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Comparison Bayes Estimators of Reliability in the Exponential Distribution
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           We produced a study in Estimation for Reliability of the Exponential distribution based on the Bayesian approach. These estimates are derived using Bayesian approaches. In the Bayesian approach, the parameter of the Exponential distribution is assumed to be random variable .we derived bayes estimators of reliability under four types when the prior distribution for the scale parameter of the Exponential distribution is: Inverse Chi-square distribution, Inverted Gamma distribution, improper distribution, Non-informative distribution. And estimators for Reliability is obtained using the well known squared error loss function and weighted squared errors loss function. We used simulation technique, to compare the resultant estimators in terms of their mean squared errors (MSE), mean weighted squared errors (MWSE).Several cases  assumed for the parameter of the exponential distribution for data generating, of different samples sizes (small, medium, and large). The results were obtained by using simulation technique, Programs written using MATLAB-R2008a program were used. In general, Simulation results shown that the resultant estimators in terms of their mean squared errors (MSE) is better than the resultant estimators in terms of their mean weighted squared errors (MWSE).According to the our criteria is the best estimator  that gives the smallest value of MSE or  MWSE .  For example bayes estimation is the best when the prior distribution for the scale parameter is improper and Non-informative distributions  according to the smallest  value  of  MSE  comparative to the values of MWSE  for all samples sizes at some of true value of t and . 


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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Existence of Fixed Points for Expansive Mappings in Complete Strong Altering JS-metric space
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The paper aims at initiating and exploring the concept of extended metric known as the Strong Altering JS-metric, a stronger version of the Altering JS-metric. The interrelation of Strong Altering JS-metric with the b-metric and dislocated metric has been analyzed and some examples have been provided. Certain theorems on fixed points for expansive self-mappings in the setting of complete Strong Altering JS-metric space have also been discussed.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Simultaneous Ratio Derivative Spectrophotometric Determination of Paracetamol, Caffeine and Ibuprofen in Their Ternary Form
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A new, accurate, precise and economic two spectrophotometric methods for determination of Paracetamol (Par), Ibuprofen (Ibu), and Caffeine (Caf) were suggested. Those methods were the first and second ratio derivative spectrum using a double devisor. Par, Ibu, and Caf showed many useful peaks for their quantified determination. The validity of all analysis modes for determination of the three compounds, peak to baseline, peak area and peak to peak were according to ICH. The linearity of two methods was between 5 µg/ml as a lower concentration and 50 µg/ml as the highest concentration for three compounds. Recovery percentage was around 100% and relative standard deviation was less than 2.6%. The methods were applied successfully in the

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Communicative Values of Visual Suggestion in TV advertising: علاء جاسب عجيل-سارة سالم مهدي
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This research (communicative values of the visual suggestion in TV advertising) presents a precise description for the process of conveying the communicative message through employing the visual suggestion in TV advertisements. This research consists of four chapters. The first chapter includes the research problem which is summarized by the following question: what are the communicative values accomplished in Tv advertisement which produce visual suggestions that raise strangeness and tension in the advertisement?
The research importance lies in benefiting the researchers and scholars in the field of TV advertisement direction and the visual suggestion is one the main ways for building the advertisement. It also benefits the relevan

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Techniques of Acting Performance in Fantasy Theatrical Show: راسل كاظم عوده-ليلى فؤاد فاضل
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     This research deals with the fact that arts exit from their familiar context in practice and enter in the context of the fantasy and exoticism picture. In order to understand the theatrical phenomenon and know the way of its production of the fantasy picture, especially the acting performance in its transitions between the real and fantasy. This study consists of: an introduction of the research in which the researcher presented the research problem, importance and objectives.  

    The theoretical framework dealt with founding a theoretical part for the research consisting of two sections: the first (fantasy: the concept and the working) and the second (techniques of acting perfo

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Basement Kind Effects on Air Temperature of a Solar Chimney in Baghdad - Iraq Weather
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A solar updraft tower power plant (solar tower) is a solar thermal power plant that utilizes a combination of solar

air collector and central updraft tube to generate an induced convective flow which drives pressure staged turbines to generate electricity.


 This paper presents practical results of a prototype of a solar chimney with thermal mass, where the glass surface is replaced by transparence plastic cover. The study focused on chimney's basements kind effect on collected air temperatures. Three basements were used: concrete, black concrete and black pebbles basements. The study was conducted in Baghdad from August to November 2009.

The results show that the best chimney efficiency attaine

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
"Words of threat in Hebrew language- Pragmatic study": ביטויי האיום בלשון העברית (עיון פרגמטי)
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The present study approaches an analytical and deliberative analysis of the words of threat in number of Hebrew language examples through exploring all the reasons and conditions of threat act. Moreover, and because of the difficulty to make a distinction between the two verbs, the study discusses the use of the verbs “to warn and to threat” as one of the most common types verbs used in Hebrew language that implies internal threat. Threat is one of most prominent speech acts that language users resort to as a means to achieve intended threat goals. In Hebrew, it is expressed in different ways and depends on different aspects, including (internal and external context, circumstances in which the threat is made, the
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Historical origins of Hellenistic architecture in ancient North African civilizations: رويدة فيصل موسى النواب
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Hellenistic architecture represents an important example of the reflection of ancient Greek architecture in the art of oriental architecture in the countries of the ancient world, including those states spread across North Africa that were under the authority of the Ptolemies and who were able to transmit those artistic values and traditions of Greek architecture to those regions. The current research deals with a detailed study of those important transformations of civil and religious architecture, as well as the most important features of that architecture through the constituents of location and geographical location.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis
Operative treatment of femoral neck fractures with cannulated screws with and without platelet rich plasma in young adults: A comparative study
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Many studies have evaluated the effect of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in the treatment of non-union fractures but few studies have investigated their effect on the union of femoral neck fractures or their functional outcome in young adults. The aim of this study was to evaluate the union time and functional outcome in young adult patients with femoral neck fracture managed by three cannulated screws injected with PRP and those managed by fixation only. This prospective study included 24 patients diagnosed with femoral neck fractures within 24 hours of presentation. Twelve cases in group A were managed by closed reduction and three cannulated screws fixation injected with PRP; twelve patients in group B were managed only by closed reduction a

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The strategy of applying quality indicators to educational outcomes according to market requirements - a fundamental study
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A research study in which a methodology for quality indicators that can be adopted to evaluate the educational process in educational institutions within a specific strategy helps individuals in charge of educational education to make appropriate decisions based on accurate and properly approved plans to achieve successful outcomes.

These indicators can be used to judge the quality of educational institutions in order to improve, improve and develop them. This study has concluded the necessity of putting quality into actual application in order to benefit from it in evaluating the future action of Iraqi educational institutions.

The external changes brought about by technology and family life have made the

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 10 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Using of digital media and its effect on constructing the value system of Iraqi society (Field study on a sample of the audience for the city of Baghdad model)
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With the great development in the field of the Internet, the talk about the new media and its implications began, And its interactive services have made the future of media material sometimes participating in it and manufacturing it at other times,
the public is seeking information and choosing the appropriate ones, as well as exchanging messages with the sender after what the role of the receiver is just receiving information only.
This study aims to demonstrate the effects of using digital media in various forms and types to construct the value system of Iraqi society through the identification of the following aims:
Identify the most popular digital media for the Iraqi public in their daily lives on the Internet.

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