The way used to estimate the fuzzy reliability differs according to the nature of the information of failure time which has been dealt in this research.The information of failure times has no probable distribution to explain it , in addition it has fuzzy quality.The research includes fuzzy reliability estimation of three periods ,the first one from 1986 to 2013,the second one from 2013 to 2033 while the third one from 2033 to 2066 .Four failure time have been chosen to identify the membership function of fuzzy trapezoid represented in the pervious years after taking in consideration the estimation of most researchers, proffional geologists and the technician who is incharge of maintaining of Mosul Dam project. By using matlab programme , acpecial programme of research was designed to estimate the fuzzy reliability of last three periods ,according to the results it was found that fuzzy reliability of Al.mosul dam in the recent time reaches to 0.5 approxmatly while the fuzzy reliability of Al.mosul dam after 20 years will reach to 0.1,ie, the danger of actual collapse of the dam will be in 2033 ,So that it is important to build a new dam making sure from chosing a suitable location with respect to soil quilty , geological and clamatic which suround the location , This is to avoid the same mistake which makes us lose 33 years from the hypothetical life time of Mosul dam according to the estimation of the company which build the dam.
أن أزدياد أعداد الطلبة في معظم دول العالم ، والتوسع في التعليم العالي ، أدى الى أستيعاب أعداد كبيرة في المؤسسات التعليمية من حملة الشهادات العليا الماجستير خاصة والدكتوراه ، وأن برامج الدراسات العليا وضعت لأعداد باحثين مختصين في مجالات عدة منها التدريس وما يتطلبه من مهارات مختلفة ، فأن قسماً منهم ليست لديه المعرفة النظرية والتطبيق العملي والمهارات اللازمة لأستخدام طرائق التدريس والتقنيات التربوية أث
... Show MoreThe audit committee has received considerable attention from international institutions and researchers as a result of financial failures and the collapse of major international companies, especially cases of manipulation and misinformation in the financial statements, due to the role played by one of the mechanisms of control of economic entities to increase disclosure and credibility of information published, In overseeing the preparation of financial reports, following up the internal auditing functions, supporting the external auditor and enhancing his independence, and strengthening the shareholders' confidence in the economic entity. The two researchers prepared the applied side of the research by applying a proposed model based on
... Show MoreSupply Chain Management (SCM) attempts to a create a synchronization of the firm’s processes and those of the supplier to match the flow of materials, services, and information with the customer demand. Due to its importance, the SCM has become inevitable to modern companies. Therefore this research work has been conducted to set a theoretical and applied basis to assist the 1 AYAR factory in adopting the Electronic Supply Chain (e-SC). To accomplish that the searchers applied many tools such as: quantitative and qualitative analysis, process analysis, Visual Basic software, Monte Carlo Simulation to simulation the designed supply chain to compare its performance against the actual performance of the current supply chain
... Show MoreThe present study aims to identify the extent to which biology book of sixth grade achieves the basic scientific aspects in light of its scientific objectives. To achieve this goal, the researcher needed to build two questionnaires to evaluate the biology book for sixth-grade. To answer the questions of the study, the researcher used the following statistical methods : the weighted average, and percentages; and to identify the extent to match the perspective of teachers of the material with the perspective of a researcher in each paragraph of the questionnaire as well as the degree of severity of each paragraph in the book neighborhoods sixth-grade has reached Aalbagesh to several of the most important results: 1. All the teachers were w
... Show MoreThis study aims to design unified electronic information system to manage students attendance in Lebanese French university/Erbil, as a system that simplifies the process of entering and counting the students absence, and generate absence reports to expel students who passed the acceptable limit of being absent, and by that we can replace the traditional way of using papers to count absence, with a complete electronically system for managing students attendance, in a way that makes the results accurate and unchangeable by the students.
In order to achieve the study's objectives, we designed an information syst
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... Show Moreالسياسة الروسية في الشرق الاوسط الكبير او (فن اقامة علاقات الصداقة مع كل دول العالم)
لقد أدت التطورات العلمية والتقنية وتطبيقاتها العملية في مختلف ميادين الحياة بشكل عام وميدان التربية والتعليم بشكل خاص إلى ظهور تغيرات في البناء التعليمي وطرائق التدريس بصيغتها الحديثة التي تنسجم في مجملها وروح العصر مما دعى المؤسسات التربوية والتعليمية وبإيعاز إلى الباحثين والمهتمين بهذا الميدان الى ضرورة متابعة الاتجاهات الحديثة ونواحي التجديد لمحتوى العملية التعليمية فيما يتعلق بالمجالات المعر
... Show MorePerformance measures are a central component of management control system, making good planning and control decisions requires information about how different subunits of organizations have performed. To be effective, performance measures (both financial and nonfinancial) must also motivate managers and employees at all levels of organization to strive to achieve organization goals.
To give aclear picture about performance must be used compound measure, that was best than single measure.
Altman model can be used as a compound performance measure that measures the performance by tied a sum of variables, due to make weight for every variable to reach for performance.