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The Transfer Of Training In Framework Of Supporting The Work Environment Characteristics (Filed Research of The Generals lnspectors Offices)
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The  transfer of  training  process occupies a great importance in achieving the ultimate goal of participating in the training programs , it  is sure that this does not take place without the support of the working environment for trainees,  and The research aims to personification role the work environment characteristics  of supporting the transfer of training.                                    

The research problem is the weakness transfer of training to the work environment in The generals lnspectors offices , and the  research sample included (250) trainees from the staff generals lnspectors offices for 10 Iraqi ministries are:  Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Health, the supreme body for Hajj and Umrah, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Industry, the Sunni Endowment, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Municipalities, Ministry of Science and Technology.

The questionnaire was the main  tool in collecting data and information of the according to ready criteria and standards by using pentagonal liker grade,  as well as structured interviews to training officers in these offices, the  research use statistical program (SPSS) to analysis data , and used several statistical methods such as mean and standard deviation and correlation coefficient for spearman and  simple linear regression equation and test  (T)  and (F) .                                                               And most of the research is findings a relationship of correlation and influence between research variables.  And the research  came to the set of results    Perhaps the most prominent is that the work environment characteristics occupies great importance in promoting the process of transfer of  training in  the generals inspectors offices which requires increased  many attention to support  the trainees after their return to their work places.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
مجلة البحوث التربوية والنفسية
تحليل محتوى كتابي الحاسوب للمرحلة الاعدادية وفقاً للتفكير المنطقي
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يهدف هذا البحث إلى تحليل محتوى كتابي الحاسوب للمرحلة الإعدادية في جمهورية العراق وفقاً للتفكير المنطقي، واتبعت الباحثة منهج البحث الوصفي التحليلي، وتم توظيف أداة تحليل المحتوى، التي صُمِّمت وفقاً للعمليات العقلية المتضمنة في التفكير المنطقي بحسب العالم بياجيه ( Piaget )، واعتماد وحدة الفكرة (الصريحة) في عملية التحليل. تبين من نتائج هذا البحث أنَّ نسبة تضمين مهارات التفكير المنطقي في محتوى كتابي الحاسوب للمرحل

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
discriminate analysis and logistic regression by use partial least square
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   The method binery logistic regression and linear discrimint function of the most important statistical methods used in the classification and prediction when the data of the kind of binery (0,1) you can not use the normal regression therefore resort to binary logistic regression and linear discriminant function in the case of two group in the case of a Multicollinearity problem between the data (the data containing high correlation) It became not possible to use binary logistic regression and linear discriminant function, to solve this problem, we resort to Partial least square regression.

In this, search th

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Economic contributions to small industrial projects (Selected international experiences with special reference to Iraq)
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Most of the studies on this subject, small industrial projects, by researchers and scholars in the economic field show the great and increasing importance of doing this kind of projects, the extent of which can be determined by the contribution of these projects to indicators and macroeconomic and sectorial variables. So this research aims to show the extent of the economic contribution of projects in selected international experiences and in the Iraqi economy. As international experiences have provided the opportunity for the progress and growth of small projects in their economies, which led to an increase in the contribution of these projects in the recruitment of economically active manpower, in added

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
فلسفة دراسة أدارة الموارد البشرية بمنظور استراتيجي*
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with intellectual and philosophical in modern administrative thought. The focus of the target on the identification of the strategic concept of human resource management practices in business organizations. It studied the scientific concept, in terms of how it has been the shift from  personnel management, and to human resources management, and then to HR management strategy. The research has included extensive serious discussions about the nature of the changes, and how to determine the nature and content of the strategic perspective of human resources management in the changing and volatile world of business. It was also the explanation and clarification theoretical philosophies that came in various previous studies, and i

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