In this research the Empirical Bayes method is used to Estimate the affiliation parameter in the clinical trials and then we compare this with the Moment Estimates for this parameter using Monte Carlo stimulation , we assumed that the distribution of the observation is binomial distribution while the distribution with the unknown random parameters is beta distribution ,finally we conclude that the Empirical bayes method for the random affiliation parameter is efficient using Mean Squares Error (MSE) and for different Sample size .
لقد أدت التطورات العلمية والتقنية وتطبيقاتها العملية في مختلف ميادين الحياة بشكل عام وميدان التربية والتعليم بشكل خاص إلى ظهور تغيرات في البناء التعليمي وطرائق التدريس بصيغتها الحديثة التي تنسجم في مجملها وروح العصر مما دعى المؤسسات التربوية والتعليمية وبإيعاز إلى الباحثين والمهتمين بهذا الميدان الى ضرورة متابعة الاتجاهات الحديثة ونواحي التجديد لمحتوى العملية التعليمية فيما يتعلق بالمجالات المعر
... Show Moreيرمي هذا البحث الى تعرف اثر استراتيجية تعليم الاقران في تصحيح الفهم الخاطئ للمفاهيم الجغرافية لدى طالبات الصف الاول متوسط
Bioindicators have an important role in assessing the quality of water bodies. Aquatic oligocheates, was used as a bioindicator to assess the sediment quality of Al-Hindyia and AL-Abbasyia river (branches of Euphrates River in Iraq). Two sites in each river have been chosen for this purpose, site S1 was located at Al-Hindyia River and S2 at Al-Abbasyia River. Some kinds of biological indices were used in this study, comprising the percentage of oligochaetes in benthic invertebrates, ranged from 20.3-60.16%. While the percentage of Tubificidae within benthic invertebrates was close 43.3-43.9%.Index of pollution D ranged from 0.13-0.21. The maximum percentage of aquatic oligochaetes to insects larvae of family
... Show MoreLiquid electrodes of domperidone maleate (DOMP) imprinted polymer were synthesis based on precipitation polymerization mechanism. The molecularly imprinted (MIP) and non-imprinted (NIP) polymers were synthesized using DOMP as a template. By methyl methacrylate (MMA) as monomer, N,Nmethylenebisacrylamide (NMAA) and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) as cross-linkers and benzoyl peroxide (BP) as an initiator. The molecularly imprinted membranes were synthesis using acetophenone (APH), di-butyl sabacate (DBS), Di octylphthalate (DOPH) and triolyl phosphate (TP)as plasticizers in PVC matrix. The slopes and limit of detection of l
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... Show MoreAddition of bioactive materials such as Titanium oxide (TiO2), and incorporation of bio inert ceramic such as alumina (Al2O3), into polyetheretherketone (PEEK) has been adopted as an effective approach to improve bone-implant interfaces. In this paper, hot pressing technique has been adopted as a production method. This technique gave a homogenous distribution of the additive materials in the proposed composite biomaterial. Different compositions and compounding temperatures have been applied to all samples. Mechanical properties and animal model have been studied in all different production conditions. The results of these new TiO2/Al2O3/PEEK biocomposites with different
... Show Moreتتطلب عملية التنمية الاقتصـادية في الدول النامية مبالغ كبيرة من رؤوس الأمـوال اللازمة لتنفيذ البرامج والخطط الاقتصادية، ولما كانت الاسـتثمارات التي تنفذها هذه الدول خلال حقبة معينة، تزيد على ما تم تحقيقه من موارد مالية محلية، فلابد أنْ يمول الفرق من خلال انسياب صافٍ لرأس المال الأجنبي (قروض ومساعدات) إلى الداخل خلال المدة نفسها، لغـرض سَدّ الفجوة في المـوارد المحلية المعدة للاسـتثمار، وعانت بعض د
... Show MoreResearch is aimed at defining the risks that the sales activity of the General Company for Leather Industries about a special, then diagnose these risks, through a set of indicators, which indicate its existence and try to overcome them, and minimizing the negative effects on those activities.
The research found some conclusions, which emphasizes that the General Company for Leather Industries, suffer from a lack of profit, and a large decrease in sales; a result of absence of demand on its products and rising cost of the expenses to income ratio of, which was reflected in the cost per unit produced. Also the conclusions shown that the number of sales outlets for the company to cover the geographical area is not enough, in spite
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