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Comparison of Partial Least Squares and Principal Components Methods by Simulation
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The methods of the Principal Components and Partial Least Squares can be regard very important methods  in the regression analysis, where they are used to convert a set of highly correlated variables to a set of new independent variables, known components and those components are be linear and orthogonal independent from each other , the methods are used to reduce dimensions  in regression analysis                                                                            

In this paper , we use Partial Least Squares method with  Non -linear Iterative partial least squares NIPALS(PLS1) algorithm and the principal components method with Singular Value Decomposition(SVD )algorithm  , the simulation experiments are conduct to compare between their methods  assuming that the error is normally  distributed , several combination are supposed in simulation for both sample size, number of observation, dimension, and we find that the partial least squares method is better than the Principal Components method in two case, number of observation is greater than the number of variables(n>p) and the number of variables is greater than the number of observation (p>n).                                       

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 12 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Inverse Kinematics Analysis and Simulation of a 5 DOF Robotic Arm using MATLAB
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Kinematics is the mechanics branch which dealswith the movement of the bodies without taking the force into account. In robots, the forward kinematics and inverse kinematics are important in determining the position and orientation of the end-effector to perform multi-tasks. This paper presented the inverse kinematics analysis for a 5 DOF robotic arm using the robotics toolbox of MATLAB and the Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) parameters were used to represent the links and joints of the robotic arm. A geometric approach was used in the inverse kinematics solution to determine the joints angles of the robotic arm and the path of the robotic arm was divided into successive lines to accomplish the required tasks of the robotic arm.Therefore, this

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Simulation and assessment of water supply network for specified districts at Najaf Governorate
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Abstract<p>This study aims to simulate and assess the hydraulic characteristics and residual chlorine in the water supply network of a selected area in Al-Najaf City using WaterGEMS software. Field and laboratory work were conducted to measure the pressure heads and velocities, and water was sampled from different sites in the network and then tested to estimate chlorine residual. Records and field measurements were utilized to validate WaterGEMS software. Good agreement was obtained between the observed and predicted values of pressure with RMSE range between 0.09–0.17 and 0.08–0.09 for chlorine residual. The results of the analysis of water distribution systems (WDS) during maximum demand </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
One and Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Simulation of a Reach in Al-Gharraf River
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One and two-dimensional hydraulic models simulations are important to specify the hydraulic characteristics of unsteady flow in Al-Gharraf River in order to define the locations that facing problems and suggesting the necessary treatments. The reach in the present study is 58200m long and lies between Kut and Hai Cities. Both numerical models were simulated using HEC-RAS software, 5.0.4, with flow rates ranging from 100 to 350 m3/s. Multi-scenarios of gates openings of Hai Regulator were applied. While the openings of Al-Gharraf Head Regulator were ranged between 60cm to fully opened. The suitable manning roughness for the unsteady state was

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Crossref (8)
Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"The relationship between the profits management and profits quality and their impact on users of accounting information (A comparative study of a sample of banks listed in the Iraqi market for securities)
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The aim of the research is to determine the impact of profit management practices on the quality of profits through the use of flexibility in determining accounting methods and practices profit information is one of the most important information that concerns current users in general and observing users in particular. Some corporations managements manipulate the results of the company's profit or loss (income statement) and financial position statement with multiple reasons, including capital market motivations to raise their share prices in the stock market and attract investors, and on the other hand the motives of funding and borrowing loans, and the use of the flexibility in accounting policies and estimates to change the in

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Complaint's Terms and Methods in Statement of Holy Quran
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This research deals with a unique and innovative topic, that is the study of complaint in the Quranic text. Despite its importance, it has never been studied before, because most of the complaint 's meanings in the Quranic text is: the in explicit complaint. The mentioned complaint's expressions in different contexts overlap with other purposes, in particular call method and its peripherals like mourn , ask for help , exclamation and others.
Moreover, expressions that reveal complaint are related to the complainant's emotional and psychological status, and the complaint's context.
This research deals with the topic into two sections: The first deals with the important expression of complaint such as: iff, ouah, mooing, crying. The

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Methods and Means of public relation in dealing with Bureaucracy
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The importance of Public Relations activity has increased during the last half of the last century as a specialized and modern administrative function in most institutions. It has, moreover, become an integral part of activities of those institutions of various types, due to its pivotal role in building its reputation and drawing a good mental image among its audiences, as well as its influential and basic role in maintaining communication and the communication between its members at its various levels and their job tasks to ensure the greatest amount of understanding and to enhance trust between them. This is why public relations activity has become indispensable in all institutions, and without it, it is difficult to achieve any coordi

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Proposed A Permutation and Substitution Methods of Serpent Block Cipher
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     Block cipher technique is one of cryptography techniques to encrypt data block by block. The Serpent is one of AES candidates. It encrypts a 128-bit block by using 32 rounds of a similar calculation utilizing permutations and substitutions. Since the permutations and substitutions of it are static. Then this paper proposes dynamic methods for permutation, substitution and key generation based on chaotic maps to get more security. The proposed methods are analyzed and the results showed that they were able to exceed the weakness resulting from the use of static permutations and substitutions boxes in the original algorithm and also can reduce number of rounds and time usage compared with a classical Serpent block

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Fri Dec 25 2020
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal For Engineering Sciences
Comparison Sequences of Pick and Place System Controlled Using PLC
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Pick and place system is one of the significant employments of modern robots utilized in industrial environments. The objective of this research is to make a comparison of time sequences by combining multiple axes of sequences. A pick-place system implemented with pneumatic linear double-acting cylinders to applicator in automated systems processes for manufacturing. The challenge of 3-axes movement control was achieved using the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) controller such that the merging between two or three axes was achieved according to the selected sequence of the program. The outcomes show the contrasted sequences and the reference in a constant velocity. The main variable parameter is the number of steps for each sequ

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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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Recently, dental implants have experienced increasing demand as one of the most effective, permanent and stable ways for replacing missing teeth. However, peri-implant diseases that are multispecies plaque-based infections may ultimately lead to implant failure (i.e., late peri-implantitis). Therefore, the present study aims to detect the microbial diversity of subgingival plaque in peri-implantitis cases (N = 30) by comparing with healthy implants (N = 34) using culture-based identification methods, including VITEK 2 system. An increase in microbial diversity (29 species along with 1 and 7 isolates, which were classified as a genus and unidentified species, respectively) were observed in subgingival sites of diseased implants dominated by

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Comparison of Bacterial Contamination between I Phone and Galaxy Devices
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Ninety eight mobile samples, (54) galaxy phone and (44) I phone, were swabbed for bacterial culture determination by culturing on MacConky agar , Blood agar , Mannitol salt agar , Muller Hinton agar .Staphylococcuswas the highest frequent isolated bacteria from Galaxy phone (33%) and I phone (37%). This study revealed that galaxy phone appears less contaminated with bacteria, the ratio of non-contaminated devices is (44%) when compared with I phone (9%). Sensitivity test showed that Ogmintin have the lowest effect on Staphylococcusisolated from both type of devices while cefitriaxone have the highest effect. DNA of isolate from galaxy 31 that exhibit highest resistance against antibiotics was extracted and 16S rRNA gene was polymerized by P

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