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Research includes three axes, the first is the average estimate time of achievement (day) to work oversight, to five supervisory departments in the Office of Financial Supervision Federal and then choose the three control outputs and at the level of each of the five departments above, and after analyzing the data statistically back to us that the distribution of the times of achievement It is the exponential distribution (Exponential Distribution) a parameter (q), and the distribution of normal (Normal Distribution) with two parameters (μ, σ2), and introduced four methods of parameter estimation (q) as well as four modalities parameter to estimate (μ) consistently (σ2), it was estimated average completion time for each of the (q) and (μ), and is considered each random variable has the distribution of initial potential is a function of the average number of sergeants (C), was a comparison between these modalities advantage in the practical side through simulation method using the Monte Carlo method ( Monte Carlo), and a number of users is important statistical measure of the experiences of the average error boxes (MSE) (Mean Square Error), it was in general to reach a good estimate (which has the lowest value of the average error boxes (MSE)) for each type of the three outputs regulatory and the level of all sizes samples (departments subject to regulatory scrutiny PET), and this is the estimated average is the optimum time for the completion of each type of audit reports and the corresponding optimal number of sergeants to accomplish this report.

The second axis of research is planning to set a timetable for the completion of outputs control for the year 2009, as the table's goal is planning the completion of types of audit reports to chapters of the annual plan, and access to the optimum number for the completion of each type of reports as well as the regulatory power optimum (h / Sergeant) in order to be deviation ratios for the completion of the regulatory reporting less as possible by using linear programming, and after the implementation of the models on the program (TORA2006) reached an optimum number to complete the audit reports of various kinds, and each department of supervisory departments, according to the available resources as well as potential regulatory optimum (h / Sergeant) per season .

Finally, the third axis, which included the proposal forms to improve the audit work, the first was (AWP circuits regulatory form for the period from 1/1/2009 until 31/12/2009), and the second (plan and follow up the inputs and outputs of the completion of audit work on the regulatory departments and bodies of the level of form ), which serves as compensation for five types of questionnaires prepared by the Department of Planning and Follow-up in the Office of Financial Supervision.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of the cytotoxic effects of the colchicine compound isolated from the leaves of Calotropis procera (Ait) against MCF-7 and SK-GT-4 cancer cell lines.
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Alkaloids are regarded as important nitrogen-containing chemical compounds that serve as a rich source for discovering and developing new drugs where most plant-origin alkaloids have antiproliferation effects on different kinds of cancers. Alkaloids’ continence of Calotropis procera leaves are detected by two biochemical alkaloid reagents. Also GC-MS analysis for leaf alkaloid extract was done that showed the existence of one type of alkaloid compound at retention time12.8min detected as colchicine (C22H25N06( by comparing it with colchicine standard reference (Sigma Aldrich) with M.wt 399g/mol and percentage area 7.1%. Furthermore, identification, separation, and purification

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
Two Efficient Methods For Solving Non-linear Fourth-Order PDEs
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This paper studies a novel technique based on the use of two effective methods like modified Laplace- variational method (MLVIM) and a new Variational method (MVIM)to solve PDEs with variable coefficients. The current modification for the (MLVIM) is based on coupling of the Variational method (VIM) and Laplace- method (LT). In our proposal there is no need to calculate Lagrange multiplier. We applied Laplace method to the problem .Furthermore, the nonlinear terms for this problem is solved using homotopy method (HPM). Some examples are taken to compare results between two methods and to verify the reliability of our present methods.

Scopus (9)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
B-splines Algorithms for Solving Fredholm Linear Integro-Differential Equations
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Algorithms using the second order of B -splines [B (x)] and the third order of B -splines [B,3(x)] are derived to solve 1' , 2nd and 3rd linear Fredholm integro-differential equations (F1DEs). These new procedures have all the useful properties of B -spline function and can be used comparatively greater computational ease and efficiency.The results of these algorithms are compared with the cubic spline function.Two numerical examples are given for conciliated the results of this method.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
2013 Ieee International Rf And Microwave Conference (rfm)
Differential Evolution algorithm for linear frequency modulation radar signal denoising
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Signal denoising is directly related to sample estimation of received signals, either by estimating the equation parameters for the target reflections or the surrounding noise and clutter accompanying the data of interest. Radar signals recorded using analogue or digital devices are not immune to noise. Random or white noise with no coherency is mainly produced in the form of random electrons, and caused by heat, environment, and stray circuitry loses. These factors influence the output signal voltage, thus creating detectable noise. Differential Evolution (DE) is an effectual, competent, and robust optimisation method used to solve different problems in the engineering and scientific domains, such as in signal processing. This paper looks

