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International Cooperation in the Face of Internet Crimes
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في بداية الستينيات ظهرت شبكة الإنترنت لاستعمالها في أغراض غير تجارية ، ثم تطورت بشكل مذهل خلال السنوات الأخيرة، فبعد أن كانت مجرد شبكة صغيرة أصبحت الآن تضم ملايين المستخدمين حول العالم ، وتحولت من مجرد شبكة بحث أكاديمي إلى بيئة متكاملة للاستثمار والعمل والإنتاج والإعلام والحصول على المعلومات .

 وفي بداية تأسيس الشبكة لم يكن ثمة اهتمام بمسائل الأمن بقدر ما كان الاهتمام ببنائها وتوسيع نشاطها  إلا أنَّه بعد إتاحة الشبكة للعموم بدأ يظهر على الوجود ما يسمى بالجرائم المعلوماتية على الشبكة أو بواسطتها، وهي جرائم تتميز بحداثة الأسلوب وسرعة التنفيذ وسهولة الإخفاء والقدرة على محو آثارها وتعدد صورها وأشكالها، إضافة إلى اتصافها بالعالمية وعبورها للحدود . وقد صاحب تطور شبكة الإنترنت وانتشارها الواسع والسريع ظهور العديد من المشاكل القانونية ، فظهر على الساحة القانونية مصطلح جديد عرف باسم " الفراغ القانوني لشبكة الإنترنت "، وإزاء ذلك كان لابد من تكاتف جهود الدول من أجل مكافحة هذا النوع المستحدث من الجرائم التي لم تعد تتمركز في دولة معينة ولا توجه إلى مجتمع بعينه بل أصبحت تعبر الحدود لتلحق الضرر بعدة دول ومجتمعات مستغلة التطور الكبير للوسائل التقنية الحديثة في الاتصالات وتعزيز التعاون بين هذه الدول واتخاذ تدابير فعالة للحد منها والقضاء عليها ومعاقبة مرتكبيها .

ولمواجهة الصعوبات التي تواجه التعاون الدولي في مكافحة جرائم الإنترنت كان لا بد من اتخاذ إجراءات سريعة تتمثل في تحديث التشريعات الوطنية المتعلقة بالجرائم المعلوماتية وجرائم الإنترنت وإبرام اتفاقيات      (دولية، إقليمية، ثنائية) لمواجهة القصور في التشريعات والقوانين الحالية ، ومعالجة حالات تنازع القوانين والاختصاص القضائي وتحديث الإجراءات التحقيقية الجنائية بما يتناسب مع التطور الكبير الذي تشهده تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات ، وتأهيل القائمين على أجهزة تنفيذ القانون لتطوير معلوماتهم حول هذا النوع المستحدث من الجرائم

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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The Conceptual Representations of the Jewish Personality in the International Cinema (Munich film as a model)
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This study deals with the intellectual representations whose intellectual systems are incarnated in the Jewish personality, which is considered one of the complex intellectual systems that has caused controversy throughout the ages because of the ambiguity due to the religious and psychological factors that were reflected directly and strongly on the intellectual structure of the Jewish community in general and the Jewish - Zionist personality in particular, in an attempt (to create new dimensions embodied by intellectual representations of a human nature embodied by what that - peaceful - religiously oppressed - psychologically and socially isolated character presents, because of the curse of the peoples of the world that was a cause fo

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
(The role of the Security Council in Managing international crises (The Libyan crisis as a model
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The Security Council has an active role in addressing international crises and dealing with their causes. The Libyan crisis is one of the most important real tests of the Security Council and its role in maintaining international peace and security, as the Council has proven so far an ineffective role in resolving the crisis and dealing withtheir causes, which has prolonged its duration and increased its complexities and dangerous repercussions, perhaps the most prominent of which is the threat of the recently achieved cease-fire and the formation of a new transitional government led by Abdel Hamid al-Dabaiba, the growing significant obstacles facing the political process, foremost of which is the continued presence of foreign forces , m

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Adoption of multi – model Assignment Fuzzy to find Optimizing for the use of internet line in the Ministry of Science and Technlogy
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We have provided in this research model multi assignment  with  fuzzy function goal has been to build programming model is correct Integer Programming fogging  after removing the case from the objective function data and convert it to real data .Pascal triangular graded mean using Pascal way to the center of the triangular.

The data processing to get rid of the case fogging which is surrounded by using an Excel 2007 either model multi assignment  has been used program LNDO to reach the optimal solution, which represents less than what can be from time to accomplish a number of tasks by the number of employees on the specific amount of the Internet, also included a search on some of the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The world'srefugeesbetween the aggravation of the situation and the endeavors of international organizations
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Human witnessed over the centuries many of the important issues faced by the international community was centered on human rights in general and the persecution of refugees, especially according to many forms may be directly or indirectly leaves behind economic crises, social and humanitarian push world countries to rethink the mechanisms and the feasibility of developing agreements and laws and the role of international and regional organizations to protect peoplerefugeestatus.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The International Responsibility for Repelling Boat Refugees
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The maritime borders of the coastal state are the scene of the human tragedies that we are witnessing in the context of the perilous plight of refugees at sea، and the failure to help people at risk by the coastal state will entail international responsibility towards them، and the three international maritime conventions، commitments aimed at coastal states with the duty to provide assistance and rescue to persons in danger of being lost at sea، is without doubt one of the most basic principles established in the law of the sea، in addition to establishing and operating And maintenance of the search and rescue service، and not to expel them and return them to their country of origin or another country.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"The Impact of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) on the Public Budget in Iraq"
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     The aim of the research is to determine the impact of the Iraqi public budget on IPSASs by conducting the questionnaire; the research was based on the hypothesis that "there is an impact of the adoption of the International Accounting Standards in the general budget of Iraq”. The research concluded that the government accounting system closely interferes with the general budget at all stages. The shifting towards the accrual basis is the first element of the reform package towards reaching the reform of the state budget. Without reforming government accounting, it is almost impossible to develop the budget. IPSASs are a recognized reference to the assessment and development of governmen

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Public Health In Practice
Can developing countries face novel coronavirus outbreak alone? The Iraqi situation
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Constructivism Theory in International Relations (Case Study on the War on Terrorism)
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        The topic of the research revolves around constructivist theory, which is one of the most important theories that added weight to the theoretical and epistemological field of international relations. The constructivist theory studies international relations from a completely different side of theories by focusing on the social aspects of international relations, and by looking at international relations as social constructs. Ideas, cultures, norms, standards and language play a major role in their formation. The study also examines the state of the war on terrorism as it represents one of the most international cases in which its composition and composition coincide with constructive ideas and a

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 20 2018
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Internet of Things (IoT) for Automated and Smart Applications
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Internet of Things (IoT) is a recent technology paradigm that creates a global network of machines and devices that are capable of communicating with each other. Security cameras, sensors, vehicles, buildings, and software are examples of devices that can exchange data between each other. IoT is recognized as one of the most important areas of future technologies and is gaining vast recognition in a wide range of applications and fields related to smart homes and cities, military, education, hospitals, homeland security systems, transportation and autonomous connected cars, agriculture, intelligent shopping systems, and other modern technologies. This book explores the most important IoT automated and smart applications to help the reader u

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Genetic--Based Face Retrieval Using Statistical Features
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