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(Measuring and analyzing the impact of financial crises on the main source for financing the public budget in Iraq) *
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    Form recurrence of financial crises phenomenon disturbing and attention , and returns the reasons so that its negative effects were sharp and dangerous , because of the nature and cause of Ncaha , threatened political and economic stability of the countries in which they occur these crises , in addition to Machmlh these crises spread of contagion across multiple channels to include other countries many developed and developing , and the reason for this to the openness of the economic and financial witnessed by the countries affected by crises and other countries concerned, the financial crisis is a case of financial turmoil appears in one of the sections of the financial system one and extends to

the regulations and other states within the country of the crisis spreading to other countries, depending on the severity The depth of the crisis. That the Iraqi economy is not in isolation from all these financial crises , the economy is the Iraqi economy is unilateral ( yield ) because of its heavy dependence and increasing returns of crude oil as a source of financing of the public budget

, as it constitutes oil revenues, the largest and most important of the proceeds from general revenues compared to other income in Iraq , as the form of oil revenues accounted for 90 % of the proceeds from general revenues and weak contribution of tax revenue and other income in the outcome of overall revenues , which reflects the extent of the imbalance in the structure of public revenues , and that one of the negative effects of financial crises recession associated with crises , which is reflected clearly on global demand for crude oil , and thus drive up the prices of crude oil , and therefore, the exposure rate this resource economic turmoil will affect the outcome of the oil revenues and the Iraqi economy as a whole makes it vulnerable to these financial crises as a result of the low price of crude oil in the market.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Objectivity of the Liaison in the Iraqi Media Institutions (Al Mada, Azzaman, Al-Sumaria, Aletejah Instituations & Satalite Channels as a Model)
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Objectivity is the common denominator between the qualities and elements of a news story that is described as the mother of journalistic arts. When there is doubt about the authenticity of the information contained in the press, whether readable, audible or visual, it means that there is an imbalance in objectivity. When, furthermore, there is an incorrect and intentional use of words in order to influence readers, it means to move away from objectivity as a necessary element in the success of the media institution; and the success of its editorial material.

But the objective interpretation may take several dimensions to the liaison. For the purpose of grasping the interpretation of objectivity among those liaisons working in the

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Cold Cracking Technology for Crude Oil Upgrading in Qaiyarah Heavy Oil Field; Technical and Economical Evaluation
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Heavy oil is classified as unconventional oil resource because of its difficulty to recover in its natural state, difficulties in transport and difficulties in marketing it. Upgrading solution to the heavy oil has positive impact technically and economically specially when it will be a competitive with conventional oils from the marketing prospective. Developing Qaiyarah heavy oil field was neglected in the last five decades, the main reason was due to the low quality of the crude oil resulted in the high viscosity and density of the crude oil in the field which was and still a major challenge putting them on the major stream line of production in Iraq. The low quality of the crude properties led to lower oil prices in the global markets

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Veterinary Sciences
Detection and pathogenicity of Listeria monocytogenes in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fish in Baghdad, Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 25 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) is a nutritious vegetable that grown all over the world. It is a promising herbal plant, rich in bioactive components. It is considered as medicinal plant due to its nutritional and phytochemical composition, especially high proportion of phenolic compounds. The primary aim of this study was to achieve chemical profile analyses of artichoke for different phytochemcials, especially Scolymoside and Cynaroside. Methanolic crude was extracted from Artichoke leaves by rotary evaporator and separated by column chromatography. The fractions monitored by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), and identified in High-Pressure Liquid Chroma

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 31 2018
Journal Name
Online Journal Of Veterinary Research
Clinical pathology and immuno-histochemistry of mammary tumors from military and pet dogs in Iraq.
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Mammary tumors (CMT) in dogs in Iraq may be induced by carcinogenic war ordnance. In our study, 10 virgin un- spayed military/pet bitches aged 5-15 years presented with abnormal masses in the abdomen with painful oedema, swelling, anorexia, weight loss, weakness and mild fever. Examination of regional lymph nodes and thoracic radiography confirmed metastasis. Tumors were excised and determined to be mostly adenocarcinomas involving multiple glands, solid in texture, 5-15 cm in size, mostly in the inguinal mammary glands at stage T3: >5 cm. Microscopy confirmed presence of adenocarcinoma in 8 dogs and solid carcinoma in 2 with half of tumors being grade III. Tumors had pleomorphic hyperchromatic cell nuclei in stroma, epithelial cells of duc

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science
The Efficacy of 4% Articaine Infiltration Anesthesia in the Extraction of Mandibular Molars: A Randomized Controlled Study
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Introduction: Articaine was developed in 1969, with reported advantages which are increased potency, increased duration of its anesthetic effect and superior diffusion through bony tissue. The effectiveness of using 4% articaine infiltration for extraction of mandibular molar teeth in comparison to 2% lidocaine inferior alveolar nerve block is not settled yet. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using 4% articaine infiltration for extraction of mandibular molars by comparing it to the use of 2% lidocaine inferior alveolar nerve block in terms of success, the volume of local anesthetic agents and the pain experienced during the procedure. Materials and methods: A prospective randomized controlled study included

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 22 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Directing treatment of the concept of cruelty in the Iraqi theater show (Autumn play as a specimen)
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    رافقت القسوة الانسان منذ القدم  وكثيرا ما تم الخلط بينها وبين العنف لشدة التقارب بينهما , وهنا يحاول البحث  ان يفصل بين كلا المفهومين ويتفرد بمفهوم القسوة, الذي سلط عليه الضوء في المسرح لأول مرة على يد الفرنسي(انطوان ارتو)  في محاولة للكشف عن المعالجة الاخراجية التي قدمها المخرج العراقي(صميم حسب الله) لمفهوم القسوة في مسرحيته الموسومة (خريف) ويتضمن البحث نبذه  (مفهوم القسوة في الفكر الانساني) وكذلك (الق

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 19 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
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At present, the ability to promote national economy by adjusting to political, economic, and technological variables is one of the largest challenges faced by organization productivity. This challenge prompts changes in structure and line productivity, given that cash has not been invested. Thus, the management searches for investment opportunities that have achieved the optimum value of the annual increases in total output value of the production line workers in the laboratory. Therefore, the application of dynamic programming model is adopted in this study by addressing the division of investment expenditures to cope with market-dumping policy and to strive non-stop production at work.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Chemical Methodologies
Determination of the Quantity of Losartan Active Ingredient in the Medication Formulations via Turbidimetric-Flow Injection Technique
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Improvement of the blood characteristics of the broiler chickens by addition tryptophan acid supplement levels in ration
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This study were implemented on (60) broiler chick with one day age divided into three equal groups , first one was given basal diet while group two and three given adiet contain 0.01% ,0.02% tryptophan respectively for 7 weeks . The results show that the chicks recevd the tryptophan have asigneficant increasment in hemoglobin concentration, red blood cells count, packed cell volume and increased the level of globuline concentration and lymphocyte % which mean that the addition of tryptophan improve blood picture charactores and the immunity of the broiler chickens and this evident from the good health state and decrease the mortality among birds .

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