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The role of efficiency in the banking performance: An applied research in a sample of Iraqi private banks
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The research stems from the problem that focuses on a number of questions. They are as follows:   What is the extent of interest in the topic of efficiency by the banks and their role in raising the efficiency of the banking business and its development?  Is the banking efficiency used in Iraqi banks clear and specific for the Iraqi banking sector? How the banking sector efficiency is measured and what are the approaches adopted in determining the banking inputs and outputs? What is the level of efficiency in the research sample of the banks and what are the causes of its decline or rise in private banks individually and in the Iraqi banking sector in general?

 The research aims to measure the efficiency of the performance of banks and the distinction between levels, for the purpose of benchmarking comparison, in addition to that analyzing relationship and effect of efficiency on the banking performance for research sample of the banks. Therefore, the research hypotheses were formulated to study and analyze the relationship and effect of efficiency on banking performance of the banks of the research sample. The data envelopment analysis method has been used to extracting the technical efficiency indicators of constant and variable returns volume model, and the use of variable returns volume model to extracting the volume efficiency indicator, in addition to the use of a set of financial indicators of the ratios (profitability, liquidity and solvency) to study banking performance. The research results have showed that seven banks have achieved the full efficiency which are (Baghdad bank, Iraq's commercial bank, Iraqi investment bank, Dar Alsalam for investment bank, Sumer Commercial bank, Mansour Investment bank and the Iraqi Union bank), according to the constant and variable returns volume model, this means that most banks have not reached the best managerial practices through producing the maximum possible amount of outputs as a result of using a certain amount of inputs, i.e., achieving the maximum production possible of production factors

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study of Epiphytic and Epipelic Algae in Al-Dora Site/Tigris River in Bagdad Province- Iraq
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There is a scarcity of data regarding algal flora of Tigris River in the territory of Baghdad. The present study deals with Tigris River in Al-Dora site in Baghdad province from November 2014 to June 2015 in order to shed light on its epiphytic Algae on (Phragmites australis) and epipelic algae. An amount of 183 and 154 species of epiphytic and epipelic algae are identified respectfully. The Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) are the dominant algal group followed by Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae. Moreover, 90 species are shared between two groups of algae (epiphytic and epipelic) and identified at the study site. Additionally, the seasonal variations and diversity of algal species are noticed. The highest number of epiphytic algae is 772.05 x 104

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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Seeds of five cultivars of oats (Avena sativa) were introduced from Italy in 2009. Seeds were propagated on the farm of the Dept. of Field Crops Sci. / Coll. of Agric. / Univ. of Baghdad in the season 2009 – 2010. The cultivars Anatolia, Alguda, Hamel, Pimula and Genzania were planted under 3 irrigation intervals; 3, 4 and 5 weeks to give water depth of 480, 400 and 320 mm, respectively . The depth of water was 80 mm each irrigation. A factorial experiment with RCBD of 4 replicates was conducted in 2 consecutive seasons in 2010 – 2011 and 2011 – 2012. The cultivar Alguda gave highest grain yield (8.07 t/ ha) under 480 mm, and 7.02 t / ha average of 3 water depths. This cultivar was characterized by high growth rate (13.2 g/m2/ d) that

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 15 2018
Journal Name
Experimental Investigation and Performance Simulation of Kit Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Performance difficulties of Sharif Muhiyddin Haider’s musical works among Oud students
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This research focuses on the difficulties that face Oud's students' in the performance of Sharif Muheyddin Haider musical works. In addition, this research suggests solutions to overcome these difficulties for make it easier to play Haider's musical works. This research also addressed important topics of great relevance the title, problem and the research's aims. Moreover, Procedures of this research adopted the descriptive approach (content analysis) to attain the research's aims. Furthermore, results and discussions where covered, and conclusions of the appropriate academic solutions were achieved to overcome the performance difficulties of Haider's musical works among Oud's students'. At the end, the research presents a set of recomme

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mechanical Properties of High Performance Concrete Containing Waste Plastic as Aggregate
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         The world's population growth and the increasing demand for new infrastructure facilities and buildings , present us with the vision of a higher resources consumption, specially in the form of more durable concrete such as High Performance Concrete (HPC) . Moreover , the growth of the world pollution by plastic waste has been tremendous. The aim of this research is to investigate the change in mechanical properties of HPC with added waste plastics in concrete. For this purpose 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% in volume of natural fine aggregate in the HPC mixes were replaced by an equal volume of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) waste , got by shredded PET bottles. The mechanical propert

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Using Artificial intelligence to evaluate skill performance of some karate skills
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Human beings are starting to benefit from the technology revolution that witness in our time. Where most researchers are trying to apply modern sciences in different areas of life to catch up on the benefits of these technologies. The field of artificial intelligence is one of the sciences that simulate the human mind, and its applications have invaded human life. The sports field is one of the areas that artificial intelligence has been introduced. In this paper, artificial intelligence technology Fast-DTW (Fast-Dynamic Time Warping) algorithm was used to assess the skill performance of some karate skills. The results were shown that the percentage of improvement in the skill performance of Mai Geri is 100%.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Characterization Performance of Monocrystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Module Using Experimentally Measured Data
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Solar photovoltaic (PV) system has emerged as one of the most promising technology to generate clean energy. In this work, the performance of monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic module is studied through observing the effect of necessary parameters: solar irradiation and ambient temperature. The single diode model with series resistors is selected to find the characterization of current-voltage (I-V) and power-voltage (P-V) curves by determining the values of five parameters ( ). This model shows a high accuracy in modeling the solar PV module under various weather conditions. The modeling is simulated via using MATLAB/Simulink software. The performance of the selected solar PV module is tested experimentally for differ

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance of 2- Link Robot by utilizing Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller
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The Sliding Mode Control (SMC) has been among powerful control techniques increasingly. Much attention is paid to both theoretical and practical aspects of disciplines due to their distinctive characteristics such as insensitivity to bounded matched uncertainties, reduction of the order of sliding equations of motion, decoupling mechanical systems design. In the current study, two-link robot performance in the Classical SMC is enhanced via Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller (ASMC) despite uncertainty, external disturbance, and coulomb friction. The key idea is abstracted as follows: switching gains are depressed to the low allowable values, resulting in decreased chattering motion and control's efforts of the two-link robo

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Gas sensing performance of Sol-gel grown NiO-doped Cr2O3 nanoparticles
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The sensors based on Nickel oxide doped chromic oxide (NiO: Cr2O3) nanoparticals were fabricated using thick-film screen printing of sol-gel grown powders. The structural, morphological investigations were carried out using XRD, AFM, and FESEM. Furthermore, the gas responsivity were evaluated towards the NH3 and NO2 gas. The NiO0.10: Cr2O3 nanoparticles exhibited excellent response of 95 % at 100oC and better selectivity towards NH3 with low response and recovery time as compared to pure Cr2O3 and can stand as reliable sensor element for NH3 sensor related applications.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation of RIPng, EIGRPv6 and OSPFv3 for Real Time Applications
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In this modern Internet era and the transition to IPv6, routing protocols must adjust to assist this transformation. RIPng, EIGRPv6 and OSPFv3 are the dominant IPv6 IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocols). Selecting the best routing protocol among the available is a critical task, which depends upon the network requirement and performance parameters of different real time applications. The primary motivation of this paper is to estimate the performance of these protocols in real time applications. The evaluation is based on a number of criteria including:  network convergence duration, Http Page Response Time, DB Query Response Time, IPv6 traffic dropped, video packet delay variation and video packet end to end de

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