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A reflection of the integration of accounting income and economic value added on the decisions of investors
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           The support qualitative information regards as an additional step in the process of decision-making where the method following by companies to provide information help in the creation of value because it is very important to deliver information to investors about their stratigies and what happen truly inside the companies i.e.  every case relating with the expectations of stockhotslder and the prices of markets depending on those expectation ,and if the matter isn’t that there will be lack of confidence thate couldn’t be backed again. The decisions of the investors effected by security ,economic ,political, psychological, emotional ,and financial factors .investores always seek to gain big profits and ,buy and hold stoks by them could gain the highest profits ,and the indicators of the assessment divedided into two main catogarios :the traditional and standard ones depending on the value.

The aim of this study is to shed th light on the concept of economic value added as one aspect of optional disclosure and how to rely on the economic value added as an indicator supporting the financial reporting through its integration with traditional accounting income and making a link between them and the related variables helping to rationalize the decisions of investors .this study has been applied in twenty industrial company listed on the Iraq stock exchange (iex)for the year (2010).the hypotheses of the study have been tested by using the statistical analyses ,where the researcher depended on pearson correlation coefficient to test the degree and the type of the relationship and on the simple and multiple regressions analisis resulting in the following result:

In 2010 the correlation of EVA with (, ROA, EPS AR, ROE, ROI)is weak postitive . where Eva explaining  R2 when the integration of each of the EVA and NI, 41.2% of ROE, 29.1% ROI, 19.4% ROA, 14.3% EPS, 10% AR.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Transient Stability Enhancement and Critical Clearing Time Improvement for Kurdistan Region Network using Fact Configuration
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The Electrical power system has become vast and more complex, so it is subjected to sudden changes in load levels. Stability is an important concept which determines the stable operation of the power system. Transient stability analysis has become one of the significant studies in the power system to ensure the system stability to withstand a considerable disturbance. The effect of temporary occurrence can lead to malfunction of electronic control equipment. The application of flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices in the transmission system have introduced several changes in the power system. These changes have a significant impact on the power system protection, due to differences inline impedance, line curre

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Pragma-linguistic and Socio-pragmatic Transfer among Iraqi Female EFL Learners in Refusing Marriage Proposals
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In the framework of this study, the phenomenon of transfer is probed pragma-linguistically and socio-linguistically concerning marriage situations among Iraqi EFL learners. The study also strives to look at the refusal strategies most commonly employed by Iraqi female English as a foreign Language (EFL) learners compared to their counterparts, American native speakers of English. The study involved 70 female participants who answered a Discourse Completion Task (DCT), which contained ten marriage proposals to be refused. Each situation entailed refusal of a person from a higher, an equal, and lower status. The researchers adapted Beebe, Takahashi, and Uliss Weltz’s (1990) taxonomy of refusal for analyzing the data comprehensively. The

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 04 2023
Journal Name
2nd International Conference Of Mathematics, Applied Sciences, Information And Communication Technology
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic public health challenges in Iraq: Current status and future implications
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Coronavirus diseases 2021 (COVID-19) on going situation in Iraq is characterized in this paper. The pandemic handling by the government and the difficulties of public health measures enforcement in Iraq. Estimation of the COVID-19 data set was performed. Iraq is endangered to the pandemic, like the rest of the world besides sharing borders with hotspot neighbouring country Iran. The government of Iraq launched proactive measures in an attempt to prevent the viral spread. Nevertheless, reports of new cases keep escalating leaving the public health officials racing to take more firm constriction to face the pandemic. The paper bring forth the current COVID-19 scenario in Iraq, the government measures towards the public health challenges, and

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Synthesized pure cobalt oxide nanostructure and doped with yttrium by hydrothermal method for photodetector applications
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In this study, pure Co3O4 nano structure and doping with 4 %, and
6 % of Yttrium is successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method.
The XRD examination, optical, electrical and photo sensing
properties have been studied for pure and doped Co3O4 thin films.
The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis shows that all films are
polycrystalline in nature, having cubic structure.
The optical properties indication that the optical energy gap follows
allowed direct electronic transition calculated using Tauc equation
and it increases for doped Co3O4. The photo sensing properties of
thin films are studied as a function of time at different wavelengths to
find the sensitivity for these lights.
High photo sensitivity dope

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Specification and charateristics manager in general hospitals Asurvey Study in Al-Rusafa Health Directorate Hospitals
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This current study aims to know the characteristics of the doctors’ impact on success “doctors who work as managers specifically”.

The sample contains from (60) doctors work in the three hospitals in Baghdad, The data collected with questionnaire, the main personnel characteristics the desire to work as hospitals managers. The study contains three chapters. The first is to the theoretical, background. The second is methodology and the third is the data analysis and also explains the results and conclusions and the recommendations. Specification and characteristics manager in general hospitals

A survey Study in Al-Rusafa Health Directorate Hospitals

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 17 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Adaptive Control And Signal Processing
Single channel informed signal separation using artificial-stereophonic mixtures and exemplar-guided matrix factor deconvolution
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Publication Date
Tue Jul 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Frame-Based Change Detection Using Histogram and Threshold to Separate Moving Objects from Dynamic Background
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      Detecting and subtracting the Motion objects from backgrounds is one of the most important areas. The development of cameras and their widespread use in most areas of security, surveillance, and others made face this problem. The difficulty of this area is unstable in the classification of the pixels (foreground or background). This paper proposed a suggested background subtraction algorithm based on the histogram. The classification threshold is adaptively calculated according to many tests. The performance of the proposed algorithms was compared with state-of-the-art methods in complex dynamic scenes.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring Service Delivery Orientation For Doctor and patients Perspective Experimental Study in Numan General Hospital
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This research aims to Measurement provide the service from Two perspectives The first perspective Service Provider (doctors) and the second recipient of the service (patients) in Numan General Hospital, and represented the research problem in perceptions of medical staff in the hospital assigned to them responsibility by providing superior services satisfy customers, and how they maintained ready to assist customers and provide services that exceed their perceptions of these services through the use of the developer scale by (Frimpong and Wilson, 2012), includes orientation to provide the service scale four dimensions (Internal cooperative behaviors, service Competence, Service Responsiveness and Enhanced service) and includes do

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Pricing Banking services and its impact in profitability: بحث تطبيقي لعينة من المصارف التجارية الخاصة
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Current study was Based on the variables interact with each other to form a general framework of  the pricing of banking services, and the role of profitability in the banking activity, because profit is the most important goal of commercial banks,  that  included the study United Bank, North Bank and Bank of Baghdad, and the each formation of bank were was collected about the prices (Iraqi dinar and the U.S. dollar) and interest percentages and then revenue (Iraqi Dinars) through banking channels, and each channel service included a group of well-known banking operations.

The study found that the effect of prices, and interest on profitability and clear. There have been a correlation between the rates, and interes

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Moral identity and its relationship to social affiliation among university students Exposed to shock pressure
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The current research aimed to identify the level of moral identity and social affiliation among students exposed to shock pressures, as well as to reveal the relationship between these variables. To achieve these objectives, the researcher adopted the diagnostic tool for the measure of post-traumatic stress disorder (PDS-5) scale (Foa, 2013) translated to Arabic language by (Imran, 2017). The researcher also adopted the moral identity scale built by (Al-Bayati, 2015) and the measure of social affiliation built by (Al-Jashami, 2013), which were applied to a random sample of (200) male and female students chose from al Anbar University. They were exposed to shock pressures. The results of the research showed that the sample has an average

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