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Knowledge of marketing and its impact on the performance of the company for the distribution of oil products –an exploratory study of the views of asample in the general company for oil products distribution/ Distribution Authority, Baghdad
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This study seeks to address the impact of marketing knowledge dimensions (product, price, promotion, distribution) on the organizational performance in relation to a number of variables which are (efficiency, effectiveness, market share, customer satisfaction), and seeks to reveal the role of marketing knowledge in organizational performance.

In order to achieve the objective of the study the researcher has adopted a hypothetical model that reflects the logical relationships between the variables of the study. In order to reveal the nature of these relationships, several hypotheses have been presented as tentative solutions and this study seeks to verify the validity of these hypotheses.

For the purpose of application of this study practically on the ground and in order to test its hypotheses Iraq Oil Products Distribution Company has been selected as the study sample and Baghdad Distribution Commission has been used for the questionnaire tool in the collection of data from the field.

The size of the sample included in this study is (53) members of the senior management of the company and the SPSS statistical program has been used for the purpose of conducting statistical processing, and the study have arrived at a number of very important conclusions: -

1-The adoption of marketing of knowledge by the surveyed organization contributes to enhancing the effectiveness of its strategy.

2-The results showed an effective correlation of marketing knowledge in organizational performance and this confirms that the organization of the study sample has sought to achieve excellence in the performance by means of its technical and marketing staff which is able to achieve the desired level of performance.


The Most Prominent Recommendations: -

1- Recognizing the importance of specialization in the field of business, it would be wrong to find many of those responsible for marketing activity holding degrees in such fields as engineering or other disciplines, because there are differences between the field of engineering and the field of marketing so the organization officials should employ people with experience and degree in marketing or make for the lack of marketing knowledge through participating in marketing training courses to improve their performance.

2- Calling on the surveyed company to spread the concept of marketing knowledge among decision makers through conferences, seminars and training programs which aimed at raising awareness of the role played by this knowledge in the process of making strategic effective decisions by the organization, which will be reflected in this knowledge on organizational performance.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change.
Multiple Intelligences and Their Relation to Blood Group Among University Students
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Kufa For Chemical Sciences
Nanogold-Bound Copper Complexes and Their Various Applications: A Review Article
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The term "nano gold," also known as "gold nanoparticles," is commonly used. These particles are extremely small, with a diameter of less than 100 nm, which is only a fraction of the width of a human hair. Due to their tiny size, nano gold particles are often found in a colloidal solution, where they are suspended in a liquid stabilizer. This colloidal gold is essentially another name for nano gold. The main method for producing gold nanoparticles in a colloidal solution is the citrate synthesis technique, which involves combining different solutions to precipitate the gold nanoparticles. In biological systems, copper complexes play a significant role at the active sites of many metalloproteins. These complexes have potential applications in

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
The International Journal Of Biotechnology,
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Mon Jul 01 2019
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The First National Conference On New Perspectives In Interpreting And Translation Studies And Teaching English As A Foreign Language
Promoting Peace by Althusserian and Foucauldian Reading ofLiterature: Sinan Antoon’s I’jaam
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This study seeks to investigate Sinan Antoon’s I’jaam (2004) through applying different theoretical frameworks including those of Althusser (1971) and Foucault (1978). Antoon, considered as one of the most internationally recognized Iraqi writers, wrote this dystopian, war novel in Arabic and translated it to English. Antoon’s emphasis placed on literature acting as an oppositional political voice has, in turn, created its own form of censorship inside the fictional world and outside the actual state censorship during Saadm Hossein reign. Thus, particular political messages within literary texts, like I’jaam, have been received with critical attention. The writing culture in Iraq has established an atmosphere in which literary criti

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Comparison hybrid techniques-based mixed transform using compression and quality metrics
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Image quality plays a vital role in improving and assessing image compression performance. Image compression represents big image data to a new image with a smaller size suitable for storage and transmission. This paper aims to evaluate the implementation of the hybrid techniques-based tensor product mixed transform. Compression and quality metrics such as compression-ratio (CR), rate-distortion (RD), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), and Structural Content (SC) are utilized for evaluating the hybrid techniques. Then, a comparison between techniques is achieved according to these metrics to estimate the best technique. The main contribution is to improve the hybrid techniques. The proposed hybrid techniques are consisting of discrete wavel

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 14 2017
Journal Name
Oriental Journal Of Chemistry
Leucine Aminopeptidase from Arachis hypogaea L. Seeds Partial Purification and Characterization
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Leucine amino peptidases (LAP; EC constitute a diverse set of exopeptidases that catalyze the hydrolysis of leucine residues from the amino-terminal of protein or peptide substrates, (LAP) are present in animals, plants, and microbes. In this study, leucine amino peptidase was purified partial from Arachis hypogaea seeds by using gel filtration chromatography Sephadex G-100. The enzyme was purified 3.965 fold with a recovery of 29.4%. Its pH and temperature optimum were(8.7) and (37oC), respectively. The results show novel properties of LAP from Arachis hypogaea L. or peanut. The Km value for LAP (77 mM), with V max (1538 m mole min-1). We recommend a separate isoenzymeof the enzyme (LAP) from Arachis hypogaea on L. peanut seeds a

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Calculation Mars – Earth distance and Mars orbital elements with Julian date
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In this paper, the Mars orbital elements were calculated. These orbital elements—the major axis, the inclination (i), the longitude of the ascending node (W), the argument of the perigee (w), and the eccentricity (e)—are essential to knowing the size and shape of Mars' orbit. The quick basic program was used to calculate the orbital elements and distance of Mars from the Earth from 25/5/1950 over 10000 days. These were calculated using the empirical formula of Meeus, which depended on the Julian date, which slightly changed for 10000 days; Kepler's equation was solved to find Mars' position and its distance from the Sun. The ecliptic and equatorial coordinates of Mars were calculated. The distance between Mars and the center of the E

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
China's Soft Power and Diplomacy towards Middle East Region after 2011
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The study deals with China's soft power and diplomacy in the Middle East, and it focuses specifically on the tools and foundations of China's soft diplomacy and how it achieves its goals in the region in addition to its challenges in the region. In this regard, the study also focuses on the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and its soft foundations and how they serve China’s diplomacy and soft power in the region. The study ends with a set of conclusions, perhaps the most prominent of which is that diplomacy and soft power have become a fundamental pillar of China's foreign policy to achieve its foreign goals and to establish an international system compatible with China's principles. As for the Middle East, China has established a poli

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Sara and other kid's Agony: - Back to Innocence to Save Iraq
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Sara and other kid's Agony: - Back to Innocence to Save Iraq

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Diagnostic approach to Perimenopausal bleeding by Pipelle or Dilatation and Curettage
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Perimenopausal bleeding, is a very common problem, which is an alarming symptom for both; women and their doctors because of the rising fears of cellular changes or tumor of endometrium. In our study we tried to prove that collecting endometrial samples using the outpatient method of Pipelle is as effective as collecting the endometrial samples in the traditional method of Dilation and Curettage (DandC) in operation theatre which necessitates general anesthesia. Ninety four patients more than 40 years old were included in the study, all of them were complaining of abnormal uterine bleeding (pregnant ladies and ladies using hormonal contraception were excluded from the study) and endometrial samples were collected first in outpatient

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