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Comparison of Partial Least Squares and Principal Components Methods by Simulation
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The methods of the Principal Components and Partial Least Squares can be regard very important methods  in the regression analysis, where they are used to convert a set of highly correlated variables to a set of new independent variables, known components and those components are be linear and orthogonal independent from each other , the methods are used to reduce dimensions  in regression analysis                                                                            

In this paper , we use Partial Least Squares method with  Non -linear Iterative partial least squares NIPALS(PLS1) algorithm and the principal components method with Singular Value Decomposition(SVD )algorithm  , the simulation experiments are conduct to compare between their methods  assuming that the error is normally  distributed , several combination are supposed in simulation for both sample size, number of observation, dimension, and we find that the partial least squares method is better than the Principal Components method in two case, number of observation is greater than the number of variables(n>p) and the number of variables is greater than the number of observation (p>n).                                       

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Simulation of Longitudinal Stability Of Helicopter In Forward Flight
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The present work describes the development of code for trim and longitudinal stability analysis of a helicopter in forward flight. In general, particular use of these codes can be made for parametric investigation of the effects of the external and internal systems integrated to UH-60 helicopters. A forward flight longitudinal dynamic stability code is also developed in the work to solve the longitudinal part of the whole coupled matrix of equations of motion of a helicopter in forward flight. The coupling is eliminated by linearization. The trim analysis results are used as inputs to the dynamic stability code. The forward flight stability code is applied to UH-60 helicopter.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Speech Signal Compression Using Wavelet And Linear Predictive Coding
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A new algorithm is proposed to compress speech signals using wavelet transform and linear predictive coding. Signal compression based on the concept of selecting a small number of approximation coefficients after they are compressed by the wavelet decomposition (Haar and db4) at a suitable chosen level and ignored details coefficients, and then approximation coefficients are windowed by a rectangular window and fed to the linear predictor. Levinson Durbin algorithm is used to compute LP coefficients, reflection coefficients and predictor error. The compress files contain LP coefficients and previous sample. These files are very small in size compared to the size of the original signals. Compression ratio is calculated from the size of th

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Simulation of an Airlift Pump with Conventional and Modified Air Injection Device
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The effect of air injection device on the performance of airlift pump used for water pumping has been studied numerically and experimentally. An airlift pump of dimensions 42mm diameter and 2200 mm length with conventional and modified air injection device was considered. A modification on conventional injection device (normal air-jacket type) was carried out by changing injection angle from 90  (for conventional) to 22.5  (for modified). Continuity and Navier-Stokes equations in turbulent regime with an appropriate two-phase flow model (VOF) and turbulent model (   ) in two dimensions axisymmetry flow were formulated and solved by using the known package FLUENT version (14.5). The numerical and experimental investiga

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Simulation and Modeling of Detailed Load flow Analysis for the 400kVA and 132kVA Iraqi Grid
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A load flow program is developed using MATLAB and based on the Newton–Raphson method,which shows very fast and efficient rate of convergence as well as computationally the proposed method is very efficient and it requires less computer memory through the use of sparsing method and other methods in programming to accelerate the run speed to be near the real time.
The designed program computes the voltage magnitudes and phase angles at each bus of the network under steady–state operating conditions. It also computes the power flow and power losses for all equipment, including transformers and transmission lines taking into consideration the effects of off–nominal, tap and phase shift transformers, generators, shunt capacitors, sh

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Continuous Classical Boundary Optimal Control of Couple Nonlinear Hyperbolic Boundary Value Problem with Equality and Inequality Constraints
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The paper is concerned with the state and proof of the existence theorem of a unique solution (state vector) of couple nonlinear hyperbolic equations (CNLHEQS) via the Galerkin method (GM) with the Aubin theorem. When the continuous classical boundary control vector (CCBCV) is known, the theorem of existence a CCBOCV with equality and inequality state vector constraints (EIESVC) is stated and proved, the existence theorem of a unique solution of the adjoint couple equations (ADCEQS) associated with the state equations is studied. The Frcéhet derivative derivation of the "Hamiltonian" is obtained. Finally the necessary theorem (necessary conditions "NCs") and the sufficient theorem (sufficient conditions" SCs") for optimality of the stat

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Extremism in religion Causes, effects and treatment
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon His messenger, the mercy of the worlds.
As for after ....
It is clear from the legal texts in the Noble Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, that Islam is a method that interferes in everything in beliefs, worship, behavior and transactions, and it forbids excess and extremism and mistrust of people and looking at them through a black lens, self-conceit and contempt of others.
In our research, we will try, God willing, to study the phenomenon of religious extremism with its comprehensive dimensions, the position of Islam on it through the verses and hadiths discussed by it, and the diagnosis of the reasons for its emergence and emergence, because if we learn

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Modeling and Simulation of Sensorless Speed Control of a Buck Converter Controlled Dc Motor
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This paper investigate a sensorless speed control of a separately excited dc motor fed from a buck type dc-dc converter. The control system is designed in digital technique by using a two dimension look-up table. The performance of the drive system was evaluated by digital simulation using Simulink toolbox of Matlab.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Cytotoxic Activity of CuO NPs Prepared by PLAL Against Liver Cancer (Hep-G2) Cell Line and HdFn Cell Lines
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A simple physical technique was used in this study to create stable and cost-effective copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles from pure copper metal using the pulsed laser ablation technique. The synthesis of crystalline CuO nanoparticles was confirmed by various analytical techniques such as particle concentration measurement using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), the energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) to determine the crystal size and identify of the crystal structure of the prepared particles. The main characteristic diffraction peaks of the three samples were consistent. The corresponding 2θ is also consistent, and the cytotoxicity of the nanoparticles was

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu May 30 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Laplace transform-adomian decomposition approach for solving random partial differential equations
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Market share is a major indication of business success. Understanding the impact of numerous economic factors on market share is critical to a company’s success. In this study, we examine the market shares of two manufacturers in a duopoly economy and present an optimal pricing approach for increasing a company’s market share. We create two numerical models based on ordinary differential equations to investigate market success. The first model takes into account quantity demand and investment in R&D, whereas the second model investigates a more realistic relationship between quantity demand and pricing.

Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Double INEM-transform integral for solving second order partial differential equation
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In this study, a brand-new double transform known as the double INEM transform is introduced. Combined with the definition and essential features of the proposed double transform, new findings on partial derivatives, Heaviside function, are also presented. Additionally, we solve several symmetric applications to show how effective the provided transform is at resolving partial differential equation.

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