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International Cooperation in the Face of Internet Crimes
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في بداية الستينيات ظهرت شبكة الإنترنت لاستعمالها في أغراض غير تجارية ، ثم تطورت بشكل مذهل خلال السنوات الأخيرة، فبعد أن كانت مجرد شبكة صغيرة أصبحت الآن تضم ملايين المستخدمين حول العالم ، وتحولت من مجرد شبكة بحث أكاديمي إلى بيئة متكاملة للاستثمار والعمل والإنتاج والإعلام والحصول على المعلومات .

 وفي بداية تأسيس الشبكة لم يكن ثمة اهتمام بمسائل الأمن بقدر ما كان الاهتمام ببنائها وتوسيع نشاطها  إلا أنَّه بعد إتاحة الشبكة للعموم بدأ يظهر على الوجود ما يسمى بالجرائم المعلوماتية على الشبكة أو بواسطتها، وهي جرائم تتميز بحداثة الأسلوب وسرعة التنفيذ وسهولة الإخفاء والقدرة على محو آثارها وتعدد صورها وأشكالها، إضافة إلى اتصافها بالعالمية وعبورها للحدود . وقد صاحب تطور شبكة الإنترنت وانتشارها الواسع والسريع ظهور العديد من المشاكل القانونية ، فظهر على الساحة القانونية مصطلح جديد عرف باسم " الفراغ القانوني لشبكة الإنترنت "، وإزاء ذلك كان لابد من تكاتف جهود الدول من أجل مكافحة هذا النوع المستحدث من الجرائم التي لم تعد تتمركز في دولة معينة ولا توجه إلى مجتمع بعينه بل أصبحت تعبر الحدود لتلحق الضرر بعدة دول ومجتمعات مستغلة التطور الكبير للوسائل التقنية الحديثة في الاتصالات وتعزيز التعاون بين هذه الدول واتخاذ تدابير فعالة للحد منها والقضاء عليها ومعاقبة مرتكبيها .

ولمواجهة الصعوبات التي تواجه التعاون الدولي في مكافحة جرائم الإنترنت كان لا بد من اتخاذ إجراءات سريعة تتمثل في تحديث التشريعات الوطنية المتعلقة بالجرائم المعلوماتية وجرائم الإنترنت وإبرام اتفاقيات      (دولية، إقليمية، ثنائية) لمواجهة القصور في التشريعات والقوانين الحالية ، ومعالجة حالات تنازع القوانين والاختصاص القضائي وتحديث الإجراءات التحقيقية الجنائية بما يتناسب مع التطور الكبير الذي تشهده تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات ، وتأهيل القائمين على أجهزة تنفيذ القانون لتطوير معلوماتهم حول هذا النوع المستحدث من الجرائم

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Techniques of family guidance in the face of marital and marital problems
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Summary First: The importance of the study and the need for it: The society is composed of an integrated unit of groups and institutions that seek to achieve a specific goal within a system of salary, and the family remains the most influential institutions on the individual and the unity of society, with the roles and responsibilities of the individual and society, and through the continuation and strength of other social organizations derive their ability On the other hand, any break-up in the institution of the family is reflected negatively on the cohesion of society and its interdependence, and the causes of this disintegration vary from society to another, but family problems remain the main factor in obtaining it. Second: Study Ob

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Palestinian Elite's Use on Digital Diplomacy in the Face of the Israeli Narrative
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This study aims to determine the extent to which Palestinian elites use digital diplomacy to confront the Israeli narrative by exploring the motives for usage, patterns, essential digital diplomatic tools, and achieved satisfactions. The study adopted a survey methodology and employed a questionnaire distributed to a sample of 110 Palestinian political and media elites.
The study arrived at several key findings, including: Palestinian elites allocate a substantial (%67) of their efforts towards employing digital diplomacy as a response to the Israeli narrative. The foremost platforms employed for this purpose are Facebook and Twitter. The primary motivation for utilizing these digital platforms is to present

