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Strategic Risk's Variation as a function of Competitive Intelligence Investment - An applied research on some Iraqi's manufacturing Companies –
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          The main aim of this research has been associated with the study of relationship between competitive intelligence and strategic risk, and to deduct their specific trends, which are interpreted as predicted by research hypotheses according to a review of literature including prior studies. The basic theme  of these hypotheses is related to the probability that declining levels of strategic risk and competitive positions of industrial companies is dependent upon the growing capacity to stay ahead of competitors in the market.

    A purposive non-random sample has selected consisting of (30) thirty Iraqi industrial joint stock companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange along a time horizon lasted (10) years (2003-2012). Variables were measured and analyzed, both financially and statistically, on the level of description and interpretation using the ordinal approach for building a probabilistic transition matrices towards estimating strategic risk levels. Moreover, a number of statistical tools has used for statistical description, interpretation and inference, which are measures of central tendency, dispersion, correlation and regression respectively.       

         The required mathematical analyses on companies' data and the four research's hypotheses have tested and conducted on the sample studied after being classified into three minor ones. Then, it has reached to many conclusions confirm research's hypotheses in their prediction on the ability of competitive intelligence, with the resulting investment returns, to interpret the varying levels of strategic risk. A number of recommendations have proposed initiating the need to monitor the movements of competitors and analyze their responses to customers in a dynamic environment. The research has also proposed a number of future works that may exceed the current determinants or being prepared on other designs as a continuous scientific investigation for studying interrelationships of phenomena.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Solid State Technology
Image Fusion Using A Convolutional Neural Network
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Image Fusion Using A Convolutional Neural Network

Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Application
Forecasting enhancement using a hodrick-prescott filter
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: Sound forecasts are essential elements of planning, especially for dealing with seasonality, sudden changes in demand levels, strikes, large fluctuations in the economy, and price-cutting manoeuvres for competition. Forecasting can help decision maker to manage these problems by identifying which technologies are appropriate for their needs. The proposal forecasting model is utilized to extract the trend and cyclical component individually through developing the Hodrick–Prescott filter technique. Then, the fit models of these two real components are estimated to predict the future behaviour of electricity peak load. Accordingly, the optimal model obtained to fit the periodic component is estimated using spectrum analysis and Fourier mod

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 22 2021
Journal Name
Samarra Journal Of Pure And Applied Science
Toward Constructing a Balanced Intrusion Detection Dataset
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Several Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) have been proposed in the current decade. Most datasets which associate with intrusion detection dataset suffer from an imbalance class problem. This problem limits the performance of classifier for minority classes. This paper has presented a novel class imbalance processing technology for large scale multiclass dataset, referred to as BMCD. Our algorithm is based on adapting the Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE) with multiclass dataset to improve the detection rate of minority classes while ensuring efficiency. In this work we have been combined five individual CICIDS2017 dataset to create one multiclass dataset which contains several types of attacks. To prove the eff

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Proposed Agent System for Network Monitoring
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The traditional centralized network management approach presents severe efficiency and scalability limitations in large scale networks. The process of data collection and analysis typically involves huge transfers of management data to the manager which cause considerable network throughput and bottlenecks at the manager side. All these problems processed using the Agent technology as a solution to distribute the management functionality over the network elements. The proposed system consists of the server agent that is working together with clients agents to monitor the logging (off, on) of the clients computers and which user is working on it. file system watcher mechanism is used to indicate any change in files. The results were presente

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Modified Key Scheduling Algorithm for RC4
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Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4) is an efficient stream cipher that is commonly used in internet protocols. However, there are several flaws in the key scheduling algorithm (KSA) of RC4. The contribution of this paper is to overcome some of these weaknesses by proposing a new version of KSA coined as modified KSA . In the initial state of the array is suggested to contain random values instead of the identity permutation. Moreover, the permutation of the array is modified to depend on the key value itself. The proposed performance is assessed in terms of cipher secrecy, randomness test and time under a set of experiments with variable key size and different plaintext size. The results show that the RC4 with improves the randomness and secrecy with

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 03 2022
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal Of Pure Science
A Pixel Based Method for Image Compression
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The basic solution to overcome difficult issues related to huge size of digital images is to recruited image compression techniques to reduce images size for efficient storage and fast transmission. In this paper, a new scheme of pixel base technique is proposed for grayscale image compression that implicitly utilize hybrid techniques of spatial modelling base technique of minimum residual along with transformed technique of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) that also impels mixed between lossless and lossy techniques to ensure highly performance in terms of compression ratio and quality. The proposed technique has been applied on a set of standard test images and the results obtained are significantly encourage compared with Joint P

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 09 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Cressa cretica Pharmacognosy, and Pharmacology (A review )
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Cressa cretica (Shuwwayl) is a halophytic that belongs to Convolvulaceae, naturally grown in the Middle East including Iraq. Traditionally the plant is used as a paste for sore treatment, also it is used for fever, jaundice, and other illness. Regarding nonclinical use it is used as goat, sheep, and camel feed also as an oil source. Flavonoids including quercetin, kamepferol, apigenin, and their glycosides, phenolic acid as chlorogenic acid, and phytosterols mainly ?–sitosterol were the most important phytochemicals that were detected in this halophyte. Crude ethanolic, methanolic extracts and ethyl acetate fraction of the areal parts were used in clinical studies and demonstrated various effe

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Decisive Answers: A Pragmatic Linguistic Study
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The current research is concerned with studying the decisive answers which are considered quick and conclusive. These answers can effectively interrupt the opponent's argument and close the dialogue.This research is concentrated on deliberative methodology focusing on the decisive answer's activity and ending them through several completing and argument sides. This research consists of an introduction and three parts, the current introduction is focused the light on the concept of decisive answers and its uses in literature and the scarce of speech, and how to consider it with one dialogue description,that dialogue constitute by ? The first part is concerned with those answers through the deliberative methodology and classifying decisive

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Ieee Access
6G Wireless Communications Networks: A Comprehensive Survey
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Aggressive Language in Literature: A Pragmatic Approach
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Aggression is a negative form of an anti-social behavior. It is produced because of a particular reason, desire, want, need, or due to the psychological state of the aggressor. It injures others physically or psychologically. Aggressive behaviors in human interactions cause discomfort and disharmony among interlocutors. The paper aims to identify how aggressive language manifests itself in the data under scrutiny in terms of the pragmatic paradigm. Two British literary works are the data; namely, Look Back in Anger by John Osborne (1956), and The Birthday Party by Harold Pinter (1957). This paper endeavors to answer the question of how aggressive language is represented in literature pragmatically? It is hoped to be significant to

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