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The Success Of The Project Management In light of the Learning Organization Characteristics field reserche for the opinion of simple of worker at the State Commission For Road and Bridge

Abstract                                                                                                                                     The business environment witnessing multiple, rapid changes, and organizations work to find techniques , technology and  adoption of concepts which enable it to keep pace with these changes and maintain its survival and growth and continuity, One of these concepts Is   Project   Management.

      The research aim to To ensure the projects management success  are supposed to identify the factors by teste research variables  contribute to it , The  Learning Organization Characteristics in the Success Of The Project Management at the State  Commission For  Road   and  Bridge . In a community the size of (150) individual and total sample size (43) individual.  Proceeding from the problem that has been reflected a number of questions that tries to find the answer ,Premise was planned for the development of research and the formulation of hypotheses and effect link It is the most important of the main hypothesis of the link between learning organization characteristics and the success of Project Management The main effect hypothesis, which states that there is the influence of the characteristics of the learning organization in the success of the project management. For the purpose of obtaining the results of answers researched analysis of the sample, Been using a set of appropriate statistical methods to the nature of the research and its variables, including the percentage table duplicates and the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and Pearson correlation coefficient and simple linear regression.                                              

In the light of the results of the answers to the research sample analysis was reached a set of conclusions and the most important of a correlation and effect relationship of significance for most of the organization properties in the success of the project management and accordingly, the most important recommendations is the need to direct the largest of the characteristics of learning organization to influence the success of the project management attention.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some blood parameters study in albino female mice orally given crude aqueous soy bean (Glycine max) seeds extract

The possible effect of the crude aqueous extract of soy bean seeds on some blood parameters (total count of red blood cells, white blood cell , (total and differential) blood platelates, packed cell volume and concentration of blood hemoglobin) was studied in 20 albino female mice which were allocated in four experimental groups (5 mice/group). The first group was orally treated with distilled water (control group) while the second, third and fourth group were given a concentration of 4%, 6% and 8% of the extract, respectively. At the end of the daily gavaging, which lasted for 4 weeks, the animals were killed, after recording their life body weight, and blood samples were collected from each mice to study the effect

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of College Of Physical Education
تأثير تمارين الهايبوكسيك على جهاز التجديف الارضي (الاركوميتر) في تحمل السرعة والمستوى الرقمي لفعالية 200متر تجديف كاياك للاعبي المنتخب الوطني للشباب

Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تقويم قانون الخدمة الجامعية رقم 23 لسنة 2008 وأثره في تقليل مظاهر الفساد الإداري والمالي: دراسة تحليلية قدية لنصوص القانون وتطبيقاته

This research includes an analytical and critique study for the version of the University Service Law No.23 for the year 2008, containing all its aspects and failure whether in its legislation or its applications.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
مجلة علوم الرياضة في جامعة ديالى
إتخاذ القرار و علاقته بإنماط الشخصية و الإدراك البنائي لدى مدراء منتديات الشباب و الرياضة في محافظات الفرات الأوسط و الجنوبية.

Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch

Two new organotin(IV) complexes Me2Snesc (C1) and Bu2Snesc (C2) have been synthesised from the reaction of the corresponding organotin(IV) chloride with the Schiff base ligand 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde-4-ethylsemicarbazone (H2esc). The ligand was prepared in two steps. The first step includes the formation of 4-ethylsemicarbazide, which then reacted with 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde to give the title ligand. Complex formation between the organotin(IV) moiety and the anionic form of 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehy-4-ethylsemicarbazone occurred through the o-dihydroxy positions. The ligand and its complexes were characterised by elemental analysis, FT-IR and NMR (1H, 13C and 119Sn) spectroscopy. Accordingly, the complexes were proposed to have tetrahedr

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Sat Nov 05 2016
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Applied Sciences, Engineering And Technology
Image Compression Based on Cubic Bezier Interpolation, Wavelet Transform, Polynomial Approximation, Quadtree Coding and High Order Shift Encoding

In this study, an efficient compression system is introduced, it is based on using wavelet transform and two types of 3Dimension (3D) surface representations (i.e., Cubic Bezier Interpolation (CBI)) and 1 st order polynomial approximation. Each one is applied on different scales of the image; CBI is applied on the wide area of the image in order to prune the image components that show large scale variation, while the 1 st order polynomial is applied on the small area of residue component (i.e., after subtracting the cubic Bezier from the image) in order to prune the local smoothing components and getting better compression gain. Then, the produced cubic Bezier surface is subtracted from the image signal to get the residue component. Then, t

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Mosaic art as a cultural decorative aspect and contemporary mosaic re-employment: محمد طلال عبد آل عبد الله
  • Islamic art is applied art that searches for everything that is useful and beneficial and Both are properties of Islamic art. Islamic art has many well-established elements and styles and pictures that distinguish it from the rest of the arts among those elements and methods that were used in the architectural cladding artwork Or mosaic murals and mosaic was known in its first form in Babylon in a primitive style similar to it, but the Muslim artist in the era of the Caliphs made the art of mosaic In mosques and palaces.
    Chapter one: This chapter is concerned with introducing the art of mosaic historically and focusing on it.
    Chapter Two: This chapter deals with contemporary Islamic mosaics, especially in Mecca
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Publication Date
Mon Nov 27 2023
Journal Name
Future Oncology
Plain Language Review: What are Biosimilar Medicines and how Can they be Used to Treat People with Cancer?

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Optical Communications
320 Gbps Free Space Optic Communication System Deploying Ultra Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing and Polarization Mode Division Multiplexing
Abstract<p>This work aims to investigate the integrated ultra-dense wavelength division multiplexing (UDWDM) and polarization division multiplexing (PDM) schemes incorporated in the free space optic (FSO) communication system. Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) are used as post and pre-amplifiers in the proposed UDWDM–PDM–FSO system to boost the transmission power for increasing the distance. Thirty-two channels are transported over the FSO link to realize the total data transmission of 160 and 320 Gbps with 0.08 and 0.1 nm channel spacing, respectively. Results are also reported with non-return to zero modulation schemes. The performance of the proposed UDWDM–PDM–FSO transmission sys</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (7)
Crossref (5)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Sttudy off Facttorrs Associiatted wii tth Chii lldhood Nephrrott iic Syndrrome,, Frrequentt Rellapsiing and IInff rrequentt Rellapsiing Type

n each relapse. Objjec tt iiv es :: To sttudy diifffferentt ffacttors whiich miightt be associiatted or lleadiing tto
tthe occurrence off rellapse iin nephrottiic syndrome
Metthods:: A retrospective study of seventy patients with nephrotic syndrome with age range of 1-14 years, who were diagnosed and treated in Child's Central Teaching Hospital over the period of 1st of January and 1st of July 2008.
The patients were divided into three groups; frequent relapses group, infrequent relapses group and undetermined group. We compared between frequent relapses group and infrequent relapses group in regard to age, sex, type of presentation, biochemical findings which include; total serum protein, serum albumin and renal function test,

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