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"The Effect of Organizational Power Top Management Resources in Building Core Competencies: Analytical Research

The problem of the current research as the Iraqi Drilling Company suffers from the many challenges facing its work as a result of the current conditions in Iraq and the subsequent changes in the policies of the State Which left an impact on its activities and objectives, which created pressure on the importance of an organizational power capable of diagnosing the core competencies and development and maintain them to contribute to the raising and success in the performance of the company. The researchers adopted the method of analytical research and adopted the questionnaire as a main tool in the collection of research data and information . It was distributed to a community of (140) individuals from the low management levels . The questionnaire was dependence (110) from the research community, . The Statistical Package for

Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. The research reached a number of

conclusions, the most important of which proved that the organizational power has a role in building the core competencies, the more the application of the organizational power increased the ability of the top management of the company in developing the competencies . the research also identified a relationship Correlation and influence between the organizational power and the core competencies Of the recommendations was the most important The necessity of adopting a functional strategy as a strategic resource to achieve future benefit and the preparation of special training programs and reward the distinguished cadres and investment of creative human resources and improve the performance of the company in the future.


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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Refractive index sensor based on a solid-core photonic crystal fiber interferometer

Photonic crystal fiber interferometers are widely used for sensing applications. In this work, solid core-Photonic crystal fiber based on Mach-Zehnder modal interferometer for sensing refractive index was presented. The general structure of sensor applied by splicing short lengths of PCF in both sides with conventional single mode fiber (SMF-28). To apply modal interferometer theory; collapsing technique based on fusion splicing used to excite higher order modes (LP01 and LP11). Laser diode (1550 nm) has been used as a pump light source. Where a high sensitive optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) was used to monitor and record the transmitted. The experimental work shows that the interference spectrum of Photonic crystal fiber interferometer

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 13 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Business Management
The role of environmental management accounting information in the design process of environmental and sustainable products

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of environmental management accounting information (EMAI) on the design process of environmental and sustainable products of Iraqi industrial companies. This process has five different sub-processes: research process, analysis process, conceptual design process, detailed design process and design production process. The study uses the quantitative approach as the questionnaire was designed and distributed to 87 quality managers, production managers, design managers and financial managers. The MANOVA analysis shows that EMAI has a positive and significant effect on three of these processes, namely research process, analysis process and detailed design process, while EMAI has an insi

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Outcome of buccal mucosal patch graft in the Management of recurrent hypospadias urethrocutaneous fistula

Background: urethrocutaneous fistula after hypospadias surgery repair is the most common complication and remains a frustrating problem for surgeon and the patient. The problem is exacerbated because the urethrocutaneous fistula may recur which adds more demands surgery. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to evaluate of the use of oral mucosal graft for management of recurrent urethrocutaneous fistula after hypospadias repair. Patients and Methods: twelfth patients with age ranging from 4 year to 15 years were presented with history of recurrent fistula. Most of fistula were located in proximal penile and penoscrotal region (58.3%) . those patients were repaired by using oral mucosal graft with mean postoperative follow up period up t

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 14 2019
Journal Name
Open Access Macedonian Journal Of Medical Sciences
Short Term Effectiveness of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in the Management of Brain Arteriovenous Malformation

AIM: To evaluate the short-term effectiveness of Gamma knife radiosurgery as a modality of treatment of brain arteriovenous malformation. METHODS: Sixty-three patients with arteriovenous brain malformations underwent Gamma knife radiosurgery included in this prospective study between April 2017 and September 2018 with clinical and radiological with MRI follow up was done at three months and six months post-Gamma knife radiosurgery. By the end of the 12th-month post-Gamma knife radiosurgery, the patients were re-evaluated using digital subtraction angiography co-registered with M.R.I. During the 12 months follow up, CT scan or MRI was done at any time if any one of the patients᾽ condition deteriorated or developed signs and s

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Analytical Study of the Content of Social and National Studies Textbooks of the Middle Stage in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Light of the Values of Social Peace

This study aimed to reveal the extent to which the values of social peace are included in the content of social and national studies textbooks of the middle stage in kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To achieve this goal, the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach. The study sample consisted of all developed social and national studies textbooks of the middle stage in kingdom of Saudi Arabia in first and second semester of student books in edition of 1439-1440. The study tool was the analysis card. The study reached the following results: 1-The content of social and national studies textbooks of the middle stage in kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a whole included (38) social peace values of total (40) values, corresponding to the inclusio

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Study of the impact of foreign direct investment in the Iraqi tax system using the factorial analysis: (principal components)

The tax system, like any other system, as a set of elements and parts that complement each other and are interrelated and interact to achieve specific goals, and is a natural  reflection of the economic, social and political conditions prevailing in society, and therefore the objectives of tax policy formulated in line with the objectives of economic policy in general, which means that any change in economic policy clearly affects fiscal policy measures and fiscal policy in particular.

The problem of searching for the impact of foreign direct investment in the Iraqi tax system was focused on the study  the of foreign direct investment and therole played in developing and improving the economic reality and its implicatio

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2018
Journal Name
الجامعة المستنصرية كلية الإدارة و الاقتصاد
The possibility of adoption of hybrid cloud computing in Iraqi universities : an analytical study using technology acceptance model

الناصر، عامر عبد الرزاق عبد المحسن والكبيسي، صلاح الدين عواد كريم. 2018. إمكانية تبني الحوسبة السحابية الهجينة في الجامعات العراقية : دراسة تحليلية باستخدام أنموذج القبول التكنولوجي. مجلة الإدا

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Technology of Education and the Technical Reality of Education in Sudan: Analytical Samples: أسماء محمد الأمين محمد البشير

This study aims to examine the technologies of education and their importance, shedding light on their reality and  status in Sudan especially in the secondary stage. It has become necessary to invest these technologies and include them in different aspects of the technical education curricula. Such a step helps cope with the innovative scientific development in the advanced countries, qualify professors and technicians, develop the factories and workshops, and create an attractive technical educational environment to the pupils. Thus, the researcher has adopted a descriptive analytical approach that is based on conducting pilot visits to certain technical schools in Al-Khartoum state. Different aspects of such schools were examined

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of strategic approach in the effectiveness of small and medium Enterprises in Iraq

The purpose of this research highlight the achievement of the effectiveness of small and medium enterprises dimensions and conformable to analyze the relationship between business strategies and human resources management strategies , and launched search of a dilemma thought provoking fundamental questions revolve around the search is the lack of appropriate strategies in these enterprises to help them continuity and permanence in business and markets , as these enterprises lack the human resources management strategies appropriate , as well as business strategies that make them withstand the changes in the market environment is changing and volatile . It was to

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Utilizing the Main Outfall Drain-Addalmage Lake System for Hydroelectric Power Generation

The basic idea of the Main Outfall Drain, MOD, was to construct a main channel to collect saline drained water of the irrigation projects within central and southern parts of Iraq and discharge it down to the Arabian Gulf. The MOD has a navigation lock structures near Addalmage Lake at station 299.4km. This structure is designed to ensure navigation within the MOD. The water level difference upstream the cross regulator and the downstream conjugation structure is about 9m. This head difference can be used to generate electrical power by constricting a low head power plant. This study aimed to utilize the head difference in navigation lock structures for power generation. Different operation condition an

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