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 الحمد لله رب العالمين، وأفضل السلام وأتم التسليم على سيدنا محمد، وعلى آله وصحبه، أجمعين، وعلى من تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين، أما بعد.

 فإن مسألة التعارض بين الرواية، والفتوى، من المسائل المشهورة عند الأصوليين والفقهاء،وهي من مباحث السنة عند الأصوليين، والتي تبنى عليها مسائل متعددة، وهي من أسباب اختلاف الفقهاء، فإذا ما روى أحد الرواة حديثاً معيناً، ثم عمل بخلاف ما روى، فللعل

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 15 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Optimizing the Secure Key Rate of a Single Sequential Quantum Repeater with Two Different Quantum Memories
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Quantum channels enable the achievement of communication tasks inaccessible to their
classical counterparts. The most famous example is the distribution of secret keys. Unfortunately, the rate
of generation of the secret key by direct transmission is fundamentally limited by the distance. This limit
can be overcome by the implementation of a quantum repeater. In order to boost the performance of the
repeater, a quantum repeater based on cut-off with two different types of quantum memories is suggestd,
which reduces the effect of decoherence during the storage of a quantum state.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Antibacterial, Antiheamolytic, and Antioxidant Activities of Laurus nobilis and Alhagi maurorum Native to Iraq.
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Ethanolic crude extracts of leaves from Laurus nobilis and Alhagi maurorumfor were screened for alkaloids, saponins, tannins, anthraquinones, steroids, flavonoids, glycosides, and glucosides contents. Biochemical activities, including antibacterial activity, antioxidant, and antihemolytic activity, were investigated. Antibacterial activity against Three types of pathogenic bacteria was detected by disc diffusion analysis and characterized by zone of inhibition (ZOI). Antioxidant properties were determined by a diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. Results revealed that the inhibitory activity of the plants against G+ve and G-ve bacteria were different, where the greatest ZOI  of  Alhagi maurorum a

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Postoperative Nurses' Interventions for the Patients with Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy at Baghdad Teaching Hospitals
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Objective: The study aimed to assess the postoperative nurses' intervention for the patients with laparoscopic
cholecystectomy and to determine the relationship between Nurses' interventions and their demographic
Methodology: Quantitative design (a descriptive study) was started from 20th November 2012 up to 1st
September 2013. Non-probability (purposive sample) of (50) nurses, who were working in surgical wards, were
selected from Baghdad teaching hospitals (Baghdad Teaching Hospital, Digestives System and Liver Teaching
Hospital, AL-Kindy Teaching Hospital, and AL-Kadhimiyia Teaching Hospita). The data were collected through
the use of a constructed questionnaire, which consisted of two parts; the

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