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Neuro-Self Tuning Adaptive Controller for Non-Linear Dynamical Systems
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In this paper, a self-tuning adaptive neural controller strategy for unknown nonlinear system is presented. The system considered is described by an unknown NARMA-L2 model and a feedforward neural network is used to learn the model with two stages. The first stage is learned off-line with two configuration serial-parallel model & parallel model to ensure that model output is equal to actual output of the system & to find the jacobain of the system. Which appears to be of critical importance parameter as it is used for the feedback controller and the second stage is learned on-line to modify the weights of the model in order to control the variable parameters that will occur to the system. A back propagation neural network is appl

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
An Assessment of Sagittal Condylar Position of TMJ Dysfunction in Centric Occlusion by Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography
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Background: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a compound articulation formed from the articular surfaces of the temporal bone and the mandibular condyle.CBCT imaging of TMJ is that it allows accurate measurements of the volume and surface of the condyle. The aim of the study is to assess the sagittal position of mandibular condyle in patients with temporomandibulardysfunction using Cone Beam Computed Tomography in centric occlusion. Materials and Methods: CBCT images for all patients were obtained in an upright position using New Tom Giano CBCT with different field of view (11 x 8), (11 x 5), and (8 x 8) and exposure factors was changed accordingly using NNT version 5.1 software for sagittal reconstruction, anterior, superior and posterior

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
the challenges of accounting measurement of intangible assets of create additional value for the company and ways to address them
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   This research seeks to shed light on what you add intangible assets of benefit to the company and this antagonize pause for consideration because it makes the company in a good competitive position stimulates the rest of the companies to acquire those assets.

   That many companies have achieved competitive advantages in the market do not even achieved monopolies increased the value and reaped extraordinary profits as a result of those assets which requires the need to be measured to determine the extent to which contribution in the emergence of the value added to the value of the company on the one hand and to make the presentatio

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Aqueous Extract and Essential Oils of the Leaves of Eucalyptus incrassate on β- Lactam Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
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According to the extraction procedure , Eucalyptus incrassata leave sample yielded 5% and 2% w/w(Based on dry leaves ) of the aqueous extract and essential oils respectively. Disk diffusion method was used to determine the antimicrobial activity of aqueous extract and essential oils of E . incrassata leaves against eight isolates of multidrug- resistant of Staphylococcus aureus ( S. aureus) . It was found that aqueous extract and essential oils have variable antimicrobial activity(the inhibition zone diameter ranged from 7 to 14 mm respectively ) , while essential oils showed more effect than aqueous extract .         It was noticed that values of Minimal Inhibitory Concentration ( MIC )  for

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 19 2024
Journal Name
Job pressures affecting the quality of teachers’ performance at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/University of Baghdad
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The research aimed to prepare a measure of job stressors affecting the quality of teaching performance in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Baghdad, to identify their levels, if any, and the most influential dimensions on the quality of teaching performance within the college’s work environment, as well as the deanship’s ability to help prevent and Alleviating its severity through logical administrative methods, on a scale that includes four dimensions that include (the administrative and financial environment, the organizational environment, the social and humanitarian environment, and the scientific and research environment). The descriptive approach was adopted using the case study met

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect of Ceramic Thickness and Number of Firings on the Color of Two All-Ceramic Systems Measured by Spectrophotometer
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Background: This in vitro study was carried out to evaluate the effects of various veneering dentin ceramic thicknesses and repeated firings on the color of lithium disilicate glass-ceramic (IPS e.max Press) and zirconium-oxide (IPS ZirCAD) all-ceramic systems, measured by clinical spectrophotometers (Easyshade Advance 4.0) . Materials and methods: The 72specimens cube-shaped have the dimension of about 11 mm in width, 14 mm in length, 1mm in thickness, these cores divided into 3 groups according to the type of material each group have (24)core specimens. Each group had been divided into three sub-groups (each having 8 specimens) according to veneering with dentin ceramic thicknesses: as 0.5, 1, or 2 mm (n=8). IPS e.max press and ZirCAD c

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