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the legal rules to the reduction of public office Crimes(Search in the Office of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Environment)
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The goal of the research is to diagnose some of the negative phenomena which was discovered through the period from (2010 to 2014) as determined by the national strategy to eliminate the corruption which was set out by the joint council of  the corruption elimination in Iraq. And to measure the gap in applying the legal rules by the administration, concerning the misconducts and felonies upon the state employments made by the state employee and how far they are applied in the studied sample and to show the nature of the rules and their importance and their role when they are applied in scientific and expertise manner. And to encourage the offices of the general supervisors to adhere to them which will lead t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The legal provisions of the continental shelf in international law
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الأحكام القانونية للجرف القاري في القانون الدولي

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Superiority of Peremptory Norms in Public International Law
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International law has proven that it is an evolving and flexible law over the years, and despite that, this development takes a very long time, as the concept of peremptory norms took 83 years to crystallize and have concrete and impactful applications, and within this development another modern concept emerged, which is the obligations Erga Omnes in the Barcelona Traction case 1970. We have concluded that these two concepts fall under a broader concept, which is peremptory norms, and this concept represents the common supreme interests of the international community, and consists of rules that transcend all other rules in international law, and it is not permissible to derogate or deviate from them. On the other hand, it bears the oblig

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Impact of the Rising of China in Restructuring the International System
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It is no secret to everyone that the Arab individual suffers from poor self-awareness and political awareness, which made the state and the importance of its existence and preserving its institutions not among his interests, which made researchers wonder about the possibility of strengthening it and the extent of its impact on the future of building the contemporary Arab state. So, the study attempts to addressing the issue of community awareness and its impact on building the state through a clear intellectual vision that blended what is social and political to define the concept of community awareness and highlight its importance and role as a basic pillar in shaping and building modern Arab countries in the Arab world and ways to enha

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Managing risk and its impact in the face of accidents and work injuries in industrial organizations
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The industrial sector of the important drivers of economic activity sectors due to having the capabilities and the potential to qualify biggest contribution to the economic development of the country, which requires the availability of a higher degree of safety in industrial organizations, and the preservation of the lives of employees and workers in emergency situations, and that all the work is not without its dangers, which produces in a year of uncertainty in the possible events get in the future, therefore, reduce the dangers that could be exposed to industrial organizations and management are at the heart of the strategic direction which works to stimulate thinking about the future and respond to the changes that occur in theextern

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Problematic intervention in the new international order and its impact on international relations - the U.S. role a model
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Intervention in International Relations from the concepts that are still highly
controversial among those he considers a breach of international law and the UN Charter and
in violation of the rule , and those who felt that the need provided, however, that this is linked
motives humanity recognized by the international community , because the international
variables proved the inadequacy of the principle of non-interference and the principle of
sovereignty as the traditional variables international , and therefore most of the international
practice came a bus with many of the behaviors that reflect a decline in its entirety to these
principles , and became adapt these principles with international reality is too compl

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The face of the pressures of life styles to Riyadh parameters and the relationship with some variables
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I noticed a researcher while working in the kindergarten that there is a group of
parameters resort to the use of different methods may be some undesirable and some
undesirable So felt researcher detection methods used parameters Riyadh in the face of the
pressures of life, being engaged in kindergarten eligibility, governmental or being married or
unmarried, as well as educational attainment for this parameter.
To achieve the objectives of the research: -
The researcher prepare a scale methods face the pressures of life of the parameters
have been confirmed the veracity of the paragraphs of the scale of the presentation to a group
of experts in this area, and extracted power discriminatory clauses scale and extra

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The effects of Internet use on university’s students: “A Study on a Sample of Jordanian University’s students "
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The effects of Internet use on university’s students:The effects of Internet use on university’s students:“A Study on a Sample of Jordanian University’s students "This survey aims to identify the most important effects of Internet use on Jordanian public and private universities’ students by monitoring and analyzing a set of indicators that show the quality of the effects on specific fields such as  cultural, social, psychological, moral and political effects .To achieve these goals, the study attempts to answer the following questions:1.   What are the effects of Internet’s use on students?2. What is   the relationship between the effects and demographic variables such as  gender, age, family size an